THE ALEXANDRIA SCHOOL JOURNAL STYLE GUIDE Version 1.0 February 1, 2014 www.stcy

THE ALEXANDRIA SCHOOL JOURNAL STYLE GUIDE Version 1.0 February 1, 2014 2 General Guidelines for All Submissions This short guide provides essential information for authors submitting manuscripts and reviews for publication by The Alexandria School Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies.  The Journal will follow the Chicago Manual of Style general guidelines found at: except for the specific exceptions outlined in this document.  Articles should be between 5000 and 8000 words in length.  Abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.  Reviews should be between 600 and 1000 words in length. Authors should send a picture of the reviewed book cover in jpeg or pdf format, a short job description and the name of the University where they are affiliated at the moment, or the field of research and qualifications for independent researchers. 1. Submission of Manuscripts Manuscripts should always be submitted in electronic format. The main body of text should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals from 1. Electronic files should be submitted as a Microsoft Word email attachment. 1.1 Saving the Electronic Files When saving the electronic files, please use one file per article/review and give each file a logical name (e.g. Name of the Author, Name of the Article). 3 1.2 Electronic Submission of Illustrations All illustrations, icons, photographs, maps and figures must be provided electronically. Each illustration should be sent as a jpg, tiff or pdf and must be scanned in at the size it will appear in the final issue at a minimum of 600 dpi (dots per inch). All illustrations should be supplied both in the text and separately from the text. Please also note that a separate, numbered list of captions must be provided. Please also ensure that the captions remain in the text and each illustration is clearly marked with its figure or picture number. 1.3 Preferred Electronic Formats Electronic files should be submitted as Microsoft Word email attachment. Other file types are incompatible with our system and cannot be accepted. Permission to use all copyright material must be obtained in advance of sending the final typescript. 2. Formatting of Text 2.1 Line Spacing Please ensure the manuscript you provide is one-and-half-spaced throughout, including indented block quotes, extracts, footnotes and references. The font size should be 12pt. The font size of footnotes is 10pt. Under normal circumstances empty line spaces should not be inserted before or after regular paragraphs. 2.2 Design Do not attempt to design your manuscript. A professional typesetter will do this and any formatting will be stripped out of the file when it is converted. 4 2.3 Quotation Marks/Inverted Commas For short quotations (i.e. quotations of less than four full lines of regular text), double quotation marks should be used (“ …”). For quotes within a quote, double quotation marks within the single quotation marks/inverted commas are needed (“Aaaa ‘bbbb’”). 2.4 Indented/Block Quotations If a quotation runs to more than four full lines of regular text, the quotation is to be set apart as an indented or block quotation. The text (which is to be double spaced and set at 12pt) should be indented on either side by around half an inch (1cm). The spelling and punctuation of the original should be copied exactly. 3. Headings and Subheadings 3.1 Heading Levels Heading levels must be marked up manually in the left hand margin on the manuscript as follows: I First-level headings 1.1 Second-level headings 1.1.1 Third-level headings 3.2 Use of Abbreviations in Headings Please note that abbreviations (particularly the names of biblical books) are to be avoided in headings. 4. Bibliography and Bibliographical References Bibliography should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (full-note). 5 4.1 Biblical References - Abbreviations Old Testament Gen., Exod., Lev., Num., Deut., Josh., Judg., Ruth, Sam., Kgs., Chr., Ezra, Neh., Est., Job, Ps. (plural Pss.), Prov., Eccl., Song., Isa., Jer., Lam., Ezek., Dan., Hos., Joel, Amos, Obad., Jon., Mic., Nah., Hab., Zeph., Hag., Zech., Mal. New Testament Mt., Mk., Lk., Jn, Acts, Rom., 1 Cor., 2 Cor., Gal., Eph., Phil., Col., 1 Thess., 2 Thess., 1 Tim., 2. Tim, Tit., Phlm., Heb., Jas., 1 Pet., 2 Pet., 1 Jn, 2 Jn, 3 Jn, Jude, Rev. Chapter and Verse Citations Gen. 1:1-3 5. Foreign Languages Coptic, Greek, Hebrew, and Syriac words should contain all accents and breathing marks. For Greek Text: Unicode fonts: Gentium: KadmosU: html New Athena Unicode: 6 For Hebrew and Aramaic Text: For Coptic Text: CS Copt: For Syriac Text: 6. Submission Details: The Alexandria School Journal is published once a year in August. All submissions must be made on or before May 25th of each year. Please send all paper submissions and inquiries to uploads/s3/ asj-style-guide.pdf

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