Psy1efp subject learning guide

Faculty of Science Technology and Engineering Psychological Science Experimental Foundations of Psychological Science PSY EFP Subject Learning Guide Semester Albury-Wodonga Bendigo Melbourne Bundoora Mildura Shepparton Subject Coordinator Prof Simon Crowe Assistant Coordinators Dr Bonnie Alexander Jane Bowden-Dodd Important This Handbook must be read in conjunction with the Undergraduate Student Handbook of the School of Psychological Science CTable of Contents SUBJECT DETAILS GENERAL DETAILS ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS STAFF CONTACTS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES SILOS FACULTY GRADUATE CAPABILITIES AND ESSENTIALS LEARNING ACTIVITIES SUMMARY ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY STUDENT FEEDBACK ON SUBJECT SURVEY SUMMARY OF SFS FEEDBACK FROM LAST YEAR SCHEDULE OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES A SESSION PLAN TIMETABLE B LEARNING ACTIVITY DETAILS LECTURES TUTORIAL CLASSES C LEARNING RESOURCES LECTURE OUTLINES BRAIN-BEHAVIOUR RELATIONSHIPS LEARNING MEMORY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES PERCEPTION COGNITION LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK DETAILS SPECIFIC ESSAY TOPICS SUBMISSION OF WORK SUBMISSION OF ALL WORK USING TURNITIN LEARNING SUPPORT STUDENT LEARNING LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LMS LIBRARY RECOMMENDED TEXTS STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Subject Learning Guide ?? PSY EFP Faculty of Science Technology and Engineering Page of CPOLICIES PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PLAGIARISM SPECIAL CONSIDERATION EXTENSIONS LATE SUBMISSIONS AND PENALTIES RULES ATTENDANCE PENALTIES FOR LATE SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS Subject Learning Guide ?? PSY EFP Faculty of Science Technology and Engineering Page of CSubject Details GENERAL DETAILS Subject Code PSY EFP Teaching Period Credit Points ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites Subject Title Location s Mode Experimental Foundations of Psychological Science Albury-Wodonga Bendigo Melbourne Bundoora Mildura and Shepparton Day Level Undergraduate None STAFF CONTACTS Subject Coordinator Prof Simon Crowe Email s crowe latrobe edu au Tel Location Room George Singer Building Melbourne Bundoora Campus Assistant Coordinators Dr Bonnie Alexander and Jane Bowden-Dodd Email PSY EFP latrobe edu au Tel Location Room Biological Sciences Melbourne Bundoora Campus Local Campus Contact ?? Albury-Wodonga Dr Sharon Hanna Email sharon hanna latrobe edu au Tel Location Room Building Albury-Wodonga Campus Local Campus Contact - Bendigo Loretta Giummarra Email l giummarra latrobe edu au Tel Location AS Room Bendigo Mildura and Shepparton Students Contact your Tutor for Assistance SUBJECT DESCRIPTION One of the most exciting things about studying psychology is that it is both a discipline like mathematics or geography and a practice like law or medicine In this subject we will explore a number of core experimental approaches and ?ndings in psychology which will orient the student to the science of the discipline We will focus on how your brain works in creating your behaviour how brain and behaviour change across the lifespan how and why you are di ?erent from other people how you sense the world and how you process and understand the information that arises from your senses SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES SILOS Upon successful completion of this subject you should be able to identify and use appropriate information sources to support a written argument use empirical evidence in teams to prepare and orally present a persuasive argument in teams on a prescribed topic in Psychology critically analyse research to de ?ne the key terms and issues

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