Semester I | STUDY GUIDE 2017 1 1. Be able to distinguish when to use PNGS, GIF
Semester I | STUDY GUIDE 2017 1 1. Be able to distinguish when to use PNGS, GIFs and using JPGs. PNGs are created from making screen shots. We use these graphics on our websites. GIFs are used when we create animations. JPGs are used when we take photos. 2. Be able to list which files should be included on the weebly website. Png and gifs and jpgs 3. Be able to explain what kinds of files are produced from Photoshop and Illustrator. Psd and ai 4. Be able to identify which program shows the metadata from a file. bridge 5. Be able to mix and match the descriptions of the elements and principles of design Line shape form color pattern contrast emphasis balance proportion/scale harmony rhythm/movement 6. 6.Be able to identify f-stops and shutter speeds. Know when to use them for different circumstances. A: Aperture (f/stop) and shutter speed are both used to control the amount of light that reaches the film. Opening the aperture wider (such as opening from f/16 to f.2.8) allows more light to get through the lens. 7. Be able to identify which resolution and color mode you should be using for web graphics versus printed graphics. In Photoshop, although you can display and edit a document in CMYK Color mode, a better approach is to perform all your image edits in RGB Color mode first, then convert a copy of your file to CMYK Color mode only when required for commercial printing or for export to a page layout application. 8. Be able to identify tools used in Photoshop and Illustrator. Eye dropper, type on path shape fill ect... 9. Be able to describe two methods of importing graphics into weebly. Upload file or drag and drop file onto browser 10. Be able to identify the 6 different lighting patterns to use in the photography studio. Butterfly loop Rembrandt lighting split lighting broad short 11. Be able to identify the best unit of measurement that should be used when creating a website. Pixels are for the screen / monitor / web Inches are used for printing Points are used to thicken strokes on lines or text. It's also used to measure font size 12points 12. Be able to explain the process of saving files for web and devices when using Photoshop. File > Export Save for Web 13. Be able to describe how you can review the size of a document in Photoshop. Image > Image Size 14. Be able to explain how you reduce or increase the size of the graphic without distorting the image. Cmd T and hold shift to maintain proportion 15. Be able to explain the process of creating a new website using weebly. Sign for a new website by entering your email address 16. Be able to identify which file extensions match which software programs. PSD = Photoshop, AI = Illustrator InDesign = InDD 17. Be able to identify how to change the camera mode from aperture priority to shutter speed priority. Aperture priority is AV and Shutter Speed Priority is TV 18. Be able to explain how you can import an image into an existing page and then explain how to change the size of image without distorting it. Hold shift and move corners 19. Be able to identify which file type is used to create an animation in Photoshop. GIF Semester I | STUDY GUIDE 2017 2 20. Identify all of the different types of blend modes and be able to identify how each one changes a graphic. Blur tool blends the pixels, Sharpen tool increases the pixels to make it more clear Smudge tool distorts the pixels in a smudging pattern 21. Identify which keys are used to create a copyright symbol using a Mac keyboard. Option G 22. Identify 2 ways to protect your artwork online. Copyright © symbol and watermark 23. Identify the different layer styles and effects offered in the layers panel. Google "Photoshop layer styles" and paste in an image 24.Describe how to use a new font in Photoshop you have found online for free. Download and install. Look for the new font in the font list and use it. 23. 25. Identify how to make a photo look old-fashioned using Photoshop. Image > Mode > Grayscale 24. 26. Describe how to blur the background of an image using Photoshop. Select the background using a selection tool and go to Filter > Blur 25. 27. Describe how to remove acne from a photo using Photoshop. Spot healing tool 26. 28. Describe how to add a vignette to a photo in Photoshop. Image > Adjustments > Gradient 27. 29. Describe how to use a new Photoshop brush you have found online for free. Look for an ABR file download and install it 28. 30. Describe the qualities needed in a quality logo design. Easy to read and simple 29. 31. Describe how to remove color from one area of a photo, while keeping color on other areas of the photo You select the magic eraser tool select the range of colors you don’t want the pixels to expose and then as you erase the colors in that range disappear leaving black and white and gray 30. . 31. 32. 32. Describe how to rotate an image in Photoshop. Select the rotate tool in the program you are in and then click the image and drag your cursor left or right and it will turn it clockwise or counterclockwise 33. 33. If a photo is too dark and shadowed, what can you do in Photoshop to improve it? Click the adjustment layers button at the bottom of the layers palette then select the tool you wish to use such as brightness/contrast or curve 34. 34. What can you do to edit a photo in Photoshop if the photo is too light? Select choose image, adjustments and then shadow and highlight it will then take you to your options of adjusting the light 35. 35. What information is provided from a JPG that was created using a DSLR camera? The info provided by the jpg from your camera is the shutter speed, the light that was exposed and the F- stop and the ISO 36. 36. What is missing from the metadata of a PNG that would be provided in the metadata of a JPG? The missing info from the metadata that is missing is the F-stop and ISO 37. 37. How would you increase the saturation of a colored photo using Photoshop? Select the sponge tool then set tool options in the options bar Mode. Increases or decreases color saturation choose saturate to intensify the color’s saturation. In grayscale saturate increases contrast. Drag over the part of the image you want to modify Semester I | STUDY GUIDE 2017 3 38. 38. Identify which colors should be used to elicit different emotions or psychological responses. The colors used to elicit different emotions are red, blue, purple, green, and yellow also black, white, and gray 39. 39. Identify different career paths available in the field of graphics, communication, and/or media. Industrial Designers. Industrial Designers create concepts for products ranging from cars, to appliances, to toys, Drafters, Desktop Publishers, Multimedia Artists, and Animators. 40. 40. Be able to identify various filters and editing options in Photoshop. You use different filters to Make an image look better you can use different editing options to modify an image Write out 60 keyboard shortcuts related to Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and general use of the computer. Here is a link to get you started: 1. Command z, 2. z 3. command option z, 4. command b, 5. b 6. command x, 7. command g, 8. Option g 9. command i, 10. i 11. []command shift 4, 12. c, 13. command l, 14. shift b, 15. shift g, 16. shift t 17. Command t 18. Command r 19. R 20. Command s 21. Control shift N 22. S 23. A 24. Shift a 25. Shift b 26. Command d 27. Command w 28. Control shift = 29. Control shift - 30. Command tab 31. Command n 32. Command shift n 33. [ 34. ] 35. Shift command w 36. Command shift w 37. Command p 38. Shift command a 39. Shift q 40. Up arrow command space 41. Option f9 42. F5 43. F6 44. F8 45. F7 46. Command y 47. Shift command y 48. Command = 49. Command - 50. Command 1 51. Command h 52. Shift command ; 53. Option command ; 54. Command a 55. Shift command l 56. Option shift command l 57. Option command c 58. Option shift command m 59. Option shift command k Semester I | STUDY GUIDE 2017 4 60. Option shift command a uploads/Geographie/ study-guide 38 .pdf
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- Publié le Jul 04, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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