CREDITS: Thank you to Lance Armstrong, Graham Holt, Rodney Orca and Brian Young

CREDITS: Thank you to Lance Armstrong, Graham Holt, Rodney Orca and Brian Young for their contributions to this guidebook. Thanks also to a few people from within the Philippine National Railways who graciously share information and wish to remain anonymous. REFERE CES: LRTA Website Philippine Railway Historical Society (PRHS)- Various Websites • PRHS Homepage: • Australasian Fleetlists: PhilippineRailways Yahoogroup (Operated by PRHS) PhilRail-SIG Yahoogroup (Operated by PRHS) Railways Of The Philippines—Late Reg Carter Wikipedia - Philippine railway related sections of website. COPYRITE Brad Peadon 2010 All rights reserved. This publication is produced by Brad Peadon for the ‘Philippine Railway Historical Society’. It is intended for personal research use of anyone interested and personal photocopying is permitted. Use of content within the publication for commercial or other publishing purposes can be granted by emailing the author ( ) and including an appropriate credit in the final work. RAILFA S GUIDE TO THE PHILIPPI ES This guide is a vastly smaller version than the guide I originally proposed to do in a book type form. The intention is to occasionally grow the guide and issue updated versions electronically, while a larger all time version remains a longer term goal, and in the proposed hard version. HOW CA YOU HELP Of course both this guide and our ‘Along Da Riles’ magazine require corrections, updates and any additional information. All our society publications rely on the generosity of people who willingly share informa- tion, and even funds, to benefit others. Future versions of this guide will include rollingstock and a list of items of railfan/tourist interest near railway stations. Any help and infor- mation regarding these two topics would be much appreciated. PO Box 181, Matraville 2036, SW Australia PHILIPPI E RAILWAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Starting as the ‘Philippine Railways SIG’ in 1999, the society set up as a means to learn about the Philippines, share information and connect people with a similar interest. The group is mostly internet based, though we did go through a small period as an official group with the plan to help preserve railway items in the Philippines. With mass scrapping of the majority of rollingstock in 2010, the idea was set aside and we re- turned to our original purpose. Our magazine ‘Along Da Riles’ is the last link to these days and has taken on a life of its own. It continues solely through contributions by myself and a few significant other people who care. Our internet activities are vast. We are regularly emailed with enquiries both historical and of a more gen- eral nature and we are happy to help where possible. We have numerous websites accessible through: We also have a number of Yahoogroup forums for sharing information and meeting others: PhilippineRailways PhilRail-SIG LocoShed_Photography_Philippines Philippine_Modelling Philippine_Transportation Look forward to meeting you on a forum soon! STATUS OF HEAVY RAIL - JA UARY 2010 CURRE TLY OPE : Tutuban - Caloocan Workshops (North) Tutuban - Binan and Local Services around Naga (South) SERVICES SUSPE DED: Caloocan Workshops - Caloocan (North) Tayuman - North Port Binan - Legaspi (Main line south) San Pedro - Carmona (Permanently Closed) CURRE T PROJECTS: Reopen Binan to Calamba, then to Legaspi. (PNR) Rebuild north line from Caloocan to Clark Special Economic Zone. (Northrail) PROPOSED PROJECTS: Rebuild closed lines to Batangas and Sta Cruz. (PNR) Clark Special Economic Zone - San Fernando, La Union. (Northrail) Branch to Subic Freeport. (Northrail) Extend south line to Sorsogon. (PNR) Rebuild Roxas City to Iloilo City (Panay Railway) New Mindanao railway system. PHILIPPI E ATIO AL RAILWAYS MA ILA P R MA ILA P R Closed SUBSCRIBI G This railfan guide and our occasional magazine ‘Along Da Riles’ is available to anyone interested in the railways of the Philippines. Along Da Riles: Is a small magazine covering mostly railway topics (past and present) from around the Philippines. News, sightings, trip reports, photographs and anything else of interest . Contributions are always very welcome. Railfan Guide: The Railfan Guide aims to be a regularly updated list of locomotives, light rail vehicles and rollingstock in use around Luzon. It will be expanded in subsequent issues. SUBSCRIBE via blank email to U SUBSCRIBE via blank email to PHILIPPI E RAILWAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Since 1999 PO Box 181, Matraville 2036, SW Australia Website: Information, ews, Photos & Forums. LOCO MODEL BUILD # YEAR OTES 902 U15C 39239 1973 In Service - Allocated to Tayuman 906 U14C 41848 1979 Under repair at Caloocan 911 U14C 41853 1979 Await Repair at Caloocan 913 U14C 41855 1979 Under repair at Caloocan 914 U14C 41856 1979 Under repair at Caloocan 915 U14C 41857 1979 Under repair at Caloocan 916 U14C 41850 1979 In Service - Allocated to Lucena (Works Duties) 917 U15C 4753.1 In Service - Allocated to Tayuman 918 U15C 4753.2 In Service - Allocated to Naga 919 U15C 4753.3 In Service - Allocated to Tayuman 920 U15C 4753.4 Beyond Economical Repair (Padre Burgos Accident) 921 U15C 4753.5 Under repair at Caloocan 922 U15C 4753.6 In Service - Allocated to Naga 900 Class Status/Liveries LOCO A B C D E LIVERY OTES: 902 X X X - - A= Green body with yellow lining. 906 X ? X - - B= Red body with yellow lining 911 X ? X - - C= Dark blue body with red lining 913 X ? X - X D= Filtrack Naga Livery 914 X ? X - - E= Filtrack Caloocan Livery 915 X ? X - - 916 X ? X - - 917 X ? X - X 918 X X X X - 919 X X X - - 920 X ? X - - 921 X X X - X 922 X ? X X - Liveries only shown where confirmed in photographs. Contributions welcome. Built by General Electric. Wheels: Co Co Gauge: 1067mm Photo: 922 at Naga - Paul Hornby LOCO MODEL BUILD # YEAR OTES 2510 U10B 35682 1965 Under Repair - Caloocan 2515 U10B 40743 1976 Under Repair - Caloocan 2535 U10B 41839 1979 Await Repair - Caloocan 2538 U10B 41842 1979 Await Repair - Caloocan 2539 U10B 41843 1979 Under Repair - Caloocan 2540 U10B 41844 1979 In Service - Allocated to Naga in October 2010 LOCO A B C D E LIVERIES 2510 X ? X X - A Green with yellow lining. 2515 ? ? X X - B Yellow with green lining. 2535 ? ? X X X C Red with yellow lining 2538 ? ? X X - D Dark blue with red lining 2539 ? ? X X - E Filtrack Caloocan livery 2540 ? X X X X Liveries only shown where confirmed in photographs. Contributions/additions welcome. LOCO MODEL BUILD # YEAR OTES 114 DD13 2329 1963 Believed to be 3502, semi-preserved at Lapaz station (Iloilo, Panay Island). Last locomotive still in green livery with yellow lining. 2500 Class Status/Liveries 3500 Class Status/Liveries Built by ippon Sharyo. Wheels: Bo Bo Gauge: 1067mm Photo: 114 at Lapaz - Brad Peadon Built by General Electric. Wheels: Bo Bo Gauge: 1067mm Photo: Rodney Orca LOCO MODEL BUILD # YEAR OTES 5001 U5B 4754.1 1992 In Service Allocated Tayuman (Oct 2010) 5002 U5B 4754.2 1992 To Be Transferred To Caloocan Workshop (Oct 2010) 5003 U5B 4754.3 1992 Await Repair - Caloocan Workshop (Oct 2010) 5004 U5B 4754.4 1992 Await Repair - Caloocan Workshop (Oct 2010) 5005 U5B 4754.5 1992 To Be Transferred To Caloocan Workshop (Oct 2010) 5006 U5B 4754.6 1992 To Be Transferred To Caloocan Workshop (Oct 2010) 5007 U5B 4754.7 1992 In Service 5008 U5B 4754.8 1992 Await Repair - Caloocan Workshop (Oct 2010) 5009 U5B 4754.9 1992 In Service Allocated Tayuman (Oct 2010) 5010 U5B 4754.10 1992 Beyond Economical Repair - Caloocan (Oct 2010) LOCO A B C D 5001 X X - - A - Red with yellow lining 5002 X X - - B - Dark blue body with red lining 5003 X X - - C Dark blue with red valance, no logos. 5004 X X - - D Filtrack Caloocan Livery 5005 X X - - 5006 X X - - 5007 X X X X 5008 X X - - 5009 X X - - 5010 X - - 5000 Class Status/Liveries Built by General Electric. Wheels: Bo Bo Gauge: 1067mm Photo: 5007 is seen in Caloocan workshops during February 2010. Unusually it is wearing a one off livery of all over dark blue with red valance. It was captive to workshop shunting in this livery, having since been repainted. Brad Peadon DMR/ITR DMU Status/Liveries SET CO SIST BUILD # YEAR OTES DMU-1 DMR-01 ITR-01 DMR-02 ? ROTEM KOREA 2009 Reports in early November 2010 state that DMR-01 is out of traffic with engine problems. Delivered in silver and orange livery with old PNR logo, later changed to current Filtrack livery. DMU-2 DMR-03 ITR-02 DMR-04 ? ROTEM KOREA 2009 Spent part of the later half of 2010 on Bicol commuter uploads/Geographie/ philippine-railway-guide 1 .pdf

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