Product Installation Manual Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance

Product Installation Manual Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics Version 6.0 August 2012 Document Control Author: Niraj Ranjan Biswal Group: OFSAA Created on : 10-Jul-12 Revision No : 1.0 Updated by : Niraj Ranjan Biswal Reviewed by : Aravind Venkatraman Approved by: Aravind Venkatraman Updated on : Reviewed on : Approved on : Installation Manual Table of Contents About this Manual ........................................................................................................................ 1 Audience ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Organization of the Manual ......................................................................................................... 1 Conventions Used in this Manual ................................................................................................ 1 Pre-Requisites ............................................................................................................................. 2 Environment ................................................................................................................................. 2 Front-End Access ........................................................................................................................ 2 Installing Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 Product ............... 4 Pre-Installation Activities ............................................................................................................. 4 Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 Product Installation ............ 6 Machine A – Product App Layer .................................................................................................. 7 Machine B – Product Database Layer ....................................................................................... 20 Silent Installation........................................................................................................................ 26 Post Installation Activities .......................................................................................................... 30 Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics Configuration ........................... 31 Trouble shooting ........................................................................................................................ 36 1 About this Manual The Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics provides strategic insights on - Profitability of the business and the underlying customers, Product holdings and Relationship depth across the organization (i.e. Corporate client and any of it’s sub-divisions or subsidiaries),Behavioral and Engagement trends of it’s target segments – exposures, commitments, line utilization, assets/liabilities, deposits, withdrawals, Fees, Income, recent transactions etc, Efficiency of investments (like marketing, partner development),Efficiency of the sales force in terms of ongoing customer revenue generation, cross-sell and up-sell, product usage and pipeline. Audience This Manual is meant for use by the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure System Administrator. It provides step-by-step instructions necessary for installing the Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 Product. Scope This manual provides a step-wise instruction to install the Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics Product in an existing Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure hosted in Oracle 11g R2 ( environment. Organization of the Manual The Installation Manual is organized into the following chapters. Pre Requisites section identifies the hardware and base software environment that is required for a successful installation & functioning of the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Solution. Installing Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 Product section details the pre-installation activities followed by a step-by-step instruction on the various installation options. Post installation Activities section details the steps that are required to be performed after a successful installation of the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Solution. Conventions Used in this Manual References to sections or chapters in the manual are displayed in Italics. Screen names are displayed in the following manner: Introduction screen Options and buttons are displayed in Bold. Notes are displayed as follows: NOTE o It is important that the password should be 6 characters long. If you do not adhere to this pre-requisite, you will see a system message that reads Password must be at least 6 characters long. 2 Pre-Requisites The installation process requires certain environmental variables to be set prior to starting the installation. You must ensure that these requirements are met before starting the installation. You are requested to refer to the Release Notes for the latest updates on hardware or software requirements and the OFSAAI Installation Manual for the environment variables. Environment Installation of Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 Product requires the Oracle 11g R2 ( version of Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure v7.3, to be installed in either a single-tier or multi-tier environment. It is implicit that all base software versions and patch levels required by the RHEL/OEL-5.3/5.5 version of Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure 7.3 is available and adhered to. NOTE o If you are doing an up-gradation please make sure that OFSAAI has been upgraded from v7.2 (Release no – 7.2.10) to v7.3. o The Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 installer download contains only the ERwin XML file that is required for uploading the model. This file is sufficient to install the v6.0 product. However, this XML file cannot be opened in the ERwin Data modeler tool and hence cannot be used for any data model customization. ERwin file is delivered as a patch and need to be downloaded separately. This ERwin file should be used for any customization of the data model. Reference bug / patch where ERwin file can be downloaded is Bug - 14354568 The Oracle 11g R2 ( version of Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure v7.3 and OBIEE on any supported operating system once installed must be configured. After Installation of OBIEE, following 3 patches are highly recommended for all the customers who are using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition which can be downloaded from Oracle support site. • 13742915 • 13388423 • 14003822 Front-End Access • Internet Explorer 8.0/9.0 • Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21 • Acrobat Reader 8.0 3 • The screen resolutions supported are 1024*768 and 1280*1024 NOTE o Ensure that Java Plug-in is enabled in the browser settings. 4 Installing Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 Product Pre-Installation Activities The following is the Pre Installation checklist to ensure the readiness to start installing Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics Product: o Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure v7.3 must be successfully installed on Oracle 11gR2 (RAC) ( o If Infrastructure installation is on multitier environment, Execute the following commands in the DB Layer terminal o chmod -R 777 < ftpshare folder > o Navigate to ftpshare folder and set the umask shown as below, this will make sure all the new files created will have 666 file permission. - cd < ftpshare folder > - umask 0000 o The Config and application schema should be two distinct oracle database users. o Please execute the following grants in config schema. Please replace <ORACLE_USER> with application schema user. - grant select on METADATA_MASTER to <ORACLE_USER> - grant select on METADATA_ELEMENT_MASTER to <ORACLE_USER> - grant select on METADATA_LOCALE_MASTER to <ORACLE_USER> o Oracle database User for Application schema should have the below grants - grant create session to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant create ANY INDEX to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant create PROCEDURE to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant create SEQUENCE to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant DEBUG CONNECT SESSION to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant create TABLE to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant create VIEW to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant create trigger to <ORACLE_USER>; - grant create type to <oracle_user>; - grant select on sys.v_$parameter TO <oracle_user>: o Please copy the entire Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 installer download directory to the server location (Including the DataModel directory). Please give read, write and execute permission to all the files present in this directory. o Please specify the log file path and name in the log4j.xml. Please update the “value” attribute marked in the following picture 5 Figure 1: Log4j.xml file configuration o Please make sure the path given in the log4j.xml file has read/write/execute permission. o Please execute the “config_table_privileges_for_application_user.sql” script in configuration schema. This file will be present inside $FIC_HOME directory. o Please make sure FICServer is up and running before proceeding for installation. 6 Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics v6.0 Product Installation The Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Product comprises of components that are installed in Web, Application & Database layer. Hence if you have installed Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure 7.3 in a multi-tier architecture, the Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics Product installer must be invoked on each of the machines that host the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure tier. For a Single-tier installation, the installer is required to be invoked only once on the machine that hosts all the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure tiers. This section describes the installation process where the Three Product setup components are installed on separate machines in with the Product installation on separate machines. Machine A will be used to install Product Application Layer components, Machine B will be used to install Product Database Layer components and Machine C will be used to install Product Web Layer components. NOTE o This section holds applicable if Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure v7.3 is installed on Oracle 11g on separate machines A and B respectively. o Refer to section on “Silent Installation”, if a silent installation is required. 7 Machine A – Product App Layer Step 1 To begin Oracle Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics product installation, execute Figure 2: Installation Splash Screen Step 2 Figure 3: Introduction Screen Upon invoking the installer, the Introduction screen will display the pre-requisites for installation. Ensure that the pre-requisites are satisfied before you proceed. Step 3 Please choose the log mode for this installer. 8 Figure 4: Log Mode Option Screen Step 4 Please provide the 9 digit Customer Identification number provided during the OFSAAI installation. Figure 5: Customer ID Input Screen Click Next to continue. 9 Step 5 The Pre Setup Information screen requests for setup information. Select the appropriate Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure layer that has been installed on the machine. Example AppLayer Figure 6: Pre Setup Information Screen – Choose Layer to Install Along with uploads/s3/ installguide-ofsipa.pdf

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