Aloha Quick Service Report Guide v6.4 Copyright Copyright ©2009, Radiant System

Aloha Quick Service Report Guide v6.4 Copyright Copyright ©2009, Radiant Systems, Inc. The information contained in this publication is confidential and proprietary. No part of this document may be reproduced, disclosed to others, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, by any means, without written per- mission of Radiant Systems, Inc. Radiant Systems, Inc. is not responsible for any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors con- tained in this publication. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication. Any reference to gender in this document is not meant to be discriminatory. The software described in this document is provided under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. © Radiant Systems, Inc., 2009 All Rights Reserved. ALOHA® is a U.S. Registered Trademark of Radi- ant Systems, Inc. MenuLink® is a U.S. Registered Trademark of Radiant Systems, Inc. v6.4 Table of Contents Introduction Configuring Your Reports.................................................... 1-1 Configuring Reports to Display Fractional Guest Counts .................1-4 Configuring the Clock In/Out Tab for the Labor Group.....................1-7 Configuring the Reports Tab for the Financials Group .....................1-9 Configuring the Reports Tab for the Printing Group .......................1-11 Suppressing Labor and Sales for Salaried Employees ..................1-13 Enabling Employees to Run Reports..............................................1-15 Configuring Audit Report to Meet PCI-DSS....................................1-17 Analyzing Your FOH Reports............................................... 2-1 About FOH Reports ..........................................................................2-3 Common Buttons on the FOH Reports Screen .............................2-5 Sales Reports ...................................................................................2-6 Server Sales Report ....................................................................2-15 Flash Report ................................................................................2-17 Daily Summary Report.................................................................2-22 Labor Reports.................................................................................2-23 Break Alert Report .......................................................................2-28 Product Mix Report.........................................................................2-32 Analyzing Your BOH Reports .............................................. 3-1 About Aloha BOH Reports................................................................3-3 Common Buttons on the Reports Screen.........................................3-6 Sales Reports .................................................................................3-11 Sales Report Summary/Weekly...................................................3-12 Sales by Revenue Center Report................................................3-39 Server Sales Detail Report ..........................................................3-50 iv Table of Contents Aloha QuickService Report Guide v6.4 Comparative Employee Sales Report ......................................... 3-61 Performance Measures Report ................................................... 3-64 Hourly Sales and Labor Report ................................................... 3-69 Tiered Tax Report ....................................................................... 3-75 Employee Reports.......................................................................... 3-79 Labor Report ............................................................................... 3-80 Scheduled vs. Actual Labor Report............................................. 3-87 Employee Breaks Report ............................................................ 3-89 Overtime Warning Report............................................................ 3-92 Overtime Forecast Report ........................................................... 3-96 Tip Income Report....................................................................... 3-99 Employee Tip Report................................................................. 3-105 Front-of-House Cash Owed Report........................................... 3-110 Speed of Service Report ........................................................... 3-112 Daily Cashout Summary............................................................ 3-116 Time and Attendance Detail Report .......................................... 3-120 Edited Punches Report ............................................................. 3-125 Payments Report.......................................................................... 3-128 House Account Report ................................................................. 3-133 Product Mix Report....................................................................... 3-134 Item Forecast Report.................................................................... 3-144 Quick Count Report...................................................................... 3-147 Delivery Driver Report.................................................................. 3-148 Delivery Production Report .......................................................... 3-150 Voids Report................................................................................. 3-152 Surcharges Report ....................................................................... 3-155 Open Drawer Report .................................................................... 3-157 Back-of-House Security Levels Report ........................................ 3-160 Back-of-House Users Report ....................................................... 3-162 Detailed Access Levels Report .................................................... 3-163 System Parameter Summary Report ........................................... 3-164 Reprints........................................................................................ 3-165 Audit Report ................................................................................. 3-171 Crystal Reports............................................................................. 3-176 Index Introduction Welcome to the Aloha QuickService Report Guide, a comprehensive analysis of the reporting features provided by the Aloha system. You will learn the benefits of each report, each available calculation, and see selected examples to help you further understand the vast reporting capabilities. Reports are essential in a business. They gauge the progress of your restaurant and determine your success or failure. In a corporation, reports provide an important link from the store level to corporate. Some data involves specific calculations to increase profitability or to show comparisons. These compari- sons could be between employees, selected days, or both. Reporting data is a compilation of transactions which employees ring and close from the Front-of-House (FOH) terminals. As the day progresses, you can view up to the minute data with the FOH reports. Some reports also print to the local receipt printer. This data is usually not complete because there may be outstanding checks or incorrect payments, therefore, never report important information from the FOH reports. You can view sales, labor, and performance measure information. At the close of business, or during the system End-of-Day (EOD), the system compiles the data for the Back-of-House (BOH) reports. You can run, view, and print the BOH reports to a designated printer. The Aloha system has a wide variety of reports available to you, such as the Hourly Sales and Labor report, Sales by Revenue Center report, Labor report, Product Mix report, and more. In most operations, the Weekly or Summary Sales report is the most important report to you, and is used in accounting. vi Introduction Aloha QuickService Report Guide v6.4 How This Guide is Organized This guide is designed to help you familiarize yourself quickly with the Aloha QuickService reports. It is organized as follows: Chapter 1: Configuring Your Reports This chapter discusses the available settings used to configure and alter your reporting capabilities for the FOH and BOH reports, such as what to include in the gross sales figure. Also, here you define the time interval necessary for some reports, for labor and sales reporting necessary for some reports. Chapter 2: Analyzing Your FOH Reports This chapter discusses the FOH reports, which provide you with up to the minute reporting data from the FOH terminals. Some reports display on screen, and some you can print. Chapter 3: Analyzing Your BOH Reports This chapter discusses the BOH reports, which enable you to operate a suc- cessful business. The chapter provides information about how to limit and sort the information that goes into your reports, and how to print reports before or after previewing them in the system. Index Aloha QuickService Report Guide v6.4 Introduction vii Conventions Used in This Guide Numerous graphics and instructions appear throughout this guide. These con- ventions make it easy to find and understand information. Symbols and Alerts The following graphic symbols alert you to important points throughout this guide: Highlights a special point of interest about the topic under discussion. Alerts you that the operation being described can cause problems if you are not careful. Directs you to a more complete discussion in another chap- ter of the current book, or other reference material. Points to a useful hint that may save you time or trouble. viii Introduction Aloha QuickService Report Guide v6.4 Chapter 1 Configuring Your Reports This chapter discusses the reporting features within the Aloha system that enable you to alter certain reports, define reporting time intervals, and assign employees the ability to review reports. Configuring Reports to Display Fractional Guest Counts .................1-4 Configuring the Clock In/Out Tab for the Labor Group.....................1-7 Configuring the Reports Tab for the Financials Group .....................1-9 Configuring the Reports Tab for the Printing Group .......................1-11 Suppressing Labor and Sales for Salaried Employees ..................1-13 Enabling Employees to Run Reports..............................................1-15 Configuring Audit Report to Meet PCI-DSS....................................1-17 1 – 2 Configuring Your Reports Aloha QuickService Report Guide v6.4 Aloha QuickService Report Guide v6.4 Configuring Your Reports 1 – 3 Configuring Your Reports In this chapter you learn how to configure certain aspects of the FOH and BOH reports, such as what to include in sales calculations, and defining time intervals for reporting data. We discuss the following tabs in the Aloha system: • Clock In/Out tab for the Labor group in the Store Settings function. • Reports tab for the Financials group in the Store Settings function. • Reports tab for the Printing group in the Store Settings function. • Reports tab for the Access Levels function. Refer to the Aloha QuickService Reference Guide for more information on the tabs in the Aloha system. 1 – 4 Configuring Your Reports Aloha QuickService Report Guide v6.4 Configuring Reports to Display Fractional Guest Counts When you determine your guest count based on the number of items ordered from a specific cat- egory, such as entrees, the system takes the weight you define for your items in the specified cat- egory into consideration. For example, if you give an item in the guest count category a weight of ‘2,’ the guest count increases by two each time a guest orders the item. Prior to v6.2.13, you could define the weight of an item using whole numbers only. Beginning with v6.2.13, you can define the weight for an item using a fractional value, such as 0.25. The fractional value rounds to the nearest whole number, and does not carry over to a separate guest check. SCENARIO: A restaurant enables the ‘Use Entrees for Guest Counts’ feature and includes large- sized appetizers that guests sometimes order as a meal, such as Super Nachos, in the guest count category; however, each time a guest orders Super Nachos to share with the table, the guest count becomes over-inflated because the weight for the Super Nachos item cannot be less than 1.0. To receive a more accurate guest count, the restaurant assigns a fractional weight of 0.25 to Super Nachos. When a party orders two Super Nachos, the total weight is 0.50, so the system rounds the guest count to one. When a second party orders one Super Nachos, the total weight is 0.25, so the guest count does not increase. It is important to note that the guest count for this sce-

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  • Publié le Oct 07, 2022
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