The Default Structure of the Magazine. Generally, most magazines divide its str

The Default Structure of the Magazine. Generally, most magazines divide its structure into two namely Creative engine and Business function. The latter is designated for advertising, while the creative engine is for editorial and arts. But on a broader scale, magazines consists of four parts: Cover pages, front of the book, feature well and the back of the book. Skim through the list down below and let us break down each of the parts that complete a magazine. Cover Pages. Flip the page and you’ll arrive first at the cover pages. The latter is reserved for advertising which is separated by the cost of the page. The first cover is the cover page. The second alternate to the cover page is reserved for advertising which is the second most expensive advertisement page in the magazine. Next in line, the third cover page, still reserved for advertisers which is less expensive than its predecessor. Lastly, the cover page at the back of the magazine counts as the most expensive advertisement page. Front of the Book. Table of Contents is the first in appearance in the magazine. The table of contents may be placed on a single page, two page spread or on two separate pages intersected with the ads. In designing the table of contents, you may incorporate images to allow readers visualize the article at hand. By doing so, it adds distinction to the table of content elements. The use of typographic choice will be of good use in this segment. Examples on Table of Contents Rage On Magazine Photo Courtesy of Nate Hinners Lantawan Magazine Lantawan Magazine: 2016 Convergence Issue / Photo Courtesy of University of San Carlos Impressum. To put it simply, this segment is the list of all the people that worked for the magazine. Be it the editorial staff, marketing, advertisements, publishers and other key people in making the magazine possible. The Impressum is usually placed in the front of the book and in some cases, are placed at the back of the magazine. The design for the Impressum is direct and clean with the placement of the logo placed atop of the page. Example on Impressum. Grow Magazine Impressum & Table of Contents example/ Grow Magazine / Photo Courtesy of Toni Rogers Letter from the Editor. The editor’s letter serves as the first editorial page in the magazine and it brings about a welcoming letter from the editor itself. This segment also explains the content of the magazine. It also includes any thoughts, inspirations, and events that occurred prior to the magazine’s issue date. The editor’s letter should also be treated well in terms of layout and design. Most magazines place images of the production shoots, featured articles and so on to add in some visuals for this certain segment. Since the editor’s letter serves as the first editorial page, it is nice to start with strengthening your layout with the use of layout. Examples of the Letter From the Editor. Zee Lifestyle Magazine Zee Lifestyle Magazine July 2016 Issue / Photo Courtesy of talentman Other Key Pages. It is likely to start with short one page topics before flipping to the featured or main stories. If this was a mean, these key pages serve as an appetizer. The key pages can contain topics pertaining to culture, arts, events and so on. Key pages also contain short page interviews and columns. In some magazines, the key pages are intersected with ad pages to provide flow and tiny breaks in between. Which is a smart move since the next segment, the feature well, is pages sans of any advertisements. Reader’s Digest, for example, uses the same flow with its pagination. The magazine’s key pages contain light-hearted stories, household topics, medically related themes and so on fitted in between one or three pages. Examples on Key Pages. Reader’s Digest Reader’s Digest / Photo Courtesy of Zinio Digital Magazines & Books Reader’s Digest / Photo Courtesy of Zinio Digital Magazines & Books Feature Well. The feature well takes up much space in the magazine since it contains the main features. The latter and articles may include short or long content or features spanning five or more pages. In terms of the placement of the featured stories, it would be better to follow a lengthy article with a short one. By doing so, gives some flow to the magazine. For example, an eight spread article could be followed by a three or two-page feature. For the features, incorporate variety to avoid confusion of the length of the article. Apply the different layout techniques and styles to add in some splash and create an interesting exterior. The use of columns can greatly help in strengthening a page and layout. Examples of Feature Well. Velour: The Drag Magazine Velour: The Drag Magazine – Issue #3 Sister, Sister / Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post Velour: The Drag Magazine – Issue #3 Sister, Sister / Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post Velour: The Drag Magazine – Issue #3 Sister, Sister / Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post Velour: The Drag Magazine – Issue #3 Sister, Sister / Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post Velour: The Drag Magazine – Issue #3 Sister, Sister / Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post Back of the book. The back of the book accommodates the remaining content from the front of the magazine such as short articles, horoscopes and so on. Do resist to put less importance on this segment since this serves as the conclusion of the magazine’s content. Advertisement placement in this segment is cheaper and can be set with classified ads; which depends on the nature or core of the magazine. Tell me more! Placement of the advertisements. Advertisers prefer that the advertisements are to be placed on the right side of the magazine. Stating that this placement allows their ads to be clearly visible than the left-hand pages. Design elements for the advertisements. In terms of advertisements, you may freely design your ads with fewer constraints. This is due to the good quality of paper and material used to produce magazines and the availability of space for ad placements. For the typographic elements, you may apply delicate scripts and medium to fine type since the design would not be disrupted once produced. In terms of images, you may apply full-colored graphics, illustrations or images. Just keep in mind to add some bleeds and margins. Coronavirus in Philippines: The COVID-19 risk, impact and measures Praveen Duddu 31 March 2020 (Last Updated September 7th, 2020 13:22) Philippines, one of the high-risk countries from the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, recorded the first death outside China. The government has announced lock-down of Metro Manila, followed by the entire Luzon island and is mulling over more localised lock-downs. The Philippines government declared a state of calamity in the country for six months on 17 March. When did coronavirus reach the Philippines? The first case of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, now COVID-19) in the Philippines was confirmed on 30 January 2020, in a 38-year old woman who arrived from Wuhan. Two days later, the Philippines recorded the first death outside China on 01 February 2020. The Philippines government declared a health emergency on 09 March, following a spike in new confirmed cases and local transmission. The move will release funds to local governments and healthcare officials to handle any further surge in cases. The COVID-19 Code Alert system was revised upwards to Red Sublevel 2 on 12 March. Coronavirus: Philippines COVID-19 cases and deaths As of 31 March, the total Philippines coronavirus cases stand at 1,546. One of the coronavirus-confirmed on 06 March was confirmed to be a human-to-human transmission putting the nation on a high alert. The man attended prayer in late February, which increases the concerns of possible transmission to other devotees who attended the same. The country’s first death was of a 44-year old Chinese national, who was the relative of the first patient diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient developed severe pneumonia. A total of 78 deaths have been reported in the country. Coronavirus-affected Filipinos on Diamond Princess cruise ship Seven passengers onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship and more than half of the crew are from the Philippines, among who 80 have been confirmed to have contracted the virus. The Philippines government repatriated 445 of its citizens onboard the ship including ten recovered cases on 25 February. The evacuees have been placed under a two-week quarantine at New Clark City in Capas. A total of 70 confirmed cases were not allowed to board the evacuation flight. How risky is coronavirus to the Philippines? Due to its proximity to China, the Philippines is at a far greater risk of witnessing increased cases of the novel coronavirus infection compared to other countries. The Philippines is also home to hundreds of workers from China working in the Philippine Offshore Gambling Operation (firms offering online gambling services). More than 230,000 migrant Filippinos often referred to as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) are also working in China particularly uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ magazine-guide.pdf

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