ERG 2016 GUIDE infeCtioUs sUbstanCes 158 POTENTIAL HAZARDS HEALTH • Inhalation
ERG 2016 GUIDE infeCtioUs sUbstanCes 158 POTENTIAL HAZARDS HEALTH • Inhalation or contact with substance m ay cause infection, disease or death. • Category A Infections Substances (UN2814 or UN2900) are more hazardous, or are in a more hazardous form , than infectious substances shipped as Category B Biological Substances (UN3373) or clinical waste / m edical waste (UN3291). • Runoff from fire control m ay cause environm ental contam ination. • Note: Dam aged packages containing solid CO 2 as a refrigerant m ay produce water or frost from condensation of air. Do not touch this solid or liquid as it could be contam inated by the contents of the parcel. • Contact with solid CO 2 m ay cause burns, severe injury and/or frostbite. FIRE OR EXPLOSION • Som e of these m aterials m ay burn, but none ignite readily . • Some m ay be transported in flam m able liquids. PUBLIC SAFETY • CALL EM ERGENCY RESPONSE T elephone Num ber on Shipping Paper first. If Shipping Paper not available or no answer, refer to appropriate telephone num ber listed on the inside back cover. • As an imm ediate precautionary m easure, isolate spill or leak area for at least 25 meters (75 feet) in all directions. • K eep unauthorized personnel away . • Stay upwind, uphill and/or upstream . • Identify the substance involved. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING • W ear respiratory protection, such as fit-tested N95 respirator (at minim um), powered air purifying respirator (P APR), or positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). • W ear full coverage body protection (e.g., T yvek suit), faceshield, and disposable fluid-resistant gloves (e.g., latex or nitrile). • W ear appropriate footwear; disposable shoe covers can be worn to protect against contamination. • Puncture- and cut-resistant gloves should be worn over fluid-resistant gloves if sharp objects (e.g., broken glass, needles) are present. • W ear insulated gloves (e.g. cryo gloves) over fluid-resistant gloves when handling dry ice (UN1845). • Decontam inate protective clothing and personal protective equipment after use and before cleaning or disposal with an appropriate chem ical disinfectant (e.g., 10% solution of bleach, equivalent to 0.5% sodium hypochlorite) or through a validated decontam ination technology (e.g., autoclave) or process. • Structural firefighters' protective clothing will only provide limited protection. In Canada, an Emergency Response Assistance Plan (ERAP) m ay be required for this product. Please consult the shipping document and/or the ERAP Program Section (page 391). P age 254 ERG 2016 infeCtioUs sUbstanCes GUIDE 158 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FIRE Sm all Fire • Dry chem ical, soda ash, lim e or sand. Large Fire • Use extinguishing agent suitable for type of surrounding fire. • Do not scatter spilled m aterial with high-pressure water streams. • Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. SPILL OR LEAK • Do not touch or walk through spilled m aterial. • Do not touch dam aged containers or spilled m aterial unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. • Absorb with earth, sand or other non-com bustible m aterial. • Cover dam aged package or spilled m aterial with absorbent material such as paper towel, towel or rag to absorb any liquids, and, beginning from outside edge, pour liquid bleach or other chemical disinfectant to saturate. K eep wet with liquid bleach or other disinfectant. • DO NO T CLEAN-UP OR DISPOSE OF , EXCEPT UNDER SUPER VISION OF A SPECIALIST . FIRST AID • Ensure that m edical personnel are aware of the m aterial(s) involved and take precautions to protect them selves. • M ove victim to a safe isolated area. CA UTION: Victim m ay be a source of contam ination. • Call 911 or em ergency m edical service. • Rem ove and isolate contam inated clothing and shoes. • In case of contact with substance, im m ediately flush skin or eyes with running water for at least 20 m inutes. • Effects of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, injection/inoculation or skin contact) to substance may be delayed. Victim should consult m edical professional for information regarding symptoms and treatment. • For further assistance, contact your local P oison Control Center. P age 255 uploads/Geographie/ guide-158.pdf
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