Sandhyaopasana : Worship at the Junction of Time Sandhyopasana saNdhya upaasana
Sandhyaopasana : Worship at the Junction of Time Sandhyopasana saNdhya upaasana literally means ‘worship at the junctions of time.’ It is a prayer and worship offered to the Lord at the junction (Sandhi) of night and morning, forenoon and afternoon and at the junction of evening and night. The Arghyapradana to the sun and the meditation on and recitation of Gayatri, form the heart of the worship. Properly understood, the whole Sandhya is an earnest prayer addressed to the Lord to forgive all one’s sins committed during one’s routine, daily activities and to bestow illumination and grace. Sandhyopasana must be performed at the proper Sandhyas. Then only the performer can derive much merit. There is a special manifestation of force at Sandhyas. This force disappears when the Sandhya is past. For Whom Sandhyopasana is the daily religious practice of the Hindus whose investiture with the holy thread has been performed. Sandhya is a Nitya Karma or an action that is to be done daily. Sandhya is an obligatory duty to be performed daily for self-purification and self-improvement. Sandhya should be performed by all followers of the Sanatana Dharma. Every Brahmachari and every householdermust perform it every day. If he fails to perform it, there is Pratyavaya Dosha or the sin of omission. He loses his Brahma-Tejas. According to the Hindu Sastras, a Brahmana, a Kshatriya and a Vaisya will get hell, if they do not perform three times Sandhyopasana (Traikalika Sandhya) daily. It is for the purpose of Sandhya only, the law of Yajnopavita- Samskara is laid down in the Yajnavalkya Smriti which says: “The Brahmana in his eighth year, the Kshatriya in his eleventh year and the Vaisya in his twelfth year are fit to be given Yajnopavita.” Because, only after this particular Samskara, they are supposed to be worthy to worship Sandhya and take to Vedic rites. They should keep themselves pure internally and externally. They can nicely understand the sacred glory of this divine science. Benefits of Sandhya Upasana Sandhya is a combination of Japa, Upasana, Svadhyaya, meditation, concentration, Asana, Pranayama, etc. He who does Sandhya daily has Brahma-Tejas or spiritual lustre, in his face. A man who performs his daily Sandhya, according to the prescribed rules, at the appointed time as laid down in the scriptures, attains purity and success in his every effort. He becomes powerful as well as calm. Regular Sandhya cuts the chain of old Samskaras and changes everybody’s old situation entirely. It brings purity, Atma-Bhava, devotion and sincerity. Chief elements of ‘Sandhya’ It consists of ten disciplines viz. 1. Sankalpa (Resolve) 2. Aasan Shodhan 3. Aachman 4. Pranayam 5. Nitya Paapa Khshamaarth Apaasmupshprsha 6. Avamirtha 7. Agharshan 8. Surya-Arghya 9. Suryopasthaan and 10. Gayatari Japa ‘Sandhyopasana’-Procedure, Meaning and Interpretation While taking bath for purification before ‘Sandhyopasana’ a devotee may recite the following Mantra: Gangecha Yamunechaiva Godavari Saraswathi, Narmadey Sindhu Kaveri Jalosmin sannidhim kuru/ Pushkaraadyaani Tirthaani Gangaadyaah Saritastatha, Aagacchhantu Mahaabhaagaah Snaana kaaley sadaa mama/ Ayodhya Mathuraa Maayaa Kaashi Kaanchihyavantika, Puri Dwaravati Jneyaah Saptaitaa Moksha –daayikaah/ (May the waters flowing in the Rivers of Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri be present in the waters that I am bathing in. May Pushkara and other Tirthas as well as the Sacred Rivers like Ganga be present here. May also the Seven Sacred Kshetras of Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya (Haridwar), Kashi, Kanchi, Avanti (Ujjain) and Dwaravati as renowned be also present.) After bath, ‘Arghya’ (Water) / Dhyana (meditation) are offered to Surya Deva; the devotee would then wear clean, two white robes, settle down on a ‘kushasana’(mat) facing ‘Ishana’(North- East) direction, commence ‘Achamana’ with Harih Om and Pavitra Mantra viz. Apavitrah pavitrova sarvaavasthaangatopivaa, yasmaret Pundareekaaksham sa Baahyaantarah suchih (Let me remember the name of ‘Pundarikaaksha’always-whether physically clean or otherwise-with cleanliness from within or without); while doing ‘Achamana’or sipping spoonfuls of water thrice with Gayatri Mantra, utter the Mantras viz. Om Rutamcha Satyam cha abheedaat tapasodhyajaayata, tato Ratrasya Jaayata tatassamudro Arnavah (Even before meditation, the Self-illuminated Para Brahma created the authentic Truth and from that Truth generated darkness which created the waters of the Oceans); Samudraarnavaat Adhi Samamvatsaro Ajaayata, Ahoraatraani vidadhat Vishvashya mishato vashee/ (Days/ nights as also Years and the concept of Time got materialized only after the waters of Oceans were generated and Paramatma held the Universe in His full control); Suryaa Chandra masow Dhaata Yathaa purvamakalpayat, Divamcha Prithiveem chaaantariksha mathosvah/ (As in the past, Dhata (Paramatma) created Surya Chandras, Celestial Region including Heaven, besides the Sky and Earth).Then the devotee performing Sandhya Vandana sips water by way of ‘Achamana’once again. Thereafter, the devotee is to spraywater in all the directions as also on the self. Then, he readies himself to do ‘Praanaayaam’ and recites Pranava while proposing the seven ‘Vyahritis’(relevant expressions of Gayatri) viz. Om Bhuh, Om Bhuvah, Om Suvah, Om Mahah, Om Janah, Om Tapah, Om Satyam, Om tatsavatir varenyam bhargo devasya dheermahi dhiyo yonah prachodayaat, Om Apo Jyoti rasomritam Bharma Bhurbhuvatswarom/ simultaneously sprinkle drops of water on one’s own head. Pranayama (Control of Prana) is performed by touching the nose by the thumb and second finger and air must be taken in slowly through the left nostril and sent out by the right nostril; inhalation is known as ‘Puraka’, retaining is ‘Kumbhaka’ and exhalation is Rechaka, the three tasks done by 1:3:2 ratio, completing one Pranayama. The ‘Viniyogas’ or attributions of Gayatri / Shiro Mantras are as follows: Gayatri Mantra – Omkaarasya Brahma Rishih, Devi Gayatri Chhandah, Paramaatmaa Devataa, Sapta Vyahriteenaam Prajaapatirrishih Gayatri ushnik anushtup Brihati Pankti trishtup jagatyah chhandaamsya AgnirVaayu Surya Brihaspati Varunendra Vishvadeva Devatah/ (PraanaayamaViniyogah) Shiro Mantra – Tatsavituriti Vishwamitra Rishih Gayatri chaandah Savitaa Devataa Apojyotiriti Sirasah Pajapatirishi yajuschhando BrahmagniVaayu Suryaa Devataah/ (Praanaayaamey Viniyoga. After the Pranayaama Viniyoga, the devotee has to perform Kara Nyasa and Anga Nyasa as follows: Kara Nyasa: Om Angushthaabhyaam Namah (Touch both the thumbs); Om Bhuh Tarjanibhyam namah (Touch both thumbs with both fore-fingers); Om Bhuvah Madhyamaabhyaam Namah (Touch both thumbs with both middle fingers); Om Swaha Anaamikaabhyaam Namah (Touch the thumbs with ring wearing finger); Om Bhur bhuvah kanishtikaabhyaam namah (Touch the thumbs with little fingers) and Om Bhur bhuvah swah karatala hastaabhyaam namah (Touch both the back sides of the palms) Anganyasa:: Om Hridayaa Namah (Touch the heart with right hand); Om Bhu Sirasey swaha (Touch the head); Om Bhuvah Shikhaya vashat (Touch the tuft); Om Swah kavachaaya hum (Touch shoulders with both the hands); Om Bhurbhuvaha netraa -bhyaam voushat (Touch the eyes with respective hand-fingers); Om Bhurbhuvah swaha Astraya phat ( take the right hand behind the back and clap to rest it on left palm). After Pranayama as above, then Gayatri Avahana Sankalpa states: Mamopaattha Samasta duritakshaya dwara Shri Parameswara preetyartham Praatah Sandhyaamupaasishy/ or Maadhyaahnikam Karishey/ or Saayam Sandhyaamupaasishey (May I begin to worship Goddess Sandhya in the morning/afternoon/evening by destroying all of my sins by the grace of Parameswara). In the morning Gayatri is in the form of ‘Tryaikshari’, Veda Maataa and Brahma Vaadini: Aaagachha varade Devi Tryaiksharey Brahma Vaadini, Gayatricchandasaam Maata Brahmayoney Namostutey; In the afternoon she arrives as Savitri by a vrishabha (bull) with white robes as Rudra Vaadini: Madhyaahney Vrishabha aruudhaam Savitreem Rudra yonim chaavaahayerudravaadineem; in the evening Gayatri appears mounted on Garuda as Sarasvati with crimson robes as VishnuVaadini : Saayamtu Garudhaarudhaam Peetaambharasamaavitaam, Sarasvatim Vishnuyoni maahvayed Vishnu Vaadineem/ After the Sankalpa follows Maarjanam by the Mantra : Aapohishta mayo bhuvah, tana oorje dadhaatana/ maheranaaya chakshase, yo vah Shiva tamo rasah/ tasya bhajayateha nah/Usiteeravah Matarah, Tasma arangamama vah, yasya kshayaya jinvath/ Apo janaa yahta cha nah/ Om bhurbhuva suvah/ (Aapohishtha: The Goddesses of Water indeed; Mayo bhuvah: are the causes of granting happiness; tah nah: Such Goddesses; Mahe Ramaaya chakshasey : are Great and charming to view; oorje dadhaatana :provide nourishment ; sivatamo rasah: most propitious bliss; Usitih Matara iva: like loving mothers; Bhajayateha yasya kshayaaya: make us worthy of that bliss; Jinvatha tasmaa vah aram gamaamah :we go in for that bliss with great eagerness; Apo janaayata: may we be born in rebirth with pure knowledge. Pratah Sandhya (Morning) Mantra Sandhya states: Suryascha ma manyuscha manyupatayascha manukriteebhyah/ Paapebhyo rakshantaam/ Yadraatriya paapamakaarsham/ manasaa vaachaa hastaabhyaam/ Padhmyamudarena sisna/ Raatristadavalumpatu/ yat kimcha duritam mayi idamaham mamaamritayanau/ Surye Jyotishi Juhomi swaha (Protect me from sins committed due to rage and temper as also by the Sun and the Deity of Fury apart from the wrongdoings by my mind, conversation, limbs, stomach and sex; once such sins are excused, may the Great Radiance of Sun God make me worthy of Salvation).By so saying, sip water from the hollow of right palm. Madhyaahna Sandhya (Noon time) Mantra : Apah punantu Prithivim Prithivi puta punatumaam, Punatu Brahmanaspatih Brahma puta punatu maam, Yaduchhistam abhojam yadva duscharitam mama, Sarvam punatu maamaposatam chapratigrahagg swaha ( Let the Deity of Water clean up the Earth, me and my Guru who is a depository of Vedas and let Vedas sanctify me. May the wrong food that I consumed, the questionable deeds that I did or the dubious presents that I received from doubtful characters be all mollified, uploads/s3/ sandhyaopasana-guide.pdf
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