Oracle® Endeca Server Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Copyri
Oracle® Endeca Server Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Copyright and disclaimer Copyright © 2003, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. 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Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services. Oracle® Endeca Server: Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Table of Contents Copyright and disclaimer ..........................................................2 Preface..........................................................................6 About this guide ................................................................6 Who should use this guide .........................................................6 Conventions used in this guide......................................................6 Contacting Oracle Customer Support .................................................7 Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................8 Taking ownership of your implementation ..............................................8 Overview of administrator tasks .....................................................8 Chapter 2: Oracle Endeca Server as a Java Application ...............................10 Overview of Oracle Endeca Server application .........................................10 The file ...................................................11 Using a data directory on a different drive.............................................17 Starting Endeca Server ..........................................................18 Stopping Endeca Server .........................................................20 Restarting WebLogic Server without stopping Endeca Server ..............................23 Changing the network interface ....................................................24 Chapter 3: Endeca Server Command Reference ......................................25 About the endeca-cmd utility ......................................................25 Command global options .........................................................26 Global options for host, port, and context root ......................................27 Global options for SSL.......................................................28 Endeca Server node operations ....................................................30 Data domain profile operations.....................................................32 Data domain operations..........................................................38 Chapter 4: Managing Data Domains ................................................47 The Endeca data domain and the Dgraph process ......................................47 Adding, removing, changing and updating data domains ..................................48 Adding a new data domain....................................................49 Removing a data domain .....................................................51 Cloning an existing data domain................................................51 Adding nodes to a data domain ................................................52 Updating a data domain......................................................53 Importing, exporting, enabling, or disabling data domains .................................55 Exporting and importing a data domain...........................................55 Enabling a data domain ......................................................57 Disabling a data domain .....................................................58 Oracle® Endeca Server: Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Table of Contents 4 Monitoring and backing up data domains .............................................58 Obtaining information about data domains ........................................58 Monitoring the data domain health ..............................................60 Checking the status of the data domain nodes .....................................60 Backing up the index ........................................................61 Collecting debugging information ...............................................61 Other tasks and characteristics of data domains ........................................62 Memory consumption in the Endeca Server .......................................62 About using control groups (cgroups) for data domains ...............................63 Enabling cgroups for the data domain........................................64 Read-only data domains .....................................................66 Auto-idling and oversubscribing behavior of data domains .............................67 Issuing cache warming requests to the Dgraph .....................................68 Configuring session affinity for data domains ......................................69 About connecting Web browsers to data domains ...................................70 Chapter 5: Dgraph Administrative Tasks ............................................71 Dgraph flags ..................................................................71 Administrative operations for the Dgraph .............................................73 Syntax of administrative operations .............................................73 List of administrative operations ................................................74 help ....................................................................75 flush ....................................................................75 logroll ...................................................................75 merge...................................................................75 ping ....................................................................75 stats ....................................................................76 statsreset ................................................................76 Managing the index merge policy for the data domain ....................................76 Using a merge policy for incremental index updates .................................76 Types of merge policies......................................................77 Setting the merge policy .....................................................77 Retrieving the merge policy ...................................................78 Changing the merge policy....................................................78 Forcing a merge ...........................................................79 Linux ulimit command for merges.............................................80 Managing Dgraph core dump files ..................................................80 Managing Dgraph crash dump files on Windows ....................................80 Managing Dgraph core dump files on Linux .......................................81 Chapter 6: Endeca Server Logging .................................................82 Endeca Server logs .............................................................82 Log entry format ...........................................................83 Logging properties files ......................................................84 Customizing the HTTP access log ..............................................87 Endeca data domain logs.........................................................88 Dgraph request log and stdout/sterr log ..............................................89 Oracle® Endeca Server: Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Table of Contents 5 Identifying Dgraph connection errors ............................................91 List and syntax of configuration operations ........................................91 Logging variables for the Dgraph process .........................................92 Logging variable operation syntax ..........................................92 List of supported logging variables ..........................................93 log-enable............................................................93 log-disable ...........................................................94 log-status ............................................................94 help ................................................................94 Cluster Coordinator log ..........................................................94 Gathering information for diagnosing problems .........................................96 Oracle® Endeca Server: Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Preface Oracle® Endeca Server is a hybrid search-analytical engine that organizes complex and varied data from disparate sources. At the core of Endeca Information Discovery, the unique NoSQL-like data model and in- memory architecture of the Endeca Server create an extremely agile framework for handling complex data combinations, eliminating the need for complex up-front modeling and offering extreme performance at scale. Endeca Server also supports 35 distinct languages. About this guide This guide describes the administrative tasks for the Oracle Endeca Server application running in a WebLogic Server. Who should use this guide This guide is intended for system administrators who administer and maintain an Oracle Endeca Server application and the data domains running in it. This guide assumes that the Oracle Endeca Server software is already installed on a development server. It may be already installed in a production environment. It also assumes that you, or your Oracle Services representatives, have already configured the application on the development server. You can choose to read specific topics from this guide individually as needed while maintaining your Oracle Endeca Server implementation after it has been initially deployed. Conventions used in this guide The following conventions are used in this document. Typographic conventions This table describes the typographic conventions used when formatting text in this document. Typeface Meaning User Interface Elements This formatting is used for graphical user interface elements such as pages, dialog boxes, buttons, and fields. Code Sample This formatting is used for sample code phrases within a paragraph. Variable This formatting is used for variable values. For variables within a code sample, the formatting is Variable. File Path This formatting is used for file names and paths. Oracle® Endeca Server: Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Preface 7 Symbol conventions This table describes the symbol conventions used in this document. Symbol Description Example Meaning > The right angle bracket, File > New > Project From the File menu, or greater-than sign, choose New, then from indicates menu item the New submenu, selections in a graphic choose Project. user interface. Path variable conventions This table describes the path variable conventions used in this document. Path variable Meaning $MW_HOME Indicates the absolute path to your Oracle Middleware home directory, which is the root directory for your WebLogic installation. $DOMAIN_HOME Indicates the absolute path to your WebLogic domain home directory. For example, if endeca_server_domain is the name of your WebLogic domain, then the $DOMAIN_HOME value would be the $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/endeca_server_domain directory. $ENDECA_HOME Indicates the absolute path to your Oracle Endeca Server home directory, which is the root directory for your Endeca Server installation. Contacting Oracle Customer Support Oracle Endeca Customer Support provides registered users with important information regarding Oracle Endeca software, implementation questions, product and solution help, as well as overall news and updates. You can contact Oracle Endeca Customer Support through Oracle's Support portal, My Oracle Support at Oracle® Endeca Server: Administrator's Guide Version 7.7.0 • January 2016 Chapter 1 Introduction This section describes the stage at which you take control of the operation and maintenance of your application powered by the uploads/Geographie/ admin-guide 17 .pdf
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