TIDDUKLA TADELSANT TAMAZIƔT DEG MARIKAN AMAZIGH CULTURAL ASSOCIATION IN AMERICA, INC. 442 Rte 206 N, Ste 163 Bedminster, NJ 07921 I S M A W E N I M A Z I Ɣ E N AMAZIGH NAMES – NOMS AMAZIGHS Compiled by Hsen Larbi 1 To the user: This list is by no means exhaustive, nor final. ACAA’s goal is to transcribe all of those lost names and provide them to anyone who is interested. It appears already that there is need for it, because many couples have already used it to pick names for their babies. Please, if you find any mistakes, or have any suggestions or do not agree with the given meanings, let us know by sending email to ACAA. The names are written using the modern Amazigh alphabet. The spelling tries to follow the most correct pronunciation. This notation is followed by that in usage on Amazigh-Net. (created due to keyboard and font limitations). ABREVIATIONS [Icawi]: Icawiyen/Shawi/Chaoui [Imuca]: Imucagh//Tuareg/Touareg [Leqba]: Leqbayel/Kabyle/Kabyle <Ta<r> : Ta<r'abt/Arabic/Arabe <Talat>: Talatinit/Latin/Latin [O.S/O.O]: Original Spelling/Ortographe Original (?): Definition may be wrong/Definition peut etre fausse TULLAS/GIRLS/FILLES AADUDA: A<DUDA: ƐELǦA: A<LDJA: [Leqba] A doll/Poupee. Ta<eldjets (note: some give the meaning of Perle/Certains donne le sens: Perle) ƐAZZI: AAZZI : [Igragren] [O.S./O.O] Arabic rootRacine Arabe: A<zizet=Dear/Chere. [3] AǦAN:ADJAN: AMƔENNA: AMGHNNA: [1] ANYA: ANYA: [Imuca] "my brother" in Tamaceght/"Mon frere" en Tamaceght [Chaker] in publi. by Imedyazen). It probably means educated woman. Other possibility: may be the Amazighized (altered) Latin name: Anne, or Annie, Annette (?), etc. There are actually a number of Amazigho- Latin names: see R'uza (Rose), Lwiza (Louise). [1] ƐELǦIYYA: <ELDJIYYA: See/Voir: A<LDJA BAKKA: BAKKA: [Icawi] (?) [D. Abdessemed] BIBYA: BIBYA: [Icawi] (?) may be a dimunitive of another name [D. abdessemed] BƔENNAT: BGHNAT: [1] CABḤA: CABH'A: [Leqba] (pronounce shabh'a). Beautiful/Belle. Arabic root/Racine Arabe: CEBBA CUCA: CUCA: (?)[pronounce Shusha]. This may be a different pronounciation of the Kabyle SUSA/Peut etre une differente prononciation du SUSA Kabyle. DASSIN: DASSIN: [Imuca] An Amazigh queen of the desert (Known to the Tuaregs)/Reine Amazigh du Desert (connue des legendes Touaregues). [1] DIHYA: DIHYA: [Icawi] The Amazigh name of the famous Kahina (arab name)/Le nom de la celebre reine Amazigh connue sous le nom de Kahina (nom Arabe. [1] DIMYA: DIMYA: [Icawi] Given by some authors as the name of/Donne par certains auteurs comme le nom de: DIHYA (ie KAHINA) [D. Abdessemed] ḌRIFA: D'R'IFA:[Leqba]gentil, tender/gentille, douce.[1] FAƔISA: FAGHISSA: [1] FARIZA: FARIZA: Particular (meaning the best) sets itself out/Particuliere meilleure, remarquable.[1] FEDDADA: FEDADA: [1] FEṚṚUǦA: FER'R'UDJA: [Leqba] Young partridge/Perdreau. [1] GEDDUDA: GEDDUDA: [Icenwi] [O.S/O.O]: GEDDOUDA. Same as/Meme que MEGDUDA (?) [5] TIDDUKLA TADELSANT TAMAZIƔT DEG MARIKAN AMAZIGH CULTURAL ASSOCIATION IN AMERICA, INC. 442 Rte 206 N, Ste 163 Bedminster, NJ 07921 I S M A W E N I M A Z I Ɣ E N AMAZIGH NAMES – NOMS AMAZIGHS Compiled by Hsen Larbi 2 ƔIDA: GHIDA: (?) ƔNIMA: GHNIMA: [Leqba][GHENIMA] "Roseau". Refers to a tall girl. Also in Kabyle 'roseau" is used to mean: fragile, tender See GHANIM for aboy/Femme/fille de grande taille. En Kabyle roseau est utilise pour signifier: fragile, tendre. GWEJDA: GWEJDA: [1] IZA: IZA: (?) Same as/Meme que: WIZA. See/Voir WIZA. [D. Abdessemed] JDIRA: JDIRA: [1] JEǦǦIGA: JEDDJIGA: [Leqba] Flower/Fleur. [1] KAHINA: KAHINA: <Ta<r> See/Voir: DIHYA. [1] KANIMANA: KANIMANA: [1] KELLA: KELLA: [1] KENWA: KENWA: [1] KISA: KISA: (?) Same as/Meme que: KAYSA KULLA: KULLA: [1] & [6] LALLA: LALLA: [Leqba] Lady, Mistress/Dame, Maitresse. [1] LAYSA: LAYSA: (?) Root/Racine: AYS Impatient/Impatient. [1] LUMSI: LUMSI: [Imuca]/Iwelemmiden. [LOUMSY] [2]. Note: Does not sound feminin/Ne semble pas du feminin. LUNǦA: LUNDJA: [Leqba] LUNDJA is present in many Amazigh folk stories as/est presente dans nombreux contes Kabyles comme: TERYEL: Ogresse. LWIZA: LWIZA: <Talat> [LOUISA, LOUIZA]. More Amazighized/Plus Amzighise: See/Voir: WIZA. LYAQUT: LYAQUT: [Leqba] [6] MADEL: MADELE: [?] [Imuca] [O.S/O.O] [Tahir, Fr.] MANNET: MANNET: [?] [Imuca] [O.R/O.O] [Tahir, Fr.] MASSA: MASSA: Madam, lady, mistress/Madame, Dame, Maitresse. [1] MEGDUDA: MEGDUDA: Root/Recine GDD : Masses (people)/Masse (populaires), peuple [1] MELLILA: MELLILA: White/Blanche. See/Voir: TAMELLALT. [1] MENZA: MENZA: Root/Racine: MNZ, first/premiere. [1] MERNISSA: MERNISSA: [1] MUNI: MUNI: [Icawi] May be of latin origin/Peut etre d'origine latine [D. Abdessemed] MYASSA: MYASSA: [1] NANNA: NANNA: [Leqba] The generic nanna in Kabyle means the elder, the wiser, etc. Within the family, the kids call their elder sister or aunt/Le terme commun Nanna en Kabyle veut dire l'ainee, la plus sage (plus d'experience) etc. Les enfants de la meme famille appelent leur tante ou bien la soeur ainee: NANNA. [1] RULA: RULA:(find meaning in Tacawit?) [D. Abdessemed] ṚANǦA: RANDJA: (?) [Ref. Amazigh-net] ṚUZA: R'UZA: <Talat> Rose/Rose. Entered Amazigh through Romans (?) SEKKURA: SEKKURA: [Leqba] See/Voir TASEKKURT: female partridge/Perdrix (femelle) [1] TIDDUKLA TADELSANT TAMAZIƔT DEG MARIKAN AMAZIGH CULTURAL ASSOCIATION IN AMERICA, INC. 442 Rte 206 N, Ste 163 Bedminster, NJ 07921 I S M A W E N I M A Z I Ɣ E N AMAZIGH NAMES – NOMS AMAZIGHS Compiled by Hsen Larbi 3 SILYA: SILYA: [1] SUSA: SUSA: (?) Same as/Meme que CUCA (shusha) TADLA: TADLA: Known meaning is: Botte d'epis (de ble ou d'orge). It relates then either to the shape or the goodness. [1] TADMUT: TADMUT: [1] TAFAT: TAFAT: The light/La lumiere. See also/Voir aussi: TFIT TAFRARA: TAFRARA: Dawn/Aube TAFSUT: TAFSUT: Spring/Printemps TAJEǦǦIGT: TAJEDDJIGT: [Leqba] See/Voir JEDDJIGA: Flower/Fleur. TAKLIT: TAKLIT: [Leqba] Slave/Esclave (fem.) [1] TALALIT: TALALIT: Birth/Naissance [Ref. ?] TALJAT: TALJAT: [Imuca], Like/Comme (?) [Leqba] TA<ELDJETS: Doll/Poupee. The sound TT, in certain cases becomes TS in Kabyle/Le son TT devient dans certains cas TS en Kabyle. [Tahir, France] TAMALLAT: TAMALLAT : [Imuca], TAMELLALT [Leqba]: The white/La Blanche. Masc. AMELLAL [Tahir, France] TAMAẒUẒT: TAMAZ'UZT: [Leqba] The youngest one/La plus jeune. Root/Racine MZ': Youth TAMEMT: TAMEMT: Honey/Miel. [1] TAMILLA: TAMILLA: Turtle dove/Tourterelle [1] TAMIMUNT: TAMIMUNT: [1] TAMRUST: TAMRUST: [1] TANEST: TANEST: [Imuca] tanest is found to mean lock in Tamaceght/tanest veut dire serrure en Tamaceght [1] TANINNA: TANINNA: Another bird of prey/Type de vautour. [1] TARIWELT: TARIWELT: [Imuca]/Iwlemminden. [O.S/O.O: TARIOUELT] [2] TASA: TASA: liver/foie. In Kabyle Tasa has the meaning of love, caring etc. In Amazigh, tasa and ul (liver and heart) are both used to describe feelings, tenderness, etc/ En Kabyle Tasa a le sens d'amour, d'amitie et d'attachement. [1] TASEKKURT: TASEKKURT: [Leqba] female partridge/perdrix. See/Voir: SEKKURA TATI (ṬAṬI?) TATI: (?) Could be arabic. from Fatima (?) [1] TAWNAT: TAWNAT: [1] TAYYURT: TAYYURT: [Leqba] Moon/Lune [1] TAYRI: TAYRI: Love/Amour [Ref.?] TAZDAYT: TAZDAYT: [Leqba] Palm tree/Palmier. TAZDAYT is portrayed as tall and beautiful/TAZDAYT est vue comme grande et belle. [1] TAZIRIT: TAZIRIT : [Iggargren]. Small moon/Petite lune. See/Voir: TIZIRI. [3] TELLA: TELLA: Root ili=to be. therefore tella= she 'be'=She exists(?) [1] TFIT: TFIT: [Iggargren] Ouargla. Given as "sun" by author. We believe that the meaning is rather: light. So TFIT=TAFAT. See/Voir: TAFAT.[3] TIGMI: TIGMI: Growth/Croissance [1] TIKINAS: TIKINAS: [1] TIDDUKLA TADELSANT TAMAZIƔT DEG MARIKAN AMAZIGH CULTURAL ASSOCIATION IN AMERICA, INC. 442 Rte 206 N, Ste 163 Bedminster, NJ 07921 I S M A W E N I M A Z I Ɣ E N AMAZIGH NAMES – NOMS AMAZIGHS Compiled by Hsen Larbi 4 TILELLI: TILELLI: [Leqba] Freedom/Liberte. [1] TIMELLET: TIMELLET : [Imuca] TEMLEL [Leqba]. White/Blanche. [Tahir, Fr.] TIMMI: TIMMI: (?) eyebrows? Unlikely [1] TINHINAN: TINHINAN: [Imuca] An Amazigh legendary woman from the south-east Sahara.She was a generous woman who helped people pssing through her oasis. Until today, she is venered and her tomb visited by Imucagh is a "national monument" Imucagh Ihaggaren are her descendants/ Une femme legendaire du sud-est du Sahara algerien. Elle etait une femme genereuse qui aidait ceux qui passaient par son oasis. A present elle est toujours veneree par les Imucagh et sa tombe qui est visitee est devenue un site protege. Les Imucagh Ihaggaren en sont les descendants. [1] TINZERT: TINZERT: Nose/Nez. Tinzert in kabyle means honor. It is also said/On dit aussi NNIF (arabic/arabe). [1] TISENT: TISENT: Salt/Sel. Among the Kabyles it is sometimes said that: taqcict agi temleh' (a girl is salty) to mean that she is beautiful/Chez les Kabyles on dit parfois que: taqcict temleh' (une fille est salee) pour dire qu'elle est jolie. [1] TISLIT: TISLIT: Bride/Mariee. TITBIRT: TITBIRT: female pigeon/femelle du pigeon. [1] TITRIT: TITRIT: Star/Etoile. [1] TITEM: TITEM: Possible meanings similar to that of/Sens probable similaire a celui de: TIMA, TITI, TATI, all dimunitives of/diminutifs de: FATIMA <Ta<r>. May also be related to the Amazigh root/Peut etre lie a la racine Amazigh: TIM: protect, save, care for/proteger, sauvegarder, prendre soin de (verb/verbe). [1] Other spelling/Autre orthographe: T'ITEM ([6]). TIZEMT: TIZEMT: Lioness/Lionne [1]. TIZIRI: TIZIRI: [Leqba] Moonlight/Clair de lune [1] TRIYA: TRIYA: [1] TUḤRICT: TUH'R'ICT : <Taqb> [Ref.?] Clever/Intelligente, rusee. TUREƔT: TUREGHT: Golden, Blonde/Doree, Blonde. (uregh=gold/or). [1] WEZNA: WEZNA: [O.S/O.O: Ouezna] Balanced, nicely shaped etc./Equilibree, bien formee. WIZA: <Talat> [Leqba] Gold/Or (comes from/vient de: Louis d'or). Treasure/Tresor. See also/Voir aussi: LWIZA WNISSA: WNISSA: (?) It could be the feminin version of LWENNAS or LEWNIS, as the as the latter may have been WNISS to which the arabic or latin article has been added. (?) Peut etre le feminin de LWENNAS ou LEWNIS, ie uploads/Geographie/ amazigh-names.pdf

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