guide HL v pan-Canadian Messaging Standards Implementation Guide Volume - Clinical Records July V R Copyright ? ?? Canada Health In fow ay ii Implementation G uide Volume - Clinic al Rec ords Document Information Author Canada Health Infoway Creation Date

HL v pan-Canadian Messaging Standards Implementation Guide Volume - Clinical Records July V R Copyright ? ?? Canada Health In fow ay ii Implementation G uide Volume - Clinic al Rec ords Document Information Author Canada Health Infoway Creation Date April Last Updated July Language English Document Number SC-CA- -EN Document Status In Progress Infoway Project Various Distribution Infoway pan-Canadian Standards Groups pCSGs Implementors Other Stakeholders Reviewers Contact Information Toronto Office King Street West Suite Toronto Ontario M H J Tel - Toll free - - - Fax - http www Infoway-inforoute ca Version Tracking Version Author s Change Description Date ?? CeRx project team Initial baseline v ersion further edits prior to introduction of volumes -Oct- to -Jun- CeRx project team Introduction of v olumes and new formats -Apr- CeRx project team Final updates for CeRx Stable for Use publication resulting from public review of the CeRx specification Additional updates include ? Added new assumption regarding level of HL information that is external to this specification ? Added note to reader on application roles used in storyboards -Jun- CeRx project team Updates corresponding to V R including ? Added disclaimer for Immunization materials The Public Health Surveillance PHS project is reviewing these materials and will be including updated artifacts in their publication -Sep- SC Maintenance Team Updates corresponding to V R including ? No changes -Jul- Copyright ? ?? Canada Health In fow ay iii Implementation G uide Volume - Clinic al Rec ords Acknowledgments N A Copyright Notice This document is fully copyright protected by the owner The owner has the exclusive right to make copies of this document No alterations deletions or substitutions may be made in it without the prior written consent of the owner No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopy email or any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent of the owner HL is registered trademark of Health Level Seven Inc http www hl org LOINC is a registered trademark of the Regenstrief Institute Inc http regenstrief org SNOMED-CT is a registered trademark of the College of American Pathologists http www cap org http www snomed org Disclaimer Canada Health Infoway Inc Infoway in its role as strategic investor may require adherence to this or similar specification documents as a criteria for funding or payment This document forms part of a standard which was developed through the EHR Standards Collaboration Process SCP The SCP is a consensus-based standards dev elopment process that brings together volunteers and or seeks out the views of persons who hav e an interest in the topic covered by this publication While Infoway administers the process establishes rules to promote fairness in the dev elopment of consensus and may engage consultants to facilitate the process and dev elop the documentation it does not independently test evaluate or verify the accuracy or completeness of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained

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