Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 1 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide Bh

Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 1 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 1. About Bhunaksha 2. Features 3. Bhunaksha Architecture 3.1 Centralized Architecture 3.2 Distributed architecture 3.3 Open source application and libraries used in Bhunaksha 4. System Requirements 4.1 System Requirements Server 4.2 System Requirements Client 5. Installation 5.1 Building and Downloading 5.2 Server 5.3 Client 5.3.1 Bhunaksha Desktop Client 5.3.2 Bhunaksha Browser Client 5.3.3 Bhunaksha Mobile App 6. Styling Map 6.1 Style Templates 6.2 Symbols 6.3 Style Editor 6.3.1 Point Symbolizer Editor 6.4 Defining Styles for Map 6.4.1 Common map display styles. 6.4.2 Layer Styles 6.4.3 Theme Styles 7. Importing Shape File 7.1 Bulk Import 7.2 Individual Import 7.2.1 Import Plots (SHP) 7.2.2 Import Layer (SHP) 7.3 Customized Import for States 7.3.1 Jharkhand 2 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 7.3.2 Chhattisgarh 8. Viewing and Correcting Shape files 9. Validating Shape Files 9.1 Custom validations of shape files. 9.1.1 Khasara Number and area comparison in shape file and textual database 9.1.2 Validation of Digitized data as per Data Structure Design format (DDSF) - Bihar 10. Village Map View 10.1 Village Map View 10.2 Customized Village Map for States 10.2.1 Maharashtra 11. Plot Report 12. Village Map Printing 12.1 Village Map Printing 12.2 Customized Village Map for States 12.2.1 Maharashtra 13. Splitting Plot (Mutation) 13.1 Division Tool Set 13.2 Free Hand Drawing 13.3 Distance Angle Method 13.4 Distance Direction Method 13.5 Arc Method (Adjacent Side) 13.6 Arc Method (Opposite Side) 13.7 Point Measurement Method 13.8 Straight Line Division 13.9 Area Division 13.10 Division with help of background image 13.11 Division using ETS Data 13.12 Division Using Ladder data 14. Multiple Plot Splitting (Cutting Road/Canal) 15. Merging plots 16. Creating map using FMB and Tippon 16.1 Diagonal and Offset / Simple Triangulation System. 16.2 Bombay Style 16.3 Viewing/ Printing Map created from FMB. 17. Composing Survey Data 3 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 18. Plot Comparison Reports 18.1 Plots Present in map missing in ROR 18.2 Plots Present in ROR missing in Map 18.3 Duplicate Plot numbers in map 19. Mutation Report 20. Export Map as Shape file 20.1 Bulk Export 20.2 Individual Export 18.2.1 Export Plots (SHP) 21. Embedding Plot Map in ROR report. 22. Audit Trail 23. Plot Info 24. Imported Villages Report 25. Data Transfer to server 26. Unimported Villages Report 27. Data Migration from previous version 28. Georeferencing Village Maps 29. Custom Services 29.1 Himachal Pradesh 29.1.1 PlotImage Service 29.1.2 Neigboring Plots 30. Bhunaksha Mobile App 31. Bhunaksha FAQ 32 Annexure 32.1 Installation of Postgresql & Postgis 32.1.1 On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. 32.1.2 On Windows 32.2 Load balancing and High availability Clustering setup for Tomcat 32.3 Configuration of the Logging performed by Tomcat 33. Configuring Bhunaksha Demo application 34. Downloads 4 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 5 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 1. About Bhunaksha Introduction The Government of India have decided to implement the Centrally-Sponsored scheme in the vector of the National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) by merging two existing Centrally-Sponsored Schemes of computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR) in the Department of Land Resources(DoLR), Ministry of Rural Development. The integrated programme would modernize management of land records, minimize scope of land disputes, enhance transparency in the land records maintenance system, and facilitate moving eventually towards guaranteed conclusive titles to immovable properties in the country. The major components of the programme are computerization of all land records and integration of textual and spatial records and mutations, survey/re-survey and updation of all survey & settlement records including creation of original cadastral records wherever necessary, computerization of registration, development of core GIS and capacity building. This document outlines detailed requirements for cadastral mapping solution and the integration of ROR and cadastral maps under NLRMP. The scope of the system is to facilitate end to end solution for cadastral mapping starting from digital verification of raster and vector data of cadastral maps, its integration with Records of Rights (RoR) and services such as mutation, updation, distribution of RoR and map covering the requirements of NLRMP project in G2G and G2C domain. During the process of development the software will incorporate all organization flows and process of Land Revenue System. The software will be deployed in the tehsils/taluks in the country. In present scope of work, cadastral maps are maintained within village boundaries with proper village index defining association, direction and orientation among plots constituting the village. This is to ensure “whole to part approach” and keeping errors confined to village boundaries. Bhunaksha is a cadastral mapping software developed by NIC using Open source applications and libraries to facilitate management of digitized cadastral maps. With proper customization Bhunaksha can be integrated with existing Land Records application of any states that deals with textual data. Back end database Postgresql with Postgis spatial module is used for storing geometry and spatial attributes of plots and other features. Bhunaksha talks to other external ROR database which are mostly in MS Sql Server in implemented states. ROR database can be virtually in any RDBMS. The scanning, digitization, verification of cadastral maps are the pre-processes and input to Bhunaksha applica​tion. 6 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide For overcoming diverse structure of ROR database in different states Bhunaksha defines certain interfaces for talking with ROR database. The interfaces are implemented differently for different states based on the structure of that state’s ROR database. In this way the same Bhunaksha application workbench can be used for any state just by plugging the particular state's implementation of ROR interfaces. 2. Features 1. Developed using Free and Open source software. 2. Works in Windows and Linux 3. Centralized and Distributed architecture. 4. Web, Desktop and Mobile apps available. 5. Responsive web rendering for smaller screens. 6. Plugin architecture to facilitate integration with any state’s ROR/Master database. 7. A plot can be divided into multiple subdivisions in a single mutation 8. Multiple methods for creating division lines. 9. Grid and Background image can be used to help in drawing division lines. 10. Multiple plots can be divided in a single operation for cutting road/canal etc. 11. History and Audit trail of division is maintained in the software. 12. Distance measurement and calculation takes into consideration initial scale and local units 13. Plot map and Village map can be displayed and printed to any scale. 14. Vector printing of maps. 15. SLD based styling of plot and layers. 16. Query based thematic maps can be defined by user. 17. Bulk import of Shape files and ADF files. 18. Maps can be generated from Survey data (LandXML) data and FMB 19. Validation reports for comparing data in ROR database and digitized map files 20. Helps to correct geometry errors in Shape file. 21. Adapts to the authentication and authorization features of ROR database users. 22. Online Georeferencing tools for legacy maps. 7 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide 3. Bhunaksha Architecture Bhunaksha is designed to work in a centralized environment and distributed environment. 3.1 Centralized Architecture In centralized architecture the core application and database resides on an array of centralised servers. The application can be accessed through browser or Bhunaksha desktop client. The desktop client consumes REST services provided by the server application. Some of the robust features which cannot be implemented with limited facilities of browsers are implemented in Desktop client application alone. Services which are to be used directly by public has been completely implemented in browser client. This setup will be feasible only when there is remarkably high bandwidth connectivity among the department offices and powerful array of servers. The application can also be accessed via the mobile client which provides some mobile friendly features. 3.2 Distributed architecture Bhunaksha can also can be setup to work in a distributed architecture. In this case Bhunaksha 8 Bhunaksha 3.0 User Guide database can be installed on district or sub district (Tehsils) servers. Desktop applications in LAN can connect to this server. All map management, plot division etc. can be performed at respective office unit with the desktop application. Data can be merged to central server system installed at state data centers in a planned schedule. In this case Bhunaksha installed on central server can be used for view purpose. This architecture can be used even if connectivity to central server is weak. 3.3 Open source application and libraries used in Bhunaksha Bhunaksha is developed using the power of some of the world’s most advanced and popular open source applications and libraries mentioned below. 1. Java Java is a computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere", meaning that code that runs on one platform does not need to be recompiled to run on another. Bhunaksha application is developed in Java language. 2. Postgresql and Postgis PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. As a database server, its primary function is to store data, securely and supporting best practices, and uploads/s3/ bhunaksha3-0userguide.pdf

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