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El uso por parte de terceros —lo que incluye, a título enunciativo, editoriales, profesores particulares, servicios de apoyo académico o ayuda para el estudio, colegios preparatorios, desarrolladores de aplicaciones y entidades que presten servicios de planificación curricular u ofrezcan recursos para docentes mediante plataformas digitales—, ya sea incluido en tasas o no, está prohibido y constituye un delito. En este enlace encontrará más información sobre cómo solicitar una autorización por escrito en forma de licencia: https://ibo.org/become-an-ib-school/ib-publishing/licensing/ applying-for-a-license/. © International Baccalaureate Organization 2021 2221 – 5011 5 pages Friday 30 April 2021 (afternoon) 1 hour 15 minutes Business management Higher level Paper 1 Instructions to candidates y Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. y A clean copy of the business management case study is required for this examination paper. y Read the case study carefully. y A clean copy of the business management formulae sheet is required for this examination paper. y Section A:  answer two questions. y Section B:  answer question 4. y A calculator is required for this examination paper. y The maximum mark for this examination paper is [40 marks]. – 2 – 2221 – 5011 Blank page – 3 – 2221 – 5011 Turn over Section A Answer two questions from this section. 1. (a)  Outline two benefits for MM of outsourcing human resource management (HRM) (lines 51–54). [4] (b) Explain how MM has differentiated itself. [6] 2. (a)  With reference to MM, outline two sources of finance suitable for taking over the film studio in India (lines 144–147). [4] (b) Explain how a formal system of appraisal may have avoided the problems caused by Clare (lines 86–100). [6] 3. (a)  Outline two reasons why MM may relocate all of its operations to Bengaluru (lines 124–142). [4] (b) Explain how the proposed contract with Country X may conflict with MM ’s ethical objectives (lines 114–123). [6] – 4 – 2221 – 5011 Section B Answer the following question. 4. MM ’s growth has been helped by its unique selling point/proposition (USP) of rapid response to customer needs and by its high-quality customer service. New employees undergo detailed training to become skilled in: y finding out what a customer’s objectives are y helping the customer work towards a marketing plan y working closely with the customer as MM develops a marketing strategy for them y maintaining links with the customer to provide an effective after-sales service. The business takes a multicultural approach to its customers, employees and other stakeholders. MM ’s approach to diversity is one of the features that stakeholders say they like about the business. The company also ensures that it accommodates many cultural differences. According to a business service that provides measures of social behaviour for every country, in British businesses: y employees are accustomed to working in a competitive, individualistic society y employees often take individual responsibility for their own actions and decisions y competition is high between both employees and customers y customers are accustomed to changing contracts when service is bad or competitors offer a better deal. In comparison, Indian businesses: y are based on power structures with a greater focus on teamwork than individuality y are more likely to be hierarchical y have greater loyalty from their customers y have greater formality with their customers y place importance on building business relationships y are subject to greater variety in culture between businesses and regions. Maintaining high levels of customer service is expensive. MM has increasing costs (line 107). Rachel is concerned about MM ’s finances and is examining the latest accounts for the company for 2019 and 2020 (Table 1) to identify problems. Table 1: Selected financial information for MM for 2019 and 2020 2019 2020 Sales revenue ($ millions) 175 146 Cash ($ millions) 20 10 Debtors ($ millions) 18 16 Stocks ($ millions) 2 4 Overdraft ($ millions) 0 5 Other creditors ($ millions) 30 20 – 5 – 2221 – 5011 (a) Define the term unique selling point/proposition (USP). [2] (b) (i) Calculate the debtor days for MM at the end 2020 (show all your working). [2] (ii) Explain one method MM could use to improve its liquidity. [2] (c) Explain how the people element of the extended marketing mix has influenced MM ’s marketing strategy. [4] (d) Discuss how cultural differences within MM may influence employer–employee relationships. [10] References: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2021 uploads/Industriel/business-management-paper-1-hl 1 .pdf

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