My pond and rock The reason why I chose the myth ??Bone in the basket ? because it has a relation with the book ??Touching Spirit Bear ? because The Creator wanted life on his land The relation to the book is when the Creator and his daughter kept droppin

The reason why I chose the myth ??Bone in the basket ? because it has a relation with the book ??Touching Spirit Bear ? because The Creator wanted life on his land The relation to the book is when the Creator and his daughter kept dropping his basket when he was returning to his land It reminds me of the ancestry rock that Cole kept rolling down the hill with Peter at the end of the book I chose these artifacts and because it reminds me of two things a nice soak in the ocean when I was four years old and a good old native sweat lodge A sweat lodge is like the pond in book but it ? s in a wooden cabin It traditional to have a boy in seat lodge to indicat that he is eabal to hunte with the men It does the same thing The artifact ??ancestry rock ? was chosen by my because I thought that the idea to roll the rock down the hill to get rid of the anger is great idea It also reminds me of skipping stones on the Ottawa river My steps in the project I started to look for my artifact I looked for a myth I made my artifact I created my presentation I looked for mistakes in my presentation I drawed a rough copy of my artifact I drawed my good copy And I presented to my class Bibliographie Taylor C J Bones in the Basket Native Stories of the Origin of People Montreal Quebec Tundra Print The Native American Sweatlodge A Spiritual Tradition The Native American Sweatlodge A Spiritual Tradition N p n d Web Nov http www barefootsworld net sweatlodge html C

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