Apple script language guide

A ppleScr ipt Language G uide C on ten ts In troduc tion toAppleScript Language Guide Wha tIsAppleScr ipt Who Should Read This Documen t Or ganiz C tion of This Documen t Con ven tions Used in This Guide See Also AppleScript Lexic al Con ven tions Char ac ter Set Iden tifiers Keywords Commen ts The Con tinua tion Char ac ter Lit erals and Constan ts Boolean Constan t List Numb er Rec ord Text Op erators Variable s Expr essions Statemen ts Commands Results Raw Code s AppleScript Fundamen tals Scr ipt Edit or Applic ation AppleScr ipt and Objec ts Wha tIsin aScr ipt Objec t Prop ertie s Elemen ts - - Copyrigh t ? Apple Inc All Righ ts Reserved Objec tSp ecifiers Wha tIsin an Objec tSp ecifier Con tainers Absolut eand Rela tiv eObjec tSp ecifiers Objec tSp ecifiers in Referenc eObjec ts Coercion O bjec tCon version Scr ipting Additions Commands Overview Typ esof Commands Target Direc tParamet er Paramet ers Tha tSp ecify Locations AppleScr ipt Error Handling Global Constan ts in AppleScr ipt AppleScr ipt Constan t cur ren tapplic ation Constan t missing value Constan t true false Constan ts The itand me Keywords Aliase sand File s Sp ecifying Paths Working With Aliase s Working With File s Remot eApplic ations Enabling Remot eApplic ations epp c-S tyle Sp ecifiers Targeting Remot eApplic ations Debugging AppleScr ipt Scr ipts Feedback From Your Scr ipt Logging Thir dPartyDebuggers Variable sand Prop er tie s Defining Prop ertie s Declar ing Variable s Local Variable s Global Variable s Using the cop yand set Commands Sc op eof Variable sand Prop ertie s - - Copyrigh t ? Apple Inc All Righ ts Reserved Con tents Sc op eof Prop ertie sand Variable sDeclar ed in aScr ipt Objec t Sc op eof Variable sDeclar ed in aHandler Script Objec ts Defining Scr ipt Objec ts Initializ Kng Scr ipt Objec ts Sending Commands toScr ipt Objec ts Scr ipt Libr aries Crea ting aLibr ary Using aLibr ary Inher itanc ein Scr ipt Objec ts The AppleScr ipt Inher itanc eChain Defining Inher itanc eThrough the par en tProp erty Some Example sof Inher itanc e Using the con tinue Statemen tin Scr ipt Objec ts About Handlers Handler Basics Defining aSimple Handler Handlers with Lab eled Paramet ers Handlers with Positional Paramet ers Handlers with Patterned Positional Paramet ers Handlers with Interlea ved Paramet ers Recursiv eHandlers Errors in Handlers Passing byReferenc eVersus Passing byValue Calling Handlers in atell Statemen t Handlers in Scr ipt Applic ations run Handlers op en Handlers idle and quit Handlers for Stay-Op en Applic ations Calling aScr ipt Applic ation From aScr ipt Class Ref er enc e alias applic ation boolean class constan t da te - - Copyrigh t ? Apple Inc All Righ ts Reserved Con tents file integer list numb er POSIX file real rec ord

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  • Publié le Jul 21, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 2.8MB