01 Product Guide Find out more at bayercropscience.com.au Poncho Plus is an ins

01 Product Guide Find out more at bayercropscience.com.au Poncho Plus is an insecticidal seed treatment product that has registration in eight crops for the control or suppression of eight important insect pests. 2 Introduction Poncho® Plus offers a much broader spectrum of control than any other insecticidal seed treatment. It is registered for control of wireworm, cutworm, aphids, lucerne flea (suppression only), redlegged earth mite (RLEM), blue oat mite (BOM), yellowheaded cockchafer (YHC) and African black beetle (ABB). It can be used in a range of crops, including canola, grass and broadleaf pastures and forage brassica, as well as sorghum, maize, sweet corn and sunflowers. Different pest combinations are registered in different crops. Importantly for canola growers, Poncho Plus will now provide a seed treatment option to manage cutworm and wireworm, while summer crop growers can now control cutworm using a seed treatment for the first time. Previously, they have had to rely on foliar applied insecticides to control this important pest. Cutworms can have a major impact in maize and sorghum crops, damaging leaves or more commonly eating stems, resulting in reduced plant growth or plant death. Pasture growers now have access to an insecticidal seed treatment that provides protection against major insect pests. Protection below the ground against the yellowheaded cockchafer and African black beetle (grass pastures only), cutworm (grass and broadleaf pasture and forage brassicas) and wireworm (forage brassicas) ensures the root growth that all pasture growers know is essential for setting up a long and productive pasture stand. Protection above the ground reducing foliar damage by lucernce flea, redlegged earth mite, blue oat mite and aphids (forage brassicas only) means quicker time to grazing, cutting and a reduction in the need for foliar applied insecticides. 3 Product Information Poncho Plus 600 FS Poncho Plus 600 FS is an insecticidal seed treatment that offers control or suppression of a range of economically important insect pests. These include wireworm, cutworm, aphids, lucerne flea, redlegged earth mite, blue oat mite, yellowheaded cockchafer and African black beetle. Poncho Plus is a co-formulation containing two highly effective insecticides from the neonicotinoid class of insecticides - clothianidin and imidacloprid. As there is no cross-resistance to conventional long-established insecticide classes, the neonicotinoids have begun replacing organophosphates, pyrethroids, carbamates and several other chemical classes of insecticides used to control insect pests on major crops. The two active ingredients are highly complementary in terms of their pest spectrum and systemic properties. Additionally, as both active ingredients are from the neonicotinoid class of insecticide, for resistance management purposes Poncho Plus is considered a Group 4A insecticide. Clothianidin Clothianidin is a highly active insecticide for foliar application, soil and seed treatment, combining systemic properties with relatively low application rates. This insecticide is characterized by good root systemicity and contact toxicity properties and so fits the requirements for use as a seed treatment extremely well. Clothianidin used as a seed treatment is highly effective against a wide complex of early pests. It has a broad spectrum of efficacy against sucking insects including some lepidopteran pests and chewing insects. Clothianidin can be described as a low toxicity insecticide with good crop-tolerance characteristics when used as directed as a seed treatment. Imidacloprid Similar to the naturally occurring signal-transmitting acetylcholine, imidacloprid acts by exciting certain nerve cells by acting on a receptor protein. Imidacloprid acts as an acute contact and stomach poison. Because of its novel mode of action, imidacloprid is effective against strains of pests which have developed resistance to other classes of insecticide. Imidacloprid is characterised by its excellent systemic properties and as a result can be used at relatively low rates. The effective uptake of the active substance via the roots is an important pre-requisite for soil directed applications such as precision irrigation systems (drench), in-furrow applications and seed treatment. Overseas research has shown that imidacloprid has a broad spectrum of activity, particularly against sucking pests such as aphids, leafhoppers, thrips and white flies. Other pest species effectively controlled by imidacloprid include various beetles, some flies and leaf miners. In Australia, Gaucho® 600 FS (600 g/L imidacloprid) is registered as a seed treatment for the control of a broad range of pests in a range of important crops. 4 Product overview Poncho® Plus Insecticide Group Group 4A Formulation Flowable concentrate for seed treatment (FS) Clothianidin Imidacloprid 360 g/L 240 g/L Product application rate 500mL/100 kg seed (1.7mL/1000 seeds in maize amd sweet corn) Crop usage Canola, forage brassica, sorghum, maize, sweet corn, sunflower, pasture (grass & broadleaf) Insect spectrum* Wireworm, cutworm, aphids, lucerne flea, redlegged earth mite (RLEM), blue oat mite (BOM), yellowheaded cockchafer (YHC), African black beetle (ABB) * Not all pests are controlled in all crops 5 Directions for use Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor Log Kow 0.2 0 1 -1 0.4 2 0 0.8 3 4 5 1.0 0.6 Clothianidin Imidacloprid Thiamethoxam o o o o o o x x x x x x x x x x o o o Fig.1. Systemicity of neonicotinoid insecticides. Relationship between the translocation of neonicotinoids to barley shoots following uptake by the roots (Jeschke et al., 2002) Systemicity •  Systemicity - for a seed treatment, is defined as the ability of a compound to be taken up through the roots and redistributed throughout the plant tissues •  The systemic properties of clothianidin are very close to ideal •  Both imidacloprid and clothianidin have more ideal systemicity characteristics than thiamethoxam Crop Pest Rate Critical Comments Canola, forage brassica Wireworm 500 mL/100 kg seed Poncho Plus will provide protection from wireworms for 3-4 weeks after sowing. Poncho Plus will not protect seedlings from heavy wireworms populations and under these conditions an alternative control option should be considered. Cutworm Poncho Plus will provide protection from cutworms for 3-4 weeks after sowing. Aphids Poncho Plus will provide protection from aphid damage for 3-4 weeks after sowing. Lucerne flea Suppression only of lucerne flea. Redlegged earth mite Poncho Plus will protect emerging seedlings from mite damage for 3-4 weeks after sowing. Monitoring should commence within this period to determine the need for supplementary control measures. Use Poncho Plus as part of an integrated mite management program which may include: For autumn sowing: After a pasture phase sow Poncho Plus treated seed following a well-timed spring insecticide spray (prior to the development of diapause eggs). After a cropping phase a spring insecticide spray is not usually required, however if monitoring in spring finds moderate mite populations, a spring insecticide spray should be applied. For spring sowing: At the end of a pasture phase monitor for mite activity and if necessary apply an insecticide spray prior to sowing Poncho Plus treated seed. Blue oat mite Maize, Sweet corn Wireworm, cutworm, Aphid 1.7 mL/1000 seeds Poncho Plus will protect emerging seedlings from wireworm, cutworm and early season aphid damage for 3-4 weeks after sowing. Poncho Plus will not protect seedlings from heavy wireworm populations and under these conditions an alternative control option should be considered. Sorghum Wireworm, cutworm, Aphid 500 mL/100 kg seed Sunflower Wireworm, cutworm 500 mL/100 kg seed Pasture (grass and broadleaf) Broadleaf pasture Lucerne flea, redlegged earth mite, blue oat mite, cutworm Grass pasture Lucerne flea, redlegged earth mite, blue oat mite, cutworm, yellowheaded pasture cockchafer, African black beetle 500 mL/100 kg seed Suppression only of lucerne flea. Poncho Plus will protect emerging seedlings from mite damage for 3-4 weeks after sowing. Monitoring should commence within this period to determine the need for supplementary control measures. Use Poncho Plus as part of an integrated mite management program – see Critical Comments for canola and forage brassica. Poncho Plus will provide protection from yellowheaded pasture cockchafer and African black beetle damage for 3-4 weeks after sowing. Ensure that sowing occurs in optimum conditions and be aware of paddock history to avoid sowing into high pest populations. Poncho Plus will not control heavy populations of yellowheaded pasture cockchafers or African Black Beetle. Imidacloprid and clothianidin •  Form a concentrated treated zone around the seed and the roots. •  Are continuously taken up from the treated zone around the roots and translocated quickly through the xylem into leaves •  Are available to the plants even under high or low soil moisture conditions •  Compared to thiamethoxam have superior residual properties under high or low soil moisture conditions. •  Other compounds such as thiamethoxam are slowly metabolised by the plant, readily leached from the root zone and synthetic pyrethroids are non-systemic 6 Behaviour in the soil • The water solubility of a compound contributes to its availability in the root zone. •  A compound’s soil adsorption (binding) coefficient, or Koc value, is a measure of how tightly the compound adheres to soil particles. •  High Koc (>300) values adhere tightly to soil particles making the compound less available for uptake by the roots of a plant. •  Loosely adhering compounds that have high water solubility are subject to excessive leaching beyond the crop's root system with potential uploads/Geographie/ product-guide 8 .pdf

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