The new 5th edition of FYI For Your Improvement™ is designed to make coaching a
The new 5th edition of FYI For Your Improvement™ is designed to make coaching and development planning even easier and more targeted. We know what makes people successful. We also know what causes derailment. Over 20 years of research helped us define the 67 Competencies, 19 Career Stallers and Stoppers, and 7 Global Focus Areas that matter most. Research is also clear about how people learn. People learn the most from on-the-job experiences (70%), followed by learning from other people (20%), and learning from courses (10%). Through our research, we discovered which experiences provide the most development for a particular skill. Since 1996 FYI has combined what makes people successful with how people learn into an easy-to-use development resource. This Usage Guide will address some basic questions about FYI and explain how and when to use this valuable development resource. Putting Your Development Guide to Use: FYI For Your Improvement™ A Guide for Development and Coaching for Learners, Managers, Mentors, and Feedback Givers By J. Evelyn Orr, M.A., IP Development Consultant Key Takeaways: • FYI translates individual development into business results. • FYI is an easy-to-use guide for coaching and development. • Use FYI to build a skill that is mission critical or to reduce noise and avoid derailment. • FYI is intended for individual learners, managers, coaches, and executives. • The 67 Competencies, 19 Stallers and Stoppers, and 7 Global Focus Areas are the standard for leadership development at thousands of companies around the globe. A usage guide 2 Who is FYI for? FYI is designed for any motivated person with a need and to serve as a guide for managers, mentors, coaches, and feedback givers. It is intended for all levels of an organization. Individual learners who want to take initiative and be proactive about their development. They find that FYI is a how- to development guide for a do-it-yourself approach. Coaches and managers working with individual employees to build skill or avoid derailment. They use FYI to find the information and tools they need to provide coaching and create a targeted development plan. Executives responsible for talent management and human resource management. They use FYI as a resource to sustain leadership development efforts. FYI provides a common set of characteristics required for success and facilitates the development and deployment of resources, enterprise-wide. What is FYI? FYI is an entire library in one book. Each chapter is dedicated to a competency, staller/stopper, or global focus area found in the Leadership Architect® Library. In each chapter you will find detailed definitions and descriptions, possible causes, as well as suggested remedies, on-the-job tasks, and readings that promote development. Competencies are defined as “a measurable characteristic of a person that is related to success at work. It may be a behavioral skill, a technical skill, an attribute (such as intelligence), or an attitude (such as optimism)” (The Leadership Machine, p. 5). The Leadership Architect® Library contains a total of 67 Competencies. Career Stallers and Stoppers are the negative characteristics or flame- out factors that can derail a person’s career. In many respects, they represent the flip side of competencies. The Leadership Architect® Library contains a total of 19 specific Career Stallers and Stoppers. The Global Focus Areas are the additional characteristics required for global business leaders. The Leadership Architect® Library contains a total of 7 Global Focus Areas. FYI provides a common set of characteristics required for success and facilitates the development and deployment of resources, enterprise-wide. FYI is the entire Leadership Architect® Library in one book. Global Focus Area name and number as well as competency equivalents that are related. Quote – Read the quotes for inspiration and to give yourself food for thought. 3 What will I find in each FYI chapter? Competency name and number as well as factor and cluster information to show where it fits in the Leadership Architect® Library. Unskilled definitions provide a list of detailed behaviors that show what “unskilled” looks like for a competency. Read these to see if you may be unskilled at a competency. Which bullet points describe you the best? This is your “before” picture. Substitutes – Under the unskilled definition, there are other skills that could substitute for the lack of skill in this area. One or more of those substitute skills (if you are high in them) can neutralize the negative effects of a lack of the skill. Use these in your development plan to address an unskilled competency. (Competencies only) Skilled definitions provide a list of detailed behaviors that show what “skilled” looks like for a competency. Compare yourself to the skilled definition. What would you like to be able to do when you’re done working on this need? This is your “after” picture. Overused Skill definitions provide a list of detailed behaviors that show what “overused” looks like for a competency. Refer to these to determine whether you might be overusing one of your strengths. Compensators – Under the overused skill definition, there are a number of compensator skills. If you are high on one or more of those skills, you can use them to neutralize the negative effects of overusing one of your strengths. Use these in your development plan to address an overused competency. (Competencies and Global Focus Areas only) Some Causes – We list numerous reasons why you might have this need. Use these to specify what your need looks like exactly. Check the causes that might apply to you. Many developmental efforts have floundered because the plan attacked the wrong problem. Write down your particular need—what it looks like, what causes it, whom it plays out with and in what situations. If your causes aren’t listed, add them to the list. Factors and Clusters – All competencies and career stallers fall into one of 8 Factors and 26 Clusters. This means that a competency (or staller) in a particular cluster is somewhat similar to the others in that cluster. You may want to check for additional tips within the cluster (and perhaps the factor) for each competency. (Competencies and Stallers and Stoppers only) 4 A Problem lists statements to describe detailed behaviors that illustrate what a staller/stopper looks like when it is “a problem.” Read these to see if a staller/stopper might be an issue for you. Not a Problem lists statements to describe detailed behaviors that illustrate what a staller/stopper looks like when it is “not a problem.” Read these to see if a staller/stopper is not a concern for you. Other Causes – A staller results from many sources—what you underdo (unskilled), such as Interpersonal Savvy (31) and what you overdo (overused), such as Drive for Results (53) or Command Skills (9). Review the list to see if any of the unskilled or overused competencies match your profile. Use this information to help you decide what to focus on in your development plan. The Map – The map gives you the lay of the land. It reviews the general case for the competency, how it operates, and why it’s important. Especially important to remember are things about the competency you didn’t understand before you read the map. Those added learnings will make a difference in your development plan. Some Remedies were developed from research findings—what experiences teach them, what they look like, what their elements are. Based on our research and experience, these are the tips that are most likely to work. We kept these tips brief, doable, and action oriented. Ten or more tips are included to work directly on this need. Although a few may be longer-term, most are things you can start working on today. We wanted to give motivated people a way to get started right away and see results quickly. Remedy titles are written as diagnostic questions and action statements so you can easily identify and choose one or two to include in your development plan. Develop-in-Place Assignments are job tasks that require application of certain competencies. Research shows that 70% of development happens on the job, and jobs differ in development power and in the competencies they address. You can’t always change jobs for development reasons alone, but there is almost always a develop-in-place assignment that you can select in your current job to address your development need. Staller and Stopper name and number as well as factor and cluster information showing where it fits in the Leadership Architect® Library. Suggested Readings were selected from expert reviews, best-seller lists, and reputable publishers based on their relevance, global perspective, and ROI. We selected readings that were current, available, organized well, and full of suggestions and examples. Plenty for you to choose from! 5 What additional resources will I find in FYI? Content we’ve included in the appendices make it easier for you to identify the right needs to work on and create an effective development plan. Competency Connections in Appendix A highlight how a development need or a career goal may be comprised of a few key competencies. uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ fyi-for-your-improvement-a-guide-for-development-and-coaching-for-learners-managers-mentors-and-feedback-givers.pdf
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- Publié le Dec 07, 2021
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