1 {1} https://mega.nz/#F!JNRyXDiY!SZdIOkjgcPj8nh_Yj035oQ {2} https://mega.nz/#F
1 {1} https://mega.nz/#F!JNRyXDiY!SZdIOkjgcPj8nh_Yj035oQ {2} https://mega.nz/#F!M4xmGYya!4qrLSWz7uyHMQqTSiOm_gA {3} https://mega.nz/#F!RtQVADKJ!z4k4G5IM9wC4ozuK2tIG5A {4} https://mega.nz/#F!QKhXVIQK!pDOBMBfJod-qqfjdo_XIXg 1895 (Revista) [=] 634 artigos {1} 18TH CENTURY MATERIAL CULTURE [=] Magic lanterns - Cameras obscura {2} 18TH CENTURY MATERIAL CULTURE [=] Projection lamps {2} 2000 MANIACOS 08-09 {2} 2000 MANIACOS 12 {2} 2000 MANIACOS 14-16 {2} 20TH CENTURY FOX CLOSE-UPS [=] v. 1, n. 8 (1937) {4} 24 CUADROS [=] 28 {3} 25 WATTS (Equador) [=] 3 {3} 2D ARTIST [=] A history of matte painting in movies {3} 30TH ANNUAL BLACK MARIA FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL (2011) {3} 5 Y ACCION (Venezuela) [=] 1-2 (2012) {2} ABAP [=] Manual de produção - III Forum da Produção Publicitária {2} ABBAS, Ackbar [=] Hong Kong - Culture and the politics of disappearance {2} ABBOTT, Jon [=] Irwin Allen television productions, 1964-1970 {2} ABBOTT, Megan [=] The street was mine {4} ABBOTT, Stacey [=] Celluloid vampires - Life after death {4} ABBOTT, Stacey [=] Falling in love again - Romantic comedy {4} ABDALA JUNIOR, Roberto [=] Cinema é uma outra história {2} ABEL, Marco [=] The Berlin school and its global contexts {4} ABEL, Marco [=] Violent affect - literature, cinema, and critique after representation {2} ABEL, Richard [=] Encyclopedia of early cinema {2} ABEL, Richard [=] Red rooster scare - Making cinema american {4} ABLAN, Dan [=] Digital cinematography and directing {2} ABLAN, Dan [=] Digital photography for 3D imaging and animation {2} ABRAMS, Jerold [=] Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick {2} ABRAMS, Nathan [=] Studying film {2} 2 ABREU, Nuno César de [=] Boca do Lixo - Cinema e classes populares {2} ABRIL, Gonzalo [=] Analisis critico de textos visuales {4} AB'SABER, Tales [=] Alegoria e cinema - a historia e seus limites {2} ABU DHABI FILM FESTIVAL 2010 {2} ACADEMIA - Revista del cine español (176) {2} ACASO, Maria [=] Lenguaje visual {2} ACCIÓN [=] 1608 {2} ACCRA CENTRAL FILM LIBRARY [=] Films from Ghana (1962) {2} ACENO [=] Políticas e poéticas do audiovisual na contemporaneidade {2} ACEVEDO, Luis Jimenez [=] Discapacidad en el cine en 363 peliculas {2} ACHAM, Christine [=] Revolution televised - prime time and the struggle... {2} ACKROYD, Peter [=] Charlie Chaplin {2} ACUÑA, Xoán [=] Chano Piñeiro - Unha historia do cinema galego {2} ADACHI, Masao [=] Messages in a bottle (interview) {2} ADAIR, Gene [=] Alfred Hitchcock - Filming our fears {2} ADAMOWICZ, Elza [=] Dada and beyond 1 {2} ADAMOWICZ, Elza [=] Un chien andalou (French film guides) {2} ADAMS, Ansel [=] The camera {2} ADAMS, Mike [=] Lee de Forest - King of radio, television and film {4} ADAMSON, Bruce [=] Best things ever said in the dark {2} ADAMSON, Joe [=] Tex Avery - King of cartoons {2} ADES, Dawn [=] Fotomontaje {2} ADLER, Tim [=] Mafia à Hollywood {2} ADORNO, Natalie [=] Identidad afrodescendiente dentro del cine colombiano {2} ADRIAN, Werner [=] Freaks - Cinema of the bizarre {2} AFT, Rob [=] Del guion a la pantalla - La importancia del derecho de autor {2} AFTER DARK (Anthology) {2} AGAMBEN, Giorgio [=] Cinéma de Guy Debord {2} AGEL, Henri [=] Qu'attendez-vous du cinéma {2} AGEL, Jerome [=] Making of Kubrick's 2001 {2} AGUDELO, Angie [=] Bucaramanga en la penumbra - La exhibicion cinematografica 1897-1950 {2} AGUDELO, Angie [=] Cinematografo - Comentarios y cronicas sobre cine en Santander {2} 3 AGUIAR, Ana Lígia Leite e [=] Glauber em crítica e autocrítica {2} AGUIAR, Tiago [=] Godard polifônico - Genealogias do cinema moderno {2} AGUILAR, Carlos [=] Jess Franco - El sexo del terror {2} AGUILAR, Gonzalo [=] Other worlds - New argentine film {2} AGUILAR, Gonzalo [=] Otros mundos - ensayo sobre el nuevo cine argentino {2} AGUIRRE, Juan [=] Adaptaciones de obras del teatro español en el cine {2} AGUSTI, Adolfo Perez [=] 75 años del cine de ciencia-ficción {2} AHRENS, Jörn [=] Comics and the city {4} AINOUZ, Karim [=] Céu de Suely {2} AISTHESIS [=] 48 (Dossier - Cine y politica en latinoamerica) {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] British official film in South-East Asia {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] Concise Routledge encyclopedia of the documentary film {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] European film theory and cinema {2} AITKEN, Ian [=] Lukacsian film theory and cinema {4} AIXALA, Pep [=] Woody Allen (2001) {2} ALANIZ, José [=] Nature, illusion and excess in Sokurov's Mother and son {2} ALBANIAN FILM CENTER 2006-2010 {2} ALBANIAN NATIONAL CENTER OF CINEMATOGRAPHY [=] Film productions 2015-2017 {2} ALBANIAN NATIONAL CENTER OF CINEMATOGRAPHY {2} ALBER [=] Theatres d'ombres chinoises (1896) {2} ALBERA, François [=] Albatros, des russes à Paris (1919-1929) {2} ALBERA, François [=] Cinema beyond film {2} ALBERA, François [=] Lucien Rebatet, quatre ans de cinema (1940-1944) {2} ALBERA, François [=] Musée du cinéma - Esprit es-tu là {2} ALBERA, François [=] Paradigme cinématographique {2} ALBERA, François [=] Pour une épistémographie du montage {2} ALBERA, François [=] Présentation. Pourquoi Eisenstein dans le texte {2} ALBERSTAT, Philip [=] The insider's guide to film finance {2} ALBERTSON, Lillian [=] Motion picture acting {2} ALBILLA, Julian [=] Queering Buñuel: sexual dissidence and psychoanalysis in his mexican and spanish cinema {4} ALBUM GIGANTE [=] Destino à Lua (1951) {2} ALBURGER, James [=] Art of voice acting {2} 4 ALCALÁ, José Ramón [=] Ser digital {2} ALCALDE, Carlos [=] Invencion de la modernidad - Historia y melancolia en el relato del cine {2} ALCALDIA MAYOR DE BOGOTA [=] Bogotá filmica {2} ALCOVER, Agustin [=] Postproducción cinematográfica en la era digital {2} ALDAMA, Frederick [=] Critical approaches to the films of Robert Rodriguez {2} ALDGATE, Anthony [=] Best of British - Cinema and society from 1930 to the present {2} ALDGATE, Anthony [=] Censorship and the permissive society {4} ALDOUBY, Hava [=] Federico Fellini - painting in film, painting on film {2} ALEA, Tomás Gutierrez [=] Cine y la cultura {2} ALEA, Tomás Gutierrez [=] Dialectica del espectador (1983) {2} ALEISS, Angela [=] Making the white man's indian - Native americans and Hollywood movies {2} ALEMÃO, Márcio [=] Viva-voz (roteiro) {2} ALEXANDER, Bryan [=] New digital storytelling {2} ALFONSO, Ramon [=] Dario Argento, el celuloide teñido de rojo {2} ALFORD, Matthew [=] National security cinema {2} ALFORD, Matthew [=] Reel power - Hollywood cinema and american supremacy {2} ALLEN, Richard [=] Camera obscura, camera lucida {2} ALLEN, Richard [=] Film theory and philosophy {4} ALLEN, Robert [=] Film history - Theory and practice {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Annie Hall (roteiro) {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Complete prose of Woody Allen {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Cuca fundida {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Matchpoint (roteiro) {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Midnight in Paris (roteiro) {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Sueños de un seductor {2} ALLEN, Woody [=] Vicky Cristina Barcelona (roteiro) {2} ALLMENDINGER, Blake [=] Imagining the african american west {4} ALLMER, Patricia [=] European nightmares - Horror cinema in Europe {4} ALLOT, Caetlin Benson- [=] Killer tapes and shattered screens {2} ALLRED, Jeff [=] American modernism and depression documentary {4} ALMEIDA, Claudio [=] Cinema brasileiro no Estado Novo {2} ALMEIDA, Marcia de [=] Afinal, o que é produção {2} 5 ALMEIDA, Rodrigo [=] Cinema e seu testamento {2} ALMEIDA, Rodrigo [=] Rasgos culturais - Consumo cinéfilo e o prazer da raridade {2} ALMEIDA, Rogério de [=] Possibilidades formativas do cinema {2} ALMENDROS, Nestor [=] Dias de una camara {2} ALÓS, Anselmo [=] Figurações do imaginário cinematográfico na contemporaneidade {2} ALOVISIO, Silvio [=] Ceneri del tempo - Il cinema di Wong Kar Wai {2} ALOVISIO, Silvio [=] Occhio sensibile {2} ALTER, Nora [=] Chris Marker {4} ALTER, Nora [=] Essays on the essay film {4} ALTMAN, Charles [=] Psychoanalysis and cinema - The imaginary discourse {2} ALTMAN, Rick [=] Film genre {2} ALTMAN, Rick [=] Generos cinematograficos {2} ALTMANN, Eliska [=] Formação, campo e ocaso - registros da crítica cinematográfica na América Latina {2} ALTON, John [=] Painting with light {2} ALVARADO, Leonardo [=] 24 horas de consumo, notas sobre el cine pornográfico en internet {2} ALVARENGA, Clarisse [=] Cinema-processo de Vincent Carelli em 'Corumbiara' {2} ALVARENGA, Marcus [=] Cineastas e a formação da ANCINE (1999-2003) {2} ALVAREZ, Carlos [=] Sobre cine colombiano y latinoamericano {2} ALVAREZ, José Carlos [=] Breve historia del cine uruguayo {2} ALVAREZ, José Carlos [=] Historia del cine uruguayo {2} ALVAREZ, Luis Alvarez [=] Introduccion al cine {2} ALVAREZ, Pepe Gutierrez- [=] Bwana, bwana - Cine y colonialismo en Africa {2} ALVAREZ, Pepe Gutierrez- [=] Lo que aprendi del cine {2} ALVEAR, Miguel [=] Ecuador bajo tierra - Videografias en circulación paralela {2} ALVES, Cauê [=] Hélio Oiticica - Cinema e filosofia {2} ALVES, Giovanni [=] Cineclube, cinema & educação {2} ALVES, Vida [=] TV Tupi - Uma linda história de amor {2} AMABA, Roberto [=] Guy Maddin, viajero en el tiempo {2} AMÂNCIO, Cardes [=] Guia de cineclubismo {2} AMARAL, Cristina [=] O cinema, o afeto e a profissão da dúuvida {2} AMATEUR MOVIE MAKERS [=] 1-6 (1926-1927) {2} AMATEUR MOVIE MAKERS [=] 7-12 (1927) {2} 6 AMATO, Sara [=] Female anti-heroes in contemporary literature, film and television {2} AMAZONAS FILM FESTIVAL 2008 {2} AMAZONAS FILM FESTIVAL 2010 (clipping) {2} AMAZONAS FILM FESTIVAL uploads/Geographie/ cinema-a-la-carte-catalogo.pdf
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- Publié le Oct 14, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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