OpenERP‐Magento Interface Installation guide Introduction Our interface was tes

OpenERP‐Magento Interface Installation guide Introduction Our interface was tested with the following versions:  Magento Server 1.3 and 1.4.  OpenERP Server 5.0 running under Linux.  OpenERP Client 5.0 running on any OS. Table of contents Introduction 1 Table of contents 1 1. Magento 2 1.1 Magento extension installation 2 1.1.1 Via Magento Connect 2 1.1.2. Via Google Code 2 1.2. Magento Extension configuration 2 1.2.1. Refresh the extension cache 2 1.2.2. Create a Web Services User 3 2. OpenERP 4 2.1. OpenERP Module 4 2.2. Automatic Synchronization script (optional) 4 1. If you do install it: http://w 1.1 Ma There ar 1.1.1 Vi 1. Go 2. In t 3. Co 1.1.2. V 1. Do 2. Ext com 1.2. Ma 1.2.1. R 1. In t 2. Sel 3. In t Magento o not have M : www.magent agento ext re two option ia Magento o to Magento the Admin P py the exten ia Google C ownload the tract it in you mpressed file agento Ex Refresh the the Admin P lect Configur the Actions m o Magento insta tocommerce tension in ns to install t Connect o Connect an anel of Mage nsion key and Code latest versio ur Magento e. xtension c extension c anel, go to S ration and W menu select alled yet, ple .com/knowl nstallatio the Magento nd get the ex ento, go to S d click on Ins n of the Mag root folder. configura cache System / Cach Web Services Refresh, and ease follow t edge‐base/e n o extension. xtension key System / Mag stall gento extens Make sure to tion he Managem Configuratio d then click o he instructio entry/magen You need to for our exte gento Conne sion in the d o keep the d ment. on. on Submit bu on from Mag to‐installatio follow only nsion. ect / Magent ownload sec directory stru utton. gento web sit on‐guide one of them to Connect M ction of this p ucture from t te to m: Manager project. the 1.2.2. Create a Web Services User 1. In the Admin Panel, go to System / Web Services / Roles. 2. Add a new role, any name is fine. 3. Under Roles Resource tab, select All for Resource Access menu. 4. Save Role. 5. In the Admin Panel, go to System / Web Services / Users. 6. Add a new user; make sure the user is active. Please remember the User Name and API Key, you will need them to configure OpenERP. 7. In User Role tab, select the role you created earlier. 8. Save User. 2. You will instructi http://d 2.1. Op 1. If y 2. Do 3. Co 4. Sel 5. Sel 6. Clic 7. Fol If the mo 2.2. Au This step later. 1. Do OpenERP also need a on to install oc.openerp. penERP M you do not h ownload the nnect to you lect the dow lect the sneld ck on Schedu llow the inst odule is insta utomatic S p is only need ownload the P working Ope OpenERP se com/install/ Module ave a OpenE latest versio u database a wnloaded .zip dev_magent ule for Instal allation wiza alled correct Synchron ded if you ne latest versio enERP server erver and clie /index.html ERP database n of the Ope nd go to Adm p file and imp to module. lation then A ard. ly, you shou nization sc eed the auto n of the scri r and at least ent: e yet, create enERP modu ministration / port. Apply Schedu ld see a new cript (opt omatic synch pt on our do t one client. one. le on our do / Modules M uled Upgrad w Magento ta tional) ronization. Y ownload page Follow the f wnload page Managments es ab in the Ope You can com e. following link e. / Import mo enERP menu me back to th k for odule u. is step 2. Extract the file anywhere on the machine running the OpenERP server. 3. Make sure the OpenERP server has read access to the file. 4. Open the file in your text editor and configure the settings of your OpenERP server and database. uploads/s1/ installation-guide 6 .pdf

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  • Publié le Nov 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.2979MB