BARCELONA. Lizzie: black Kathryn: purple Nicole, Jackie, Jenna, Jess (queso cas
BARCELONA. Lizzie: black Kathryn: purple Nicole, Jackie, Jenna, Jess (queso casa): red Anh: pink Sam: blue Gab: green Getting Settled & Around · Cell Phones: Half of us got flip phones from Orange, which was super cheap you just pay for the phone and then basically pay as you go for your minutes/texts & then we just carried our iphones around for wherever we could get wifi/for pictures. (we chose flip phones so we didn’t have to risk bringing our iphones out with us at night when we’re drinking to avoid losing them/getting them stolen. & yes a lot of our friends got their iphones stolen when they were out unfortunately) The other girls got their iphone sim cards from vodaphone…(sam, ilana, jen, tara, etc. if you want more details on that) · Umbrellas: Buy yourself a good one and bring it on every trip with you, guard it with your life. You’re not going to want to waste a day on your trip just because its raining. We even went on a booze cruise in shitty weather, you do what you gotta do. · Bottle opener: buy three of these. Nothing ruins your sunset at parc guell or your lunch at Parc de la Ciutadella like realizing you left your bottle opener in your other jacket. · You can save money when you eat out by bringing a drink with you, there are little convenience stores all over the place or super markets, those will be the cheapest option. Find the one closest to your house and make friends with him. They usually stop selling liquor at 11 but if they like you they may break the rules. · You can buy peanut butter in the basement of the big supermarket on las ramblas. Its on the right hand side if you’re facing the beach. A lot of the smaller supermarkets do have peanut butter its just like a weird brand (usually organic) but not that bad. Peanut butter at a shop by the school was banging. The yogurt also in barcelona is SO good-- very creamy and much better than in America. Definitely get some-- theyre cheap too. I liked getting regular and their banging stratiecella (sp?) flavors. I loved the Macedonia flavor!! - Speaking of supermarkets, you’re gonna wanna shop around to scope out which ones have better deals. Some are cheaper for produce and some are cheaper for frozen foods. Mercadona and Dia are both good cheap markets. Go to the bouqeria for your fruits and veggies!- take advantage of that IT’S SO GOOD-- Get the smoothie drinks!! All so fresh and they are famous and all around 1-2 euros…go further in La Boqueria to get the cheaper price. · Spain is a super quiet country, people talk quietly all the time. If you talk too loudly people will realize that you’re American and you’ll be more likely to get targeted for pick pocketing. Im the loudest person in the world and everyone hated me. · Speaking of, pick pocketing isn’t as sneaky as you think. While yes, there are pick pockets that will sneak into your bags, more often than not they just rip your shit right off your body. I knew one girl who has awful scrapes on her neck because a pick pocket ripped her crossbody bag off her shoulder across her face. Boys they’ll just throw you up against a wall. Other than stealing there’s almost no crime in Barcelona. The economy is pretty bad in the rest of Spain while Barce is still profiting, so all the low life’s come here to pick off the tourists and the rich. @jenna mantell could tell you some great stories about pick pocketing (too soon?) · In order to take the metro you’re going to need a metro card. Its pretty stupid that you pay 100 something euros for a 90 day pass (T-JOVE) and it’s literally a piece of paper, so if you think you’ll end up losing this buy the 50 trips or 30 day passes depending on how much you think you’ll be using it. Some people were super shambly and just bought ten trips all the time but I don’t recommend this as it will get really expensive. · BOOK ALL YOUR TRIPS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IM SO SERIOUS GET IT DONE AND YOU WILL SAVE SO MUCH MONEY--Especially if you’re planning on going to dublin for st patricks day (which you 100% should)- we booked that trip before we left prices went up SO much · Take advantage of the program trips. Especially the Dali museum, that was one of the best parts of my abroad experience but I’m a huge fan of Sal. The Music Palace was also pretty cool, it’s a gorgeous building. Go to the cooking class and soccer game! Really just try to go everything. also don’t sign up and not go, Ryan gets pissssed · Ryan Lorenz is kind of a weirdo and kind of a dick but he knows everything about Barcelona so he’s a really good resource. He knows that city like the back of his hand. Helena is also the fucking shit. We would hang out with her on all the trips she got tipsy with us at dinner and shit she’s awesome you’ll love her. They also have a lot of free dinners. · Cab drivers will try to fuck you over so make sure that you watch them. Sometimes they drive around in circles. It’s easiest to save a bunch of euro coins for cab rides so that when you’re with a group it’s not as much of a process to pay the driver at the end of the ride. · Pawn Shops: If you go where passeig de gracia and el diagonal intersect and walk towards the Washington monument looking thing you will find it, it is a black pink and white sign and a pretty short walk but not very short. You can buy a really cheap camera, hair straightener you name it they probably have it. This is also a cool area to walk around so you should just go explore here one day and look for it. · Be careful as a vegetarian: a lot of times I would ask if a dish came “sin carne” and they would say there was no meat and then it was covered in fucking ham. Also I once bit into a croissant and there was a fucking hot dog in it. Ask for “vegetal” or “vegetariana”. · Don’t tip: no one does it, the waiters get paid a lot already. NO one tips, save your money. · Exchange rate: it is terrible. I would take out 40 euros which is practically 60 dollars and I would cry every time. Prepare yourself. Also be careful about ATM fees, sometime they can be over ten euro, you wanna make sure you take out all of your cash for a weekend trip prior to actually leaving, unless you know where an ATM you can use is. · Slippers: this sounds stupid but the air is gross and if your windows are open the floor gets really dusty and dirty with city air so I had my mom send me slippers so I did not have to walk around barefoot so buy a pair or something · Food tips: everything comes in small packages it is so annoying. Bring some Ziploc bags and your favorite mascara cause it might be hard to find it here. Target/CVS/Walmart all that shit does not exist here so sometimes it is hard to find stuff If you have room, bring a BRITA or a water bottle with a filter! The tap water in Barcelona is gross so this will prevent you from spending a ton of money on water. It’s also smart to bring your water bottle when you go out to eat since water isn’t free. Bring a mini sewing kit! A lot of our clothes got ruined when we were abroad for some reason. Get ready to see dogs everywhereee throughout the streets! It’s pretty exciting they’re all so cute and there are definitely some unique breeds over there too. Keep a journal/diary/blog while you’re here!!! Seriously such a good thing to do. I kept a detailed journal of literally everything we did on a daily basis and I couldn’t be happier that I did that. It might seem time consuming but I always just put notes in my phone of all the stuff we did/happened and then would write multiple entries when I finally had the time or on the plane on my way to other countries. Food · Da Grecco- this place is the kitties titties. The pasta here is better than the pasta in Italy dude, its insane. It’s a really nice place but its not crazy expensive (15-20 euro depending on if you get wine/apps). Go here with a big group of people and make uploads/Geographie/ barcelona-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Mai 16, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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