Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 32 nd 1982 2013 Volume 36, No. 15 Phone: 30

Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle 32 nd 1982 2013 Volume 36, No. 15 Phone: 304-267-9983 • Web: www.yourbg.com • E-mail: ads@yourbg.com April 9, 2014 We Recycle Used Batteries It’s That Time Of Year Again... Make Sure Your Equipment Starts When You Need It! Lawn Mower • Tractor • Motorcycle Rt. 11, 1 Mile South of Martinsburg Winchester - 540-665-0065 304-267-7033 Batteries for all your needs MON. & FRI. 9-8 • TUES.-THURS. 9-6 • SAT. 9-5 2330 WINCHESTER AVE., MARTINSBURG, WV 25405 304-263-6957 www.carpetworldofmartinsburg.com VALUABLE COUPON Add Beauty and Value to Your Home - For Less! $ 100 OFF $ 100 OFF Any Special Order Over $1,000 Not valid with any other offers. Coupon must be presented at the time of the sale. Expires 4/30/14 Great Prices! We Install Everything We Sell! Easter Baskets Easter baskets overflowing with fake grass and plenty of treats are an eagerly anticipated component of Easter celebrations. However, many of the items found in a typical Easter basket -- or even the basket itself -- may be made of items that are damaging to the environment. Plastic easter eggs are made from plastics that may not be biodegradable. Furthermore, they may be made using chemicals that are damaging to the environment. Plastic grass carries the same dangers. Once discarded, plastic grass also may pose risks to wildlife that can become tangled in the substance or inadvertently eat it and choke or experience intestinal blockage. Instead of pre-packaged Easter baskets, individuals can construct their own. Look for baskets made from reusable materials, such as wicker or other wood-based materials, steering away from plastic. Instead of plastic grass, shred paper that is headed for the recycling bin. Look for treats without excessive packaging. You can gather healthy treats and toys individually and put together in the basket. This way you can cater more to what your child enjoys and rely less on the cheap stuff that will end up in the garbage. Easter Eggs Coloring Easter eggs is a tradition. So are the coloring kits that may be made from chemical food dyes. Instead, look to natural foods to add a festive hue to the eggs. Cranberry juice or beet juice can turn eggs pink. Red cabbage leaves or mashed blueberries can dye eggs blue. And turmeric can give eggs a yellow tint. These all-natural dyes are safe for little fingers. All-Natural Decorations Rather than silk flowers and plastic eggs, use the real thing in your decorating. Bring a little of the outside indoors with fresh flowers in a vase. Use twigs and ribbon to create inexpensive and green centerpieces for the holiday table. Wrap cloth napkins in a thick blade of grass for a little festivity. Construct wreaths from pruned garden clippings and florist wire to dress up doorways. Have a green Easter celebration Page 2 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Ruritan Hall The Tuscarora Ruritan Hall is available for a $150 donation- commercial $175 donation. Air condi- tioned. Seats 115. Call 304-263-3090 or 304- 264-8411 for information. Ruritan Hall T omahawk Ruritan Club Rentals available for Birthday parties, wedding receptions, reunions, seminars and workshops. Small dining room $100 and Large Dining Room $150. Please call 304- 754-3860 for reserva- tions. WEEKLY Bingo at the Shepherdstown Fire Dept. on Wednesday Evening. Doors open 5:30, Bingo starts 6:30pm. THIRTY-ONE Bag BINGO on Sunday, April 27th at South Berkeley Volunteer Fire Company. Doors open at 12:30, Games start at 2 p m . C o n t a c t Ja m i e Mastery for Tickets 240- 422-6495. Benefits the Musselman High School Band. 50 Game Money Bingo Saturday, April 12th for the b e n i f i t o f t h e Shepherdstown Fire Dept. Doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 2pm, advance tickets not required. $3,550 total prize money (must h a v e 1 0 0 p l a y e r s ) . Admission includes a com- limentary meal. S PAG H E T T I S u p p e r Friday, April 11th, 4pm- 7pm at Bedington United Methodist Church, 304- 2 7 4 - 2 0 1 1 . S a l a d , S p a g h e t t i , B r e a d , Applesauce, Coffee & Tea. Adults $8, Children $4, under 4 Free. Bake Sale! Proceeds support l o c a l o r g a n i z a t i o n s . Sunday Services 9:30am Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 1 a m Contemorary, 6pm Youth. SPAGHETTI DINNER- April 12th, 2014 KNIGHT OF PYTHIANS, 105 E 6th Ave., RANSON WV. 3:00 TO 7:OO, $8.00 Adults $4.00 children 6 to 12, under 6 free. Carry-outs available. Country Breakfast & Pork Sale Marlowe Ruritan Club, April 12! Call ahead for pork orders 304-274- 3409 or 304-274-2448. Online at marloweruri- t a n . c o m . B r e a k f a s t i n c l u d e s p a n c a k e s , sausage, sausage gravy, puddin & drink. 6am- 10am. AYCE $6.50. Meat is USDA Inspected. INDOOR COMMUNITY B A Z A A R - Ve n d o r s , Crafters, Yard Sale enthu- siasts wanted for event in Inwood at the Randy Smith Comm Center, Saturday, June 21st. $20.00 for 10x10 space. Call 304-506-7501 to r e s e r v e . V i s i t w w w . b c c o m m u n i t y - bazaar.wordpress.com for additional details. Limited spaces - CALL TODAY! HELP support our MOPS Ministr y (Mothers of Preschoolers) at our Spring Bazaar Saturday, May 17th, 9am-2pm at First Baptist Church at 315 W . K i n g S t r e e t i n Martinsburg. Yard Sale Items, Vendors, Food, FREE Children’s activities. $20/spot and $5/table rental. Contact Amanda (304)590-8037 to reserve your spot. FREE Craft Fair/Family EXPO Sat, May 10th from 9am-3pm at Quality Hotel in Harper’s Ferry –Rte 340. Start your holiday shopping early with over 50 unique vendors(including many h a n d m a d e ) . F R E E Activities for the kids (moon bounce & more), Crafts for kids, Food, Deserts, Many prizes to win, Freebees & More. Directions & details at www.amomscatalog.com FOR GIRLS WHO LOVE HORSES- Girls learning about life themselves and God through the love of horses. Horse Camps designed to teach life, criti- cal thinking, and communi- cation skill through horses and basic horse whisper- ing technique. For girls ages 11-18 yrs in 4-State area. Summer registration now. 304-754-4414 or eagleswingsgirls.org Dinner and Show set at Musselman HS The Blue and Grey Chorus will hold its annual show, “This Joint’s a Jumpin,” April 12 at Musselman High School. A spaghetti dinner will be served from 5-6:30pm with the show starting at 7pm. Guest a p p e a r a n c e b y t h e Musselman High School Choir. Cost for the dinner and show is $10, with pro- ceeds going to “Music In The Schools.” For more information, call Ed Grove at 304-263-5295 or John Fisher at 304-229-2372. 3 R D A n n u a l A P U S Volunteer Warriors Corn Hole Tournament for ACS’s Relay for Life. Saturday, April 12th at 5pm at the Ranson Civic Center. 1st prize $400, 2nd prize $200, and 3rd prize is $100. Entry fee is $50.00 per team. Please mail entries to: APUS Attention: HR, 111 West Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414 Make checks payable to: American Cancer Society. Call 304-728-1486 for more details. “BREAKFAST with EAST- ER BUNNY” & BAKE SALE at the Independent Fire Company, 200 W. 2nd Avenue, Ranson on APRIL 12th, 7am to 11am. Meal $7, Child (6yrs/younger) $3 and Treats for the Kids. S p o n s o r e d b y I F C Auxiliary. HANDY AND HARMAN REUNION MAY 4th 2014, 5 P M @ H O S S E S SEAFOOD AND STEAK- HOUSE, MARTINSBURG WV. RSVP BY APRIL 30TH, 2014. CALL 304- 279-4553. M A R K L E Y F a m i l y Summer Picnic will be held on Sunday, June 1st at the State Farm Pavilion in War Memorial Park, eating at 1:00 sharp!! Please bring a covered dish and salad or dessert. Paper ware and utensils will be provid- ed. We will be playing bingo, donations for prizes will be accepted. Hope to see you there!! “ F R E E ” S o u p a n S a n d w i c h K i t c h e n (Assor ted Soups and Sandwiches, and desserts while they last.) Marvin Chapel United Methodist Church, 130 Gosling Marsh. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16TH, 5PM-7PM. Please come and join us for a meal uploads/s1/ have-a-green-easter-celebration-make-sure-your-equipment-starts-when-you-need-it.pdf

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