Costa l the kanamari body owner predation and feeding in western amazonia

Journal de la société des américanistes - tome n The Kanamari Body-Owner Predation and Feeding in Western Amazonia Luiz Costa Electronic version URL http journals openedition org jsa DOI jsa ISSN - Publisher Société des américanistes Printed version Date of publication June Number of pages - ISSN - Electronic reference Luiz Costa The Kanamari Body- Owner Predation and Feeding in Western Amazonia ? Journal de la société des américanistes Online - Online since December connection on April URL http journals openedition org jsa DOI jsa ? Société des Américanistes CTHE KANAMARI BODY-OWNER PREDATION AND FEEDING IN WESTERN AMAZONIA LuizCOSTA This article is an ethnography of the Kanamari concept of - raralz a word that simultaneously means living body ? owncr ?and chief ? lt ai ms to establish the relat ionship bctween these meanings through a focus on the replication of the -ll'arali at di ?erent scalcs from the body of individual pcrsons through the village chief into the chief of a river basin lt is argued that each of these positions implies the capacity to familiarize its inverse through acts of feeding In this way and respectively the soul co-resident villagers and the people of a subgroup a re made into component parts of their - rara i in a process that is analogons to acts of familiarization that have been described for other parts of Amazonia Key words Kanamari Western Amazonia prcdation familiarization body Le co ps- ailre kanmnari Prédation et alimentation en Amazonie occide tale Cet article propose une description ethnographique du concept kanamari de - rara z qui signi ?e simultanément corps vivant ? ma? tre ? et chef ? Nous tentons d'établir ici une relation entre les di ?érentes acceptions de ce terme en montrant que le concept ne fait que se répliquer à di ?érentes échelles celle du corps des ind ividus celle des chefs de village et jusqu'à celle des chefs d'un bassin hydrographique Chacune de ces p ositions implique la capacité ? familiariser son contraire à travers l'alimentation Ainsi l'? me les co-résidents et les membres d'un sous-groupe sont intégrés à leur - rara i respectif selon un processus analogue à celui des actes de familiarisation déjà décrits dans d'autres sociétés amazon iennes Mots-clés Kanamari Amazonie occidentale prédation familiarisation corps co -do kanmnari Predaçiio e ali entaçiio na A azô ia ocidental Este artigo é uma etnogra ?a do conceito kanamari de -ll'arali que signi ?ca simultaneamentc corpo vivo ? douo ? e chefe ? Busco estabelecer a relaçào entre estes signi ?cados a través de um foco na replicaçào do - rara i cm diferentes escalas do corpo de pcssoas individuais passando pelos chefes de aldeia ao chefc de uma bacia hidrogra ?ca ? Associate Profcssor al the lnstituto de Filosolla e Ciências Sociais da Universidacle l eclernl do Rio de Janeiro Largo de Sào Francisco Sala - Rio de Janeiro R J Brazil luizcosta O gmail com Journal de la Société des Américanistes - pp - ? Société des Américanistes

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