A Look Back at 20 Years of Cheat Code Central The Force Is Strong with Star War
A Look Back at 20 Years of Cheat Code Central The Force Is Strong with Star Wars: Battlefront II Why Is Microsoft Wasting Halo? Why Graphics Matter in 2017 Crysis 2 Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ Review Get exclusive Crysis 2 trainers at Cheat Happens Advertisement More Special Features... Cheat Codes While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type "con_restricted 0" and press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Cheat Code God mode g_godMode = 1 Infinite suit energy g_infinitesuitenergy=1 Infinite ammo g_infiniteAmmo = 1 or i_unlimitedammo = 1 New Game + mode All weapon attachments, armor modules, collectibles, traffic cameras triggered, and nano-catalyst collected are saved to your campaign career. Thus, when you replay a mission, all those items will be available. Hidden mini-game At the main menu, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Credits" selection. Then, press [Fire] five times during the credits to play a secret mini-game. Steady aim While aiming down the sights of any gun, hold [Left Shift] to use energy to steady your aim. When this is used while crouched in the Maximum Armor, your aim will be almost 100% accurate. Surviving high falls When jumping from a high location, activate Air Stomp. Suit module upgrades The following is a list of all suit modules and their upgrades: Armor Air Stomp: Velocity based attack; more speed deals more damage. Requires elevation beyond a Power Jump. Minimum Velocity Damage: 40 damage out to 2 meters Maximum Velocity Damage: 220 damage out to 7 meters Upgrade II: No damage from falling Upgrade III: 0.5x recovery time after Air Stomp Proximity Alarm: Sense enemy in a 30 meter horizontal radius (not vertical); updates every two seconds Upgrade II: Sensor updates every second Crysis 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlock... http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/crysis2cheatscodes.html 1 de 71 13/5/17 10:22 a. m. Upgrade III: Sensor updates every half-second Armor Enhance 0.5x energy consumption Upgrade II: +25% movement speed in Armor mode Upgrade III: Immune to Nanosuit Jammer Bonus Threat Tracer: Highlight bullet path within 6 meters Upgrade II: Highlight grenades within a 15 meter radius Upgrade III: Highlights explosives within 15 meter radius Nano Recharge: 2x health regeneration Upgrade II: 2x suit recharge (60 per second) Upgrade III: 0.5x delay before health regeneration Detonation Delay: +2 seconds to grenade fuse when in blast radius Upgrade II: +2 seconds to C4 fuse when in blast radius Upgrade III: Fires Chaff against enemy JAW missiles Energy Transfer: Restores 20% energy with a kill Upgrade II: Restores 30% energy with a kill Upgrade III: Restores 50% energy with a kill Power Side Pack: +1 primary magazine Upgrade II: +1 grenade/explosive Upgrade III: +1 attachment ammo Weapon Pro: 0.6x reload time Upgrade II: 0.5x aim down sight time Upgrade III: 0.4x weapon swap time Aim Enhance: Reduced recoil (unique to weapon) Upgrade II: 0.4x view shake from explosions Upgrade III: 1.6x movement speed when aiming down sights (compared to whatever negative speed it offers) Loadout Pro: Two primary weapons Upgrade II: No mobility loss from attachments Upgrade III: 1.5x speed while carrying HMG (compared to its 0.6x speed scale) Rapid Fire: Higher rate of fire on primary weapons (unique to weapon) Upgrade II: Higher rate of fire on secondary weapons (unique to weapon) Upgrade III: Higher rate of fire on mounted weapons Point Fire Enhance: Reduces spread of primary weapons (unique to weapon) Upgrade II: Reduces spread of secondary weapons (unique to weapon) Upgrade III: Reduces spread of mounted weapons Mobility Enhance: 0.5x sprint and jump energy cost Upgrade II: 0.5x ledge grab climb time Upgrade III: 0.25x fire after sprint time Retriever: Automatically collect Dogtags Upgrade II: One less Dogtag required for support bonuses Upgrade III: 1.2x support bonus time Stealth Stealth Enhance: Transition time to/from stealth is halved Upgrade II: No shadow cast in Stealth mode Upgrade III: 0.5x energy drain rate in Stealth mode Covert Ops: No player footstep sound Upgrade II: Invisible to Ceph Airstrike Upgrade III: 2x enemy footstep sound Cloak Tracker: Displays particles on Cloaked enemy within 20 meters Crysis 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlock... http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/crysis2cheatscodes.html 2 de 71 13/5/17 10:22 a. m. How Adults Only Mods Add a Touch of Reality Why the World Needs a Great Spider-Man Game Let's Talk About Sex in Video Games We Hope Disney Is Listening Upgrade II: Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 7 seconds in radius Upgrade III: Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 5 seconds in radius Jammer: Scrambles the radar of enemies within a 10 meter range Upgrade II: Provides protection against enemy Radar Jammer attacks Upgrade III: Scrambles the radar of enemies within an increased range Blind Spot: Invisible to Maximum Radar Upgrade II: Immune to Visor Tagging Upgrade III: Become less visible to enemies in Nano Vision Tracker: Track enemy footsteps within 25 meters; updates every 0.6 seconds Upgrade II: Footstep direction tracks Upgrade III: Doubled track updates (every 0.3 seconds) Visor Enhance: Automatically tag enemies when zoomed in Upgrade II: Enemy Flashbang grenade effect lasts 0.1x as long Upgrade III: Nano Vision energy drain 0.5x Advertisement Special ability stats Air Stomp: This is a velocity-based attack. The higher you are, the more time you have to fall and the faster you will go. Depending on the height, the Air Stomp can deliver from a minimum of 40 damage to a maximum of 220 damage, and a damage radius from 2 meters up to 7 meters. A Power Jump does not provide enough air to perform an Air Stomp for the minimum damage. You will need at least enough elevation where you are in the air for a few seconds to perform an Air Stomp. When you can successfully perform an Air Stomp, an on-screen prompt will be displayed instructing you to press a button to do the Air Stomp. Armor: This drains two to seven points of energy per second depending on your movement speed. Your movement speed is also decreased to 80%. Armor absorbs a percentage of damage to your health. 35% of the damage is diverted to your suit energy. For example, if your armor is hit in the torso for 30 damage, you will take 19 damage. Power Jump: This allows you 2.2x times the height of a normal jump. It takes 20 energy to use. Speed (running): You gain 1.8x speed while sprinting. Speed drains up to seven points of energy per second. Stealth: This drains your energy by five points while standing still. Based on how fast you are moving in Stealth mode, the suit will drain up to 15 points per second. Car key locations Search the indicated locations to find all car keys: 1. Chapter 3 - Sudden Impact: Climb to the top of the stairway you reach after leaving the parking garage. The key is next to a corpse and a pile of debris. 2. Chapter 4 - Road Rage: After you pass the machine gun turret, but before you acquire the ICV, look for a wall with barbed wire on the top that protects a shipping container. Look inside the container to obtain the key, along with a cache of supplies. 3. Chapter 5 - Lab Rat: Go to the far north end of the freeway, and look for a blue car parked in a corner. The key is near two corpse and a matching pair of stop signs. Crysis 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlock... http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/crysis2cheatscodes.html 3 de 71 13/5/17 10:22 a. m. 4. Chapter 6 - Gate Keepers: After descending the window washing platform, search the nearby alley for a small set of stairs on the north end to find the key. 5. Chapter 7 - Dead Man Walking: The key is on a planter on the street surface, next to a white teddy bear. To reach it, go west, past the intersection, to the end of the road that lies opposite to the starting point. 6. Chapter 8 - Seat Of Power: While in the train station, look for an opportunity to run and jump across a gap in the tracks. You will reach a corpse seated on a row of blue chairs. The key is to his left. 7. Chapter 9 - Dark Heart: The key is at the end of the counter in the security office, which you have to access in order to call the elevator. 8. Chapter 11 - Corporate Collapse: The key is near the beginning of the level, inside a train car that lies toppled in the valley. 9. Chapter 12 - Train To Catch: The key is on the table inside the Vehicle Decontamination Bay Office. 10. Chapter 15 - Power Out: Immediately after the checkpoint on your way to Times Square, duck into the security trailer on your right. The car key is on the table, next to the entrance. 11. Chapter 18 - Out Of The Ashes: The uploads/S4/ cheats-crysis-2.pdf
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