Nca guide West Visayas State University COLLEGE OF NURSING La Paz Iloilo City NCA PROCESS GUIDE Group Section Sec C - RLE Group Concept Topic Pre Post Term Infant Date of Presentation November PM Date of Submission January CASE SCENARIO Keriwit a year-old

West Visayas State University COLLEGE OF NURSING La Paz Iloilo City NCA PROCESS GUIDE Group Section Sec C - RLE Group Concept Topic Pre Post Term Infant Date of Presentation November PM Date of Submission January CASE SCENARIO Keriwit a year-old primipara weeks pregnant whom you see in a prenatal clinic She had symptoms of urinary tract infection for the past few days but didn ? t call the clinic because she knew she had an appointment today and thought getting some help for it could wait until she came in Yesterday she noticed some mild abdominal pain and thought it was irritation from the bladder infection During the night she woke up twice because of a nagging backache This morning she has intermittent sharp uterine contractions asking ?? Why did this happen I didn ? t do anything wrong ? Family Assessment Keriwit lives in a -bedroom third oor condominium Works as a secretary for a university president the husband is the driver of the same university president Client Assessment G P weeks pregnant Heart rate at bpm RR BP mmHg Fetal heart rate at beats per minute Reports positive fetal movement Uterine contractions every minutes lasting seconds Intravenous tocolytic therapy with terbutaline ordered PRESENTATION OF M ? S I MEDICAL PROBLEM Anatomy and Physiology Textbook De ?nition Risk Factors Schematic Diagram II MANIFESTATION Signs and Symptoms a Integumentary b Neurologic c Respiratory d Cardiovascular e Gastrointestinal f Genito-urinary g Reproductive h Endocrine i Musculoskeletal j Lymphatic k Hematologic l Psychosocial NCA Sumagaysay I V C Client Assessment Data Base a Activity Rest b Circulation c Elimination d Food Fluid e Pain Discomfort f Respiration g Safety h Teaching Learning Diagnostic Studies III MANAGEMENT Medical Interventions Pharmacologic Interventions Surgical Interventions Nursing Interventions a Dependent b Independent Collaborative Interventions Nursing Priorities Discharge Goals Innovations Evidence Based Research Nursing Care Plan IV AREAS TO BE INTEGRATED Anatomy Physiology Pathophysiology Assessment Developmental Changes in the Lifespan Safety Comfort Reduction of Risk Potential Infection Control Diagnostic Exams Nutrition Pharmacology Bioethics Jurisprudence Delegation Coordination Collaboration Communication Patient Advocacy Transcultural Nursing Key Areas of Nursing Responsibilities V REFERENCES FORMAT LONG SIZED BONDPAPER SPACING FONT SIZE TIMES NEW ROMAN BOUND NCA Sumagaysay I V CNCA Sumagaysay I V C

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  • Publié le Mai 14, 2021
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 30.6kB