Ezserver User Guide www.ezhometech.com Updated :05/11/2017 Version : 1.0.320 Co

Ezserver User Guide www.ezhometech.com Updated :05/11/2017 Version : 1.0.320 Copyright © EZhometech, Inc. Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com Content 1. Introduction..............................................................................5 2. System requirement ................................................................6 Hardware requirement .....................................................................6 Software requirement.......................................................................6 3. System installation...................................................................7 4. Administrator Web Managment ...............................................9 Introduction ......................................................................................9 Home ...............................................................................................10 Channel ...........................................................................................11 Add new channel............................................................................13 Add Channel backup source URLs...............................................14 Channel extra setting.....................................................................15 Create multiple channels...............................................................17 Import channel................................................................................18 Channel list download ...................................................................19 Streaming performance adjustment .............................................20 Movie ...............................................................................................21 Add new movie ...............................................................................22 Create multiple movies ..................................................................23 Import movie...................................................................................23 Movie extra setting.........................................................................25 Pay Per View ...................................................................................26 Movie subtitle .................................................................................30 User .................................................................................................31 Create new user..............................................................................32 Max. concurrent connections........................................................33 User level ........................................................................................34 Active Code Mode ..........................................................................35 Add multiple users .........................................................................36 User extra setting ...........................................................................37 User-Password mode and Top-up Card mode.............................39 User-Free mode ..............................................................................40 Group...............................................................................................41 Player...............................................................................................42 EPG..................................................................................................43 EPG Automatic Generation............................................................44 2 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com Alert Player .....................................................................................45 Player Filter.....................................................................................46 Mac Address ...................................................................................47 Blacklist...........................................................................................48 Balancer ..........................................................................................49 Setting .............................................................................................51 Statistics..........................................................................................54 Log...................................................................................................55 Shutdown ........................................................................................55 5. Advanced channel option ......................................................56 Reduce Channel Bitrate.................................................................56 Time-Shift TV ..................................................................................59 Time-Delay TV for NON-STOP Restreaming.................................61 Catch up TV ....................................................................................62 Channel on demand (Cache on demand) .....................................64 Proxy Mode .....................................................................................66 HD channel buffering .....................................................................66 Apple HLS channel output.............................................................67 Encrypted channel with AES-128..................................................68 Adaptive Bitrate Streaming............................................................69 Logo watermark..............................................................................70 MPEG MPTS Input ..........................................................................71 Multiple network input cards.........................................................72 6. Reseller .................................................................................73 Create reseller.................................................................................73 Reseller Web Management ............................................................75 7. System maintenance.............................................................77 Administrator profile setting --- Important ...................................77 Network interface selection...........................................................78 System backup and restore...........................................................80 New installation with original setting in Linux.............................80 Move Folder for Disk full in Linux.................................................80 System update................................................................................81 Auto start.........................................................................................81 Channel Input Re-Connection .......................................................82 Remote storage ..............................................................................82 Notice video / image setting ..........................................................83 Reduce Load average ....................................................................86 3 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com System shutdown...........................................................................86 DNS server setting .........................................................................86 System diagnostics........................................................................86 System Token Control....................................................................87 Linux Script.....................................................................................88 8. Encoder integration ...............................................................89 RTMP Encoder to Ezserver............................................................89 FFMPEG Encoder to Ezserver.......................................................92 Satellite Device to Ezserver...........................................................95 Multicast Encoder to Ezserver ......................................................96 9. Video Streaming URL............................................................97 Streaming URL output....................................................................97 10. Restream Videos among Ezservers ....................................101 11. Multicast Stream to Internet.................................................102 12. Access Authentication .........................................................104 13. HTML Access Protection .....................................................105 14. Country Filter.......................................................................105 4 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com 1. Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) IPTV is the new generation of IPTV. Traditional IPTV provides static channel list, movie list and categories to users. AI IPTV is to provide dynamic, Intelligence channel list., movie list and categories to users. Traditional IPTV provides all channel names or icons to users, so users need to see them that some channels were never watched or disliked by users. Or users need to pre-define their favorite channel list. AI IPTV can Intelligently and dynamically provides certain channels that users often watch or like at one time. To provide dynamic, Intelligence Information to users, Ezserver uses one of the important AI theory, called Vague Set that is an extension of fuzzy set. Vague set was found by Ezhometech Founder, Mr. Gau and published in "IEEE Transaction on system, Man and Cybernetics" in 1993. Ezserver is a media streaming server with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capability. It receives live video from UDP, HTTP, RTMP and HLS links, ecording and streaming them into players on PC, Android, iOS, STB and Smart TV. EZhometech also provides Channel/Movie/User Management, Security, Statistics and REST API with Ezserver. Additional, Ezserver can support a lot of famous players on PC, Google android app, Apple app, STB and Smart TV. Specially, we are proud to provide the fastest video response to let our customers provide the best video streaming. 5 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com 2. System requirement Hardware requirement Minimum requirement • Processor: Dual-Core • RAM: 8GB • Network Interface: 1G BASE • Hard Disk Space: 150MB 800 connection requirement • Processor: Quad-Core (Intel i7 4970) • RAM: 16GB • Network Interface: 1G BASE • Hard Disk Space: 150MB 4500 connection requirement • Processor: 2x Intel Six-Core Xeon E5-2620v3 • RAM: 128GB • Network Interface: Upload 10G BASE / Download 10G BASE • Hard Disk Space: 150MB Software requirement Linux platform • 64-bit • Debian (recommended) • Centos • Ubuntu 6 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com 3. System installation Refer the below steps to install ezserver and IPTV Panel. o copy install.sh into /root or /home folder o chmod 777 install.sh o ./install.sh o After installation, go to ezserver_enterprise folder. o cd ezserver_enterprise o ls –al serial_number.txt o send serial_number.txt to sales@ezhometech.com for license activation. o go to ezserver_enterprise to start or shutdown ezserver. „ Start Ezserver ‹ cd ezserver_enterprise ‹ ./start.sh „ Shutdown Ezserver ‹ cd ezserver_enterprise ‹ ./shutdown.sh When Ezserver shows http://server_ip:18000/admin/index.htm, it means Ezserver starts successfully. o Login Panel by http://server_ip:18000/admin/index.htm o IMPORTANT --- Change root user to your own ID (refer Administrator profile setting topic) . 7 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com You can change the setting after Installation, you can run z ./setup.sh to change the setting. Setup example steps: A. B. Please use Linux command netstat or nmap to find the unused port no. Run setup.sh to setup Ezserver to create serial_number.txt for License Key. ./setup.sh 1. Please select network interface (current setting is eth0) eth0 lo Æeth0 2. Please type new panel port no. (18000): 18000 3. Please type new http streaming port no. for players (8000): 8000 4. Do you want to setup auto_start mode?(y/n) y 5. Setup successfully… 6. Send serial_number.txt to sales@ezhometech.com for license activation… 8 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com 4. Administrator Web Managment Introduction It supports Internet browser such as Internet Explore, Chrome, Firefox or Safari to login by the below URL path. http://Ezserver_IP:18000/admin/index.htm It provides the below management z Home: System Information. z Channel: Channel Management z Movie: Movie Management z User: Subscriber Management z Group: Group Management z Player: Online Player Information z EPG: EPG Management z Reseller: Reseller Management z Player Filter: Filter all players z Alert Player: Alert Player Information z MAC Addr.: MAC Address Control z Blacklist: Automatic blacklist management z Balancer: Load balancing Management z Setting: Protocol port setting z Statistics: Channel Statistics z Shutdown: Shutdown Ezserver 9 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com z Log: System Log Home Version • Ezserver Version Start at • EZserer Starting time Uptime • Ezserver Uptime Group • Total Group No. Subscriber • Total Subscriber No. Streaming Connection • Total Active Player No. Blacklist IP • Total Blacklist No.. Channels • Total Channel No. Active Channels • Total Active Channel No. Movie • Total Movie No. Upload Bandwidth • Total Upload Bandwidth Download Bandwidth • Total Download Bandwidth Total / Free Memory • System total available memory and free memory Ezserver Memory Usage • Ezserver running time memory Disk Use • System Disk use percentage Load Average • System Load average 10 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com Channel Menu Bar Refresh Refresh checked channels Import Import Channel List from m3u list URL Delete Delete checked channels OFF Show OFF channels Search Search Channel Name Button Add Add a new channel Copy Copy 10 channels Save Save channel definition More More Channel information Content Channel No For player input url by no, ex. http;// Channel Name For player input url by name. Ex. Media Source For RTP/UDP/HTTP/RTMP/Playlist input. o Playlist syntax : “playlist:/folder_path” ƒ Supports TS, MP4, FLV, AVI, MKV, MP3, JPEG, PNG ƒ The playing sequence of videos is by alphabetical order. ƒ ex. if the url is “playlist://middleware/videos/Movie”, you have to create /ezserver_enterprise /middleware/videos/Movie folder. And upload videos or music into this folder. • RTP syntax : “rtp://por_no” z rtp://7001 • UDP syntax : “udp://por_no” z udp://7001 • RTMP syntax : “rtmp://url” z rtmp:// • HTTP syntax : “http://ip:port_no/path” 11 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com z z • HLS m3u8 syntax : “http://ip:port_no/chx.m3u8” z o TS Playlist syntax : “dir:/folder_path” • Supports TS Format • Needs to create the folder in ezserver media/videos folder first. • ex. if the url is “dir://media/videos/Movie”, you have to create /ezserver_enterprise /media/videos/Movie folder. And upload TS format videos into this folder • The playing sequence of videos is by alphabetical order. Icon Path The path of Channel icon for players Category The category for each channel. Type Support Live, Movie, Delay, DVR and Inactive channels. Status (Uptime) • ON (Uptime) • OFF • Connecting Bitrate • Channel Upload Bitrate 12 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com Add new channel Follow the below steps to add new channel. Step1: Click “Channel” Button. Step2: Click “+” Button of a channel to add new channel. Step3: Input Channel Name, input URL, Channel Icon Path Catalog and Type, then click "+" button. 13 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com Add Channel backup source URLs • Click Channel Button • Click More Buttone of a channel • Input URL into 2nd URL and 3rd URL • Click Save Button 14 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com Channel extra setting Extra setting includes Channel Backup URLs, Enigma SID for EPG, Bitrate Tolerance for video streaming, Channel Forward for bandwidth saving. Extra setting includes Channel Backup URLs, Enigma SID for EPG, Bitrate Tolerance for video streaming, Channel Forward for bandwidth saving. Note 1. 2nd URL and 3rd URL: for channel main URL is not available. Note 2. Multicast Adapter IP: Multicast Stream from multiple network adapters. Note 3. Channel SID: for enigma EPG use. Note 4. EPG Channel ID: When the channel name of panel is different with channel id of 15 Ezhometech www.ezhometech.com EPG, It is for uploads/S4/ ezserver-user-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 12, 2022
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