Colonial education Colonialization is a process that involves one nation or territory taking control over another nation or territory either through use of force or by acquisition It is the policy of a nation seeking to extend or retain its authority over

Colonialization is a process that involves one nation or territory taking control over another nation or territory either through use of force or by acquisition It is the policy of a nation seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people Colonialization is generally done with the aim of either developing or exploiting them to the bene ?t of the colonializing country and helping colonies modernize in terms de ?ned by the colonizers especially in religion economics and health Colonization maybe a state policy or even a private project chartered by associations groups or even individuals Overpopulation economic distress social unrest and religious persecution in the home country may be factors that cause colonization but imperialism more or less aggressive humanitarianism and a desire for adventure or individual improvement are also causes During colonization when the colonizing nation implements its type of education and school on its colonies which is a byproduct of colonization The idea of assimilation became important in colonization it involves the colonized being forced to conform to cultures and traditions It was soon enough after making di ?erent countries their colonies that colonizers realized that having just physical control over the colonies won ? t be enough but having mental control too would be bene ?cial The mental control is implemented through central intellectual location the school system or the ? ideological state apparatus ? In India in the eighteenth century there was generally no education given to girls In a village of about a hundred households there was only one school that too in the open The students sat on mats or cow dung oors and were taught as much religion as their caste admits reading writing and arithmetic and accounts and some rudiments of physical and natural sciences According to R C Mujumdar English education not only changed the education system in India but also brought a lot of western ideas in the country Just like everywhere in the world the colonial Ceducation did bring a change in it ? s political economic religious and moral life Though British did not aim at providing education to the Indian the reforms they brought in the education of India is proved to be a boon to the struggle for freedom This very same education brought every Indian together and instilled a sense of unity among them R K Narayanan was an Indian writer known for his works set in the ?ctional South Indian town of Malgudi He was a leading author of early Indian literature in English Narayan's mentor and friend Graham Greene was instrumental in getting publishers for Narayan ? s ?rst four books including the semi-autobiographical trilogy of Swami and Friends The Bachelor of Arts and The English Teacher The ?ctional town of Malgudi was ?rst introduced in Swami and Friends Narayan ? s The Financial Expert was hailed as one of the most original works of and Sahitya Akademi Award winner The Guide was adapted for ?lm and for Broadway Narayanan ?

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  • Publié le Apv 30, 2022
  • Catégorie Religion
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 29.8kB