Commodity guide A Beginner ? s Guide to Indian Commodity Futures Markets Neeraj Mahajan and Kavaljit Singh A BEGINNER ? S GUIDE TO INDIAN COMMODITY FUTURES MARKETS NEERAJ MAHAJAN AND KAVALJIT SINGH MADHYAM Madhyam is a non-pro ?t policy research institute

A Beginner ? s Guide to Indian Commodity Futures Markets Neeraj Mahajan and Kavaljit Singh A BEGINNER ? S GUIDE TO INDIAN COMMODITY FUTURES MARKETS NEERAJ MAHAJAN AND KAVALJIT SINGH MADHYAM Madhyam is a non-pro ?t policy research institute based in New Delhi India Kavaljit Singh is Director of Madhyam Neeraj Mahajan is an independent journalist based in New Delhi Published in by Madhyam Maitri Apartments Plot No Patparganj New Delhi India Phone - - Email madhyamdelhi gmail com Website www madhyam org in Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives Since this publication is meant for nonpro ?t research and educational purposes you are welcome to reproduce it provided the source is acknowledged We will appreciate if a copy of reproduced materials is sent to us Designed by KS Designers New Delhi CONTENTS Acronyms ix Data Notes x Acknowledgements xi Introduction xiii How This Guide is Organized xv PART I ?? Understanding Commodities What is a commodity Which kinds of commodities are traded in the world Why are commodities important What are the main di ?erences between commodity spot and derivatives markets Why are prices in global commodities markets volatile ?? Understanding Derivatives and Commodity Futures Trading What is a derivative contract What are exchange-traded derivatives What are over-the-counter OTC derivatives Why are derivatives considered a double-edged sword What are the key functions of commodity futures trading Which commodities are suitable for futures trading What is an ??underlying ? and how is it di ?erent from a ??contract ? What is convergence Understanding Commodity Derivatives Exchanges What is a commodity derivatives exchange What were the historical reasons behind setting up commodity exchanges worldwide How does a commodity derivatives exchange function What is the role of an exchange in futures trading How are futures prices on the exchange determined Which are the biggest global commodity derivatives trading exchanges ?? The Market Participants Who are the main players in commodity futures market Why is farmer participation in the Indian commodity futures markets very low Are foreign investors allowed to trade in the Indian commodity markets Are banks and ?nancial institutions allowed to trade in commodity futures markets in India ?? The Financialization of Commodities What is ?nancialization of commodities Why are ?nancial players interested in commodity derivatives What has been the impact of ?nancial players ?? A World Full of Manipulated Markets Silver Thursday and the Hunt Brothers Scandal Crude Oil Price Fixing Scandal The Enron Scandal The Copper King Scandal PART II ?? Commodity Futures Markets in India Are commodity derivatives new in India What was the rationale behind setting up commodity futures exchanges in India What are the major commodity exchanges in India What is the status of regional commodity exchanges Which commodities are allowed in the Indian futures markets Are options allowed in commodity derivatives trading in India Are deliveries compulsory in Indian commodity futures markets What is staggered delivery ?? How are the Indian Commodity Futures Markets Manipulated What are the common fraudulent business practices What is

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  • Publié le Mar 30, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 394.5kB