Citrix guide 4 Citrix Plant Mode Guide Version September DSP D -PE - E Copyright Copyright ? - I ntergraph Corporation All Rights Reserved Intergraph is part of Hexagon I nc ludi ng sof tware f ile f ormats and audiovis ual dis plays may be used purs uant
Citrix Plant Mode Guide Version September DSP D -PE - E Copyright Copyright ? - I ntergraph Corporation All Rights Reserved Intergraph is part of Hexagon I nc ludi ng sof tware f ile f ormats and audiovis ual dis plays may be used purs uant to applic able sof tware li cense agreement co ntai ns conf idential and propriet ary i nf ormatio n of I ntergraph and or t hird parti es whic h is protected by copyright law trade sec ret law and int ernatio nal t reaty and may not be provided or ot herwi se made av ai lable wit ho ut proper aut horizatio n f rom I ntergraph Corpor at i o n Portions of this software are owned by Spatial Corp ? - All Rights Reserved Portions of the user i nt erf ace copy right - Teleri k AD U S Government Restricted Rights Legend Use duplicatio n or disc los ure by t he government is s ubject to rest rictio ns as set f ort h below For civi lian agencies T his was developed at priv ate expense and is restrict ed comput er sof tware s ubmitted wit h rest ricted ri ghts i n ac cordance wit h subparagraphs a through d of the Commercial Computer Software - R estrict ed Ri ghts c laus e at - of the Federal Acquisition Regulatio ns FAR and its s uccessors and is unpublis hed and all rights are res erved under t he copyright laws o f t he Uni ted St ates For units of t he D epartment of Def ens e DoD T his is commercial comput er sof tware as def i ned at D FARS - and t he rights of the Government are as s pecif ied at DFARS - Unpublis hed - right s reserved under t he copyright laws of t he U nited States I ntergraph Corporatio n I ntergraph Way Huntsvi lle AL Documentation Documentation shall mean whet her i n electro nic or pri nted f orm Us er's G ui des I nst allatio n G ui des Ref erence G uides Admi nist rator's G uides C ustomizatio n G uides Programmer's G ui des Conf iguratio n G ui des and Help G ui des delivered wit h a partic ular sof tware product Other Documentation Ot her Doc umentation s hall mean whet her i n electro nic or pri nt ed f orm and delivered wit h sof tware or on eC us tomer S harePoint or box net any documentatio n relat ed to work processes workf lows and best practic es t hat is provided by I ntergr aph as guidance for usi ng a sof tware product Term s of Use a Use of a sof tware product and Documentatio n is s ubject to t he E nd User License Agreement EULA deliv ered wit h
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- Publié le Sep 04, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 872.1kB