FORMAL GUIDELINES FOR FORMATTING A PhD THESIS The PhD thesis is written in Croatian or some other language used in the field of study. The text of the thesis should be logically divided into sections, without grammatical, spelling and printing mistakes. The tables and images (charts, photographs, drawings, diagrams, histograms, maps, ...) should be numbered and have a proper title. The numbers and titles of the tables should be written above the tables. The numbers and titles of images (charts, photographs, drawings, diagrams, histograms, maps, ...) should be written below the images. All the pages, from the Introduction to the end of the thesis, should be numbered. The submitted theses should be hardbound. The number of submitted hardbound copies is equal to the number of members of the PhD defence committee + the number of supervisors + 3 for the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies. The page formatting of a PhD thesis: > A4 page format (210 × 297) > font (type of letter): Arial (the support of all Croatian characters required) > font size: 11 points > justified text; left-aligned headings > text spacing: 1.5; tables spacing: 1.0 > left margin 3.0 cm; right, top and bottom margin 2.5 cm (the front page has different default margins) > page numbers should be written in the bottom right corner. The general rule is that, in all written works, it is always necessary to clearly separate someone else’s text, ideas and data from the author’s text, conclusions, ideas, data, etc. Smaller parts of texts by other authors can be used, but that should always be marked in a clear and standard way. If the illustration is not a genuine contribution of the author, it is mandatory to indicate its source (if it has already been published), or its author (if the illustration has not yet been published). The source is written below the illustration. If the illustration is a reproduction of an artwork, the author (if known), the title and other relevant information should be mentioned. DOCTORAL THESIS (Monograph style) The doctoral thesis ( monograph style ) should include: A front page written in the language of the thesis, and a front page written in English (if the thesis was not written in English; if it was written in English, then the front page should be in Croatian) - (pages 7-10 of this document) New page (one page, single-spaced) Bibliography Bibliography data: (these data are listed at the bottom half of the page one below the other)  Scientific area:  Scientific field:  Branch of science:  Institution: (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute)  Supervisor of the PhD thesis:  Number of pages:  Number of images:  Number of tables:  Number of appendices:  Number of references:  Date of oral examination: (can be entered by hand later)  The members of the PhD defence committee: The doctoral thesis is stored in: Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu, Ulica Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4 p.p. 550, 10 000 Zagreb, Knjižnica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Agronomskog Fakulteta, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10 000 Zagreb. The subject of the thesis was accepted at the session of the Faculty Council of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, held on … (write the date of the session at which the decision was made), and approved at the session of the Senate of the University of Zagreb, held on ... (write the date of the session of the Senate of the University of Zagreb at which de decision was made). New page (one page, 1.5 line spacing) Doctoral thesis grade(should include the date of oral examination and the names of members of the Doctoral PhD committee; the position of their signatures should be indicated) New page (one page per supervisor, single-spaced) Supervisor information(should be written in third person singular, should not be larger than one page per supervisor) New page - Acknowledgements (one page, optional) New page (one page, single-spaced) Summary in the language of the thesis (should be written on a single page, should include keywords and allow the reader to understand the purpose of the thesis, research methods, results and relevant explanations and the author’s conclusions). Keywords should be added at the end of the summary (up to 10 words). New pages (up to three pages, single-spaced) Extended (structured) summary in Croatian, if the paper was not written in Croatian, or in English, if the paper was not written in English. The title of the doctoral thesis should be written at the top of the page in the same language as the extended summary. It is necessary to explain the research question(s) and motivation in the introductory part of the extended (structured) summary. After than, a brief overview of each chapter (what the chapter focuses on and what is included in the chapter) with brief findings/results is given, with special focus on the contribution of thesis and the solution to the problem investigated. The conclusion of the extended (structured) summary should summarize the conducted research and achievements. Keywords (up to 10 words) should be added at the end of the extended summary. New page/s (unlimited number of pages, 1.5 spacing) Summary New page/s (unlimited number of pages, 1.5 spacing) List of abbreviations; List of tables; List of images; ... New pages (unlimited number of pages, 1.5 spacing) Thesis text, starting with an Introduction which includes a brief overview of the subject investigated (up to three pages). At the end of the Introduction, there should be a subheading Research hypotheses and objectives (the same style as in the application of the thesis topic approved by the Senate of the University of Zagreb). This should be followed by chapters titled Overview of former research, Materials and methods of research, Research results, and Discussion. Headings should be capitalized, bold, size 16, and the following subheadings size 14, 12, 11. Headings should be capitalized, while subheadings should be written in lower case. New pages (unlimited number of pages, 1.5 spacing) Conclusions include a critical overview of the main solutions, guidelines for future work, possible upgrades, improvements etc. New pages (unlimited number of pages, 1.5 spacing) Works cited > all the articles quoted in the thesis should be cited, as well as the articles to which the author refers. Likewise, the list should not contain non-quoted works, nor those not referred to in the paper. > works should be cited in accordance with the guidelines for ACS (Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus; Poljoprivredna znanstvena smotra; - examples: Colarič M., Veberič R., Štampar F., Hudina M. (2005). Evaluation of peach and nectarine fruit quality and correlations between sensory and chemical attributes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85: 2611-2616. Kempthorne O. (1957). An introduction to genetic statistics. John Wiley and Sons, New York. White P.J., Wheatley R.E., Hammond J.P., Zhang K. (2007). Minerals, soils and roots. U: Potato Biology and Biotechnology, Advances and Perspectives (ur. Vreugdenhil D.), Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom, str. 739-752. Petek M., Herak Ćustić M., Majdek A., Pecina M., Lazarević B., Jurkić V., Karažija T. (2011). Optimalna gnojidba i dubina korijena utječu na kvalitetu travnog busena. Zbornik radova 46. hrvatskog i 6. međunarodnog simpozija agronoma, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet, 14.- 18.02.2011., Opatija, Hrvatska, str. 89-93. New pages (up to three pages, single-spaced) Author’s biography with the list of published works. > should be written in third person singular and not longer than three pages New pages (optional; unlimited number of pages, 1.5 spacing) Appendix > if appendices are used (such as certain surveys, forms, etc.), they should be added at the end of the thesis, and may be labelled as Appendix A, Appendix B... or Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ... DOCTORAL THESIS (Scandinavian writing model) Scandinavian PhD model is a model which comprises at least three published articles, followed by a critical overview of chapters (unified Introduction, unified Discussion, unified Conclusions, comprehensive Review of relevant literature - relevant scientific articles included in the doctoral thesis). The critical overview places the results of the doctoral thesis in the context of existing scientific ideas. Such form of work is possible only within the research work of the postgraduate study, and scientific articles must be published after enrolling in the postgraduate study. Joint scientific articles that are proposed as a thesis must form a rounded entity (be related thematically). At least three of them must be published in the journals included in the Web of Science database. At least one of them must be published in a journal whose echoing factor is larger than the median echoing factor of journals in the area of the doctoral research. The doctoral candidate must be the principal author of at least two of those papers. Each article can only qualify one doctoral candidate, unless there is a special reasoning. Joint articles must give a new scientific contribution in regard to individual articles. DOCTORAL THESIS ( Scandinavian model ) should include: Cover, spine, front pages of the doctoral thesis in monograph style (p. 7-9 of the guidelines) New page uploads/s3/ guide-zagreb.pdf

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