Fl 663 frenchreviewarticle

Running Head FL FRENCH REVIEW ARTICLE FL French Review Article Rebekah Diser University of Southern Mississippi CFL FRENCH REVIEW ARTICLE FL French Review Article In ??L ? Intégration des emprunts à l ? angliche dans les dictionnaires ? Saugera examines the integration of English in the French language While she notes that the French have also borrowed from languages other than English Italian Russian etc she does not examine their prevalence or impact on the French language In her study of English loan words she examines three dictionaries le Nouveau Petit Robert le Dictionnaire de franglais and le Dictionnaire des angicismes Saugera classi ?es the loanwords di ?erently She claims that the loanwords are natural and necessary when they uniquely re ect the culture from which they were loaned such as cricket and cow-boy Since a French cultural equivalent does not exist the loan word remains undisputed Other times the loanword is used for a new technological advance She claims that these loanwords can be valuable until a French alternative can be created Then there are other loanwords that Saugera claims are unnecessary because a French alternative already exists Each of the publications treat the loan words di ?erently In le Nouveau Petit Robert if a loanword is listed and a French alternative exists le Nouveau Petit Robert lists the existing French alternative in place of a de ?nition for the loanword and gives the de ?nition where the French word is listed Le Nouveau Petit Robert includes a list of loanwords at the beginning of the dictionary Le Nouveau Petit Robert aims to describe the language as used by the French people In Dictionnaire de franglais the claim is made that the loanwords exist to ?ll a weakness in French The Dictionnaire de franglais only contains loanwords Saugera points out that the entries were most likely not based upon frequency when she gives the examples of homespun and uppercut The third source consulted for the study le Dictionnaire des anglicismes is much more comprehensive with English loanwords listed Some of the entries contained therein are noted as obsolete or uncommon by Saugera CFL FRENCH REVIEW ARTICLE Saugera concludes that the French originally adopt an English loanword then as a French equivalent becomes available the English loanword becomes obsolete Because of this she claims that the French are not in danger of losing their language and they should stop the war against English loanwords It is interesting to consider this article through the lens of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis While the more severe version of this hypothesis language determinism has been shown to be false the less severe version of this hypothesis language relativism still has validity It is this form that is relevant to this study Certain loanwords do not have a cultural equivalent Rather than augment the culture ? s world view the French borrow the expression from the culture Other loanwords do not express an idea or item speci ?c to one culture so the French borrow the

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