4. All those files will merge into single .iso file. Before proceeding to insta

4. All those files will merge into single .iso file. Before proceeding to instal l, you must first create a virtual ECP Port: Right Click My Computer --> Properties --> Device Manager --> Ports (COM & LPT) --> in the Action Tab, click Add legacy hardware --> click Next --> choose "Instal l hardware manually (Advanced) --> Choose Ports (COM & LPT) --> Click Next --> Ch oose Manufacturer : (Standard), Model : ECP Printer Port --> click Next --> Fini sh --> Right click on new ECP Port --> on the "Port Setting" tab, Change setting to Never use an interrupt, check Enable legacy Plug and Play, and select LPT1 - -> on the "Resources" tab, uncheck Use automatic setting --> click Change Settin g --> input 03BC - 03BE for I/O Range This I/O range will initially conflict with existing PCI Bus on some hardware, i f yes just ignore it and proceed to restart your computer, the BIOS will take ca re of it 5. And dont forget to download this Link also, this contains the -C******-c-k- f iles for ETAP 11: http://www.up2www.com/uploads/138207979142.rar You can extract it now or later 6. Turn off/temporarily disable your antivirus and internet connection and go ba ck to your extracted ETAP .iso file, Mount it with your preferred software (Daem on, Alcohol, or anything), and Run ETAP Installer --> Choose to install ETAP 11. 0.0 and wait until they finish and close the installer 7. Open Control Panel --> Security and System --> Administative tools --> Servic es, stop Etaps Lic Mgr service 8. Look back to your donwloaded rar files from no.5, extract them now and Copy * .dll and *.exe files to the C:\Program Files\Operation Technology Inc\Etap Licen se Manager 1100\ --> overwrite all 9. Start "Etaps Lic Mngr" service again. 10. Change your computer's date and time setting to sometime before 20 April 201 4, lets just pick 1 April 2014, leave the time setting as is 11. Start ETAPS.exe, if anything is okey it will ask for an activation code. Use this code below: Z@8cUuS5w#nytVgCfvvccA%tDDu4jD6aNb?K Z@8cUeS5w#nytVgCfvvcNAdTeQv7&f?98GkL 12. If there's a message telling code is invalid, close ETAP and delete a small file called ETAPS.lck located in ETAP 11 folder (mine is located in C:\ETAP 1100 \) 13. Run ETAPS.exe again, it should work now!!! 14. Before tempted to proceeding to use this software, close ETAP again 15. Use Winrar to archive "ETAPS.lck" file, rename the file to "etaps.lck.rar" a nd store it in ETAP folder C:\ETAP 1100\ And DON'T delete the existing etaps.lck files, just leave it be Now the next procedures are meant only for "fooling" the ETAP license manager in to thinking that it is started before 20 April 2014 to prevent from the License Manager giving you "Activation Code is Expired" message, but fortunately this ch eckpoint is ONLY required during first startup, after ETAP is "fooled" and the p rogram is already running in idle, we can change back the date into actual curre nt date again so the report we generate from ETAP studies can have the correct d ate and time --> therefore I pretty much agree with manuel_cv and prefer to use RunAsDate method since it has the option to "Return to current date and time" af ter a defined amount of time --> how many seconds you need for the initial start up of ETAP, because after that initial program startup, ETAP License will ignore the date and time --> exactly as confirmed above by fx007 and manuel_cv 16. Download RunAsDate and extract it to your ETAP folder, normally C:\ETAP 1100 17. Change your computer date back to the actual current date 18. Open a blank Notepad file and copy the next lines: @ ECHO OFF cd C:\ETAP 1100 "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe" e -o+ "C:\ETAP 1100\etaps.lck.rar" "C:\ETAP 1100\RunAsDate.exe" /movetime /returntime 30 01\04\2014 21:00:00 "C:\ET AP 1100\ETAPS.EXE" exit 19. Change the second line to your the ETAP 11 directory if you installed it to a different directory 20. Change Winrar directory if needed --> mine is winrar 64-bit, for users with Win 64-bit but using winrar 32-bit, the winrar unrar command is usually at "C:\P rogram Files (x86)\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe" 20a. UnRAR.exe is winrar CMD application to extract files. Option "e" is for ext ract. Option "-o+" is for overwrite destiny file 20b. Change the directory of etaps.lck.rar depending on your ETAP installation d irectory above 21. 4th line is RunAsDate command syntax, with "/movetime" the 30 min warning no longer appears, and with "/returntime 30" RunAsDate returns ETAP to the actual date after 30seconds of Startup Initialisation, so your reports can have the cor rect date after you generate it. If your computer is rather slow, with startup t ime probably taking more than 30 sec, you can just change it with, lets say "/re turntime 60", so it returns to actual date after 60s, it is all up to you. 22. Save tha notepad file with any name but the extension (after .) *must* be .b at . To do this use Notepad and Save As command at File menu. When window appear s change "Save as type" from .txt to "AllTypes". After that the file could be na med, say, "Run_ETAP.bat" and save it to your desktop 23. You can enable your antivirus and internet connection again, Run ETAP by dou ble-clicking the .bat file "Run_ETAP.bat" you placed earlier in desktop from ste p no.22, ETAP 11 at your service Read more: http://www.egpet.net/vb/threads/50987-ETAP-v11-0/page40#ixzz3uSZghMef uploads/S4/ etap-installation-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Dec 10, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
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