Hawza guide A Beginner's Guide to Hawza Studies By the Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project at al-islam org CContents Hawza Centres The Lingua Franca at Hawzas Hawza Subjects Mantiq Logic Usul al-Fiqh Principles of Jurisprudence Fiqh Jurisprudence T
A Beginner's Guide to Hawza Studies By the Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project at al-islam org CContents Hawza Centres The Lingua Franca at Hawzas Hawza Subjects Mantiq Logic Usul al-Fiqh Principles of Jurisprudence Fiqh Jurisprudence Tafsir al-Qur'an Qur'an Exegesis 'Ulum al-Qur'an Qur'an Sciences 'Ilm al-Hadith The Study of Traditions 'Ilm ar- Rijal Science of Narrators Tarikh History Aqaid Theology Lugha Language Studies Falsafa Islamic Philosophy 'Irfan Islamic Mysticism What Next CHawza Centres One of the greatest Shi'ah scholars to have lived was Shaykh al-Tusi AH CE ?? AH CE He established the Hawza 'Ilmiyya in Najaf Iraq which remained the main centre of learning for the Shi'ahs for over years until its decline in the last century With the decline of Najaf the city of Qum Iran rose to prominence and remains to date as the primary centre of traditional Islamic learning for Shi'ahs today The Lingua Franca at Hawzas With the shift of the primary Hawzas from Najaf to Qum the in uence of Iran was inevitable As a result there now are an equal if not more number of Shi'ah Islamic resources produced in Persian Farsi as there are in Arabic although the original sources Qur'an and Hadith continue to be preserved and studied in Arabic On this site you will ?nd Hawza lectures in both Arabic and Farsi presented by some of the leading scholars in Qum today We have also provided some material in English and will continue to add more lectures as we acquire them Hawza Subjects Most of the traditional subjects taught at a Hawza are interconnected and they supplement each other For example one who strives to specialize in Jurisprudence ?qh must also study other sciences in depth such as the Principles of Jurisprudence Usul al-Fiqh Arabic language and grammar the Sciences of the Qur'an 'Ulum al-Qur'an Hadith Islamic History Tarikh Theology Aqaid Qur'an Exegesis Tafsir Logic Mantiq and so on Whilst some may study at a Hawza for decades and devote their entire lives to the study and teaching of traditional Islamic sciences others study for as little as - years at a Hawza and thereafter return to their hometowns sometimes as a full-time Islamic missionary muballigh whilst continuing to study on their own Another common practice in recent years is for young men and women to take - month crash courses at Hawzas in Iran especially over their summer holidays The need for individuals who are well-rounded in all sciences is also being realized and so Hawzas today are also introducing secular subjects into their curriculum such as human psychology sociology current a ?airs political science English language studies geography comparative religions world religions western philosophy and so forth CThis Hawza Studies section however is dedicated to the more traditional subjects only especially since they are not readily available elsewhere The traditional subjects taught at a Hawza may be divided into the following Mantiq Logic Usul al-Fiqh Principles of Jurisprudence Fiqh Jurisprudence Tafsir al-Qur'an Qur'an Exegesis 'Ulum al-Qur'an Qur'an Sciences
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- Publié le Jul 10, 2021
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 50.9kB