This Care Guide contains general information and helpful tips for the proper ca

This Care Guide contains general information and helpful tips for the proper care of your reptile, but is not comprehensive. Speak with our PetSmart store associates or contact a veterinarian with questions about the set up of your terrarium. Review your Pet Sales Record and Customer Contract for more details on pet ownership. Supply list Furnishing the home Habitat* Use an appropriate size glass or screen/glass terrarium. Bedding Calcium sand is an ideal substrate for adult desert reptiles. Line the home with up to a 3" (8cm) layer of sand; remove waste weekly and change bedding once a month. For juveniles less than 6" (15cm) long, use reptile carpet or a layer of newspaper. Hiding areas All reptiles need hiding places like rock caves or hollow logs in the cool region of the habitat to help them feel safe and secure. If your pet doesn’t use his hiding place, try another one or move it within the habitat. Basking areas Use smooth, flat rocks, natural or artificial hollow logs, or branches to create basking areas. These should bring your reptile closer to the basking lamp for warmth. Plants Artificial or appropriate live plants provide shade, shelter and add a natural look to the home. Consult a reptile book for a list of non-toxic plants to use. Branches* Artificial or natural branches provide climbing areas. Choose branches appropriate for your reptile’s safety and comfort. * Requirements vary by species. Please see your pet’s custom Care Guide for specific details. Here’s a list of the necessities you’ll need to set up your desert habitat today. Please ask a PetSmart® associate to help you choose these items. Home An appropriate size glass or screen/glass home Screen top Reptile carpet (for juveniles) or calcium sand (for adults) Hiding areas Moss (if needed) Artificial or natural climbing branches Artificial or live plants Spray bottle for misting Reptile cage hygrometer Reptile cage thermometers (2) Food and water dishes Lighting & heat Daytime UVA/UVB bulb and fixture Basking spot lamp and fixture Under-tank heater (certain species only) Nighttime heat lamp and fixture (if needed) Extras Cage cleaner and disinfectant (read and follow label instructions) Species-specific reptile book or magazine Species-specific Care Guide (free) For more information on the care of pets, visit ©2006 PetSmart Store Support Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PetSmart, the BOUNCING BALL and VET ASSURED are trademarks of PetSmart Store Support Group, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. 070-0806-012_006 A n i n f o r m a t i v e g u i d e Care Guide Developed and approved by PetSmart® Veterinarians Learn how to set up a desert habitat for your reptile. Desert Reptile Habitat Set-up Daytime lighting Use a daytime UVA/UVB light for up to 12 hours a day to help your pet process calcium. Daytime heating* Create a basking area at one end of the home, for up to 12 hours each day. Use a basking spot lamp, and for some species, an under-tank heat mat with a thermostat control. Nighttime heating If the temperature outside the habitat is less than 65° F (18° C), use a specially-designed nighttime heat lamp to provide heat without visible light. * Requirements vary by species. Please see your pet’s custom Care Guide for specific details. Environment Desert reptiles such as leopard geckos and bearded dragons originally come from an environment with low humidity, high daytime temperatures and cool nighttime temperatures. Body heat Reptiles can’t create their own body heat, so their homes must provide a source of heat for basking, with cooler areas available to help them regulate their body temperature (this is called thermoregulation). Feels like home For your pet’s comfort and security, you’ll want to make his home as much like his natural habitat as possible. The basics Lighting & heating Humidity & temperatures Humidity Maintain the humidity level inside your pet’s home at 20-35%. A hygrometer (humidity gauge) will help you keep track. For accurate readings, place the hygrometer midway between the basking area and the cool area of the habitat. Hiding area* Provide a hiding area lined with moist moss to help regulate humidity and aid your pet’s shedding cycle. Place in the cool region of the habitat and mist the moss as needed to maintain humidity. Water Provide a shallow dish with fresh water (change it daily), and mist the surfaces inside the habitat when needed to maintain humidity level. T emperatures* While requirements vary by species, general temperature guidelines for desert reptiles are: Day – 75-85º F (24-29º C) measured by thermometer in cooler region Night – 65-75º F (18-24º C) Basking – 90-115º F (32-46º C) measured by thermometer in basking region Ventilation Be sure the home is well-ventilated to help your pet with thermoregulation. Use a screen top lid on the home to encourage proper air exchange. * Requirements vary by species. Please see your pet’s custom Care Guide for specific details. Cost In addition to the initial cost of setting up the home, remember that there will be ongoing costs for your pet’s food, veterinary care, electricity and other needs. Adult size Choose a home that will accommodate your pet’s full adult size. Some species can grow to be 3' long or more and it’s important to have a large enough home. Safety Be sure your pet’s home is secure with a tight-fitting lid. Your pet could be seriously injured if it escapes. Safety & cleanliness Please remember that all pets may bite or scratch, and may transmit disease to humans. Keep your pet’s home clean and wash your hands before and after handling your pet or cleaning his home. Infants, young children, pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems, and the infirm or elderly are at greater risk of infections and should use caution when in contact with the pet or its habitat. Consult your doctor for more information. Things to remember A – T errarium with screen lid B – UVA/UVB light C – Reptile cage hygrometer D – Reptile cage thermometers E – Basking spot lamp and fixture F – Artificial or natural rock hiding area G – Artificial or natural plants H– Food and water dishes I – Calcium sand J – Basking area Set-up guidelines uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ habitat-guide.pdf

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