Talking as dreaming ogden Int J Psychoanal ?? On talking-as-dreaming THOMAS H OGDEN Laurel Street San Francisco CA USA Final version accepted April Many patients are unable to engage in waking ?? dreaming in the analytic setting in the form of free associ

Int J Psychoanal ?? On talking-as-dreaming THOMAS H OGDEN Laurel Street San Francisco CA USA Final version accepted April Many patients are unable to engage in waking ?? dreaming in the analytic setting in the form of free association or in any other form The author has found that ? talkingas-dreaming ? has served as a form of waking ??dreaming in which such patients have been able to begin to dream formerly undreamable experience Such talking is a loosely structured form of conversation between patient and analyst that is often marked by primary process thinking and apparent non sequiturs Talking-as-dreaming super ?cially appears to be ? unanalytic ? in that it may seem to consist ? merely ? of talking about such topics as books ?lms etymology baseball the taste of chocolate the structure of light and so on When an analysis is ? a going concern ? talking-asdreaming moves unobtrusively into and out of talking about dreaming The author provides two detailed clinical examples of analytic work with patients who had very little capacity to dream in the analytic setting In the ?rst clinical example talking-asdreaming served as a form of thinking and relating in which the patient was able for the ?rst time to dream her own and in a sense her father ? s formerly unthinkable undreamable experience The second clinical example involves the use of talking-asdreaming as an emotional experience in which the formerly ? invisible ? patient was able to begin to dream himself into existence The analyst while engaging with a patient in talking-as-dreaming must remain keenly aware that it is critical that the di ?erence in roles of patient and analyst be a continuously felt presence that the therapeutic goals of analysis be ?rmly held in mind and that the patient be given the opportunity to dream himself into existence as opposed to being dreamt up by the analyst Keywords talking dreaming reverie waking-dreaming undreamable experience undreamt dreams ? Auntie speak to me I ? m frightened because it ? s so dark ? His aunt answered him ? What good would that do You can ? t see me ? ? That doesn ? t matter ? replied the child ? if anyone speaks it gets light ? Freud p fn I take as fundamental to an understanding of psychoanalysis the idea that the analyst must invent psychoanalysis anew with each patient This is achieved in no small measure by means of an ongoing experiment within the terms of the psychoanalytic situation in which patient and analyst create ways of talking to one another that are unique to each analytic pair at a given moment in the analysis In this paper I focus primarily on forms of talking generated by patient and analyst which may at ?rst seem ? unanalytic ? because the patient and analyst are talking about such things as books poems ?lms rules of grammar etymology the speed of light the taste of chocolate and so on Despite appearances

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  • Publié le Jul 04, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 94.1kB