ETIENNE GILSON A Bibliography Une Bibliographie Margaret McGrath Etienne Henry
ETIENNE GILSON A Bibliography Une Bibliographie Margaret McGrath Etienne Henry Gilson ( 1 8 8 4 - 1 9 7 8 ) is recognized as an important figure in the intellectual and cultural life of France: its philosophy, poli- tics, . journalism, theology, literature and music. He was also an intellectual missionary to the new world, spending half his teaching time for several decades at the Institute for Mediaeval Studies which he helped found in Toronto and lecturing widely elsewhere. His work is of special interest to French and Canadian philosophers and intel- lectual historians and to medievalists everywhere. For this reason the Bibliography of Philosophy in Canada Project has prepared this separate bibliography which includes his own work, both scholarly and popular, and also reviews and other works about him. The sources relied on include the catalogues and archives of the Institute in Toronto. Etienne Henry Gilson (1884-1978) est reconnu comme une figure impor- tante dans la vie intellectuelle et culturelle de la France: sa philosophie, sa politique, son journalisme, sa theologie, sa littera- ture et sa musique. Sa mission intellectuelle le mena au nouveau monde ou il partagea, pendant plusieurs decennies, une partie de son temps de professorat a I'Institut des Etudes Médiévales qu'il aida à fonder. Il donna également des conferences partout ailleurs. Son oeuvre offre un intérât tout particulier aux philosophies français et canadiens ainsi qu'aux historiens de la pensée et aux médiévistes de partout. Aussi le projet: La Bibliographie de la Philosophie au Canada a prepare, séparément, cette bibliographie qui comprend non seulement ses propres oeuvres, d"intérêt académique et d'intérêt general, mais aussi les comptes rendus et autres ouvrages à son sujet. Parmi les sources utilisées notons les catalogues et les archives de l'Institut de Toronto. Under the auspices of The Bibliography of Philosophy in Canada Sous les auspices de La Bibliographie de Philosophie au Canada THE ETIENNE GILSON SERIES 3 ETIENNE GILSON A Bibliography Une Bibliographie MARGARET McGRATH PONTIFICAL INSTITUTE OF MEDIAEVAL STUDIES INSTITUT PONTIFICAL D'ÉTUDES MEDIÉVALES Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data McGrath, Margaret. Etienne Gilson : a bibliography = Etienne Gilson : une bibliographie (Etienne Gilson series, ISSN 0708-319X ; 3) Includes index. ISBN 0-88844-703-5 1. Gilson, Etienne,:1884-1978 - Bibliography. I. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. II. Title: Etienne Gilson : a bibliography. III. Title: Etienne Gilson : une bibliographic. IV. Series. Z8342.43.M32 016.191 C81-Q95027-8E Données de catalogage avant publication (Canada) McGrath, Margaret. Etienne Gilson : a bibliography = Etienne Gilson une bibliographic (Etienne Gilson series, ISSN 0708-319X ; 3) Comprend un index. ISBN 0-88844-703-5 1. Gilson, Etienne, 1884-1978 - Bibliographie. I. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. II. Titre: Etienne Gilson : a bibliography. III. Titre: Etienne Gilson : une bibliographie. IV. Collection. Z8342.43.M32 016.191 C81-095027-8F © 1982 by Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies 59 Queen's Park Crescent East Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4 Imprime par Universa, Wetteren, Belgique. TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DBS MATIERES Preface, English Preface, français Abbreviations Works by Gilson/Ouvrages par Gilson Monographs/Monographies Works Edited/Ouvrages édités Series Edited/Series éditées Anthologies Scholarly Articles/Articles d'intérêt académique Prefaces General Interest Articles/Articles d'intérêt general Book Reviews/Comptes-Rendus Works about Gilson/Ouvrages sur Gilson Monographs/Monographies Theses Scholarly Articles/Communications savantes General Articles/Articles d'intérêt général Memorials and Obituaries/Ouvrages commémoratifs Non-printed Materials/Matériaux non-imprimés Selected Name Index/Index sélectionné des noms Subject Index/Index des sujets P 1 30 32 33 34 63 67 84 92 95 96 107 113 116 119 123 vii xi xvi N 1-172 173-181 182-186 187-188 189-496 497-533 534-830a 831-935 936-952 953-957 958-1086 1087-1161 1162-1195a 1196-1210 PREFACE Etienne Henry Gilson (1884-1978) lived a life, to use the words of his biographer, Laurence K. Shook, that "covered almost one half the life- span of France itself since the revolution, and touched on a wide range of that nation's rich and varied experience: on its philosophy and academies, on its statecraft and politics, its peace and wars, journa- lism, its theology, literature, music, and, in a sparkling way, on its mission of mind and mercy to the outside world." One of these outside missions of mind was to Canada and, specifical- ly, the University of Toronto. On the occasion of Gilson's visit to Montreal in 1926, Father Henry Carr resolved to bring him to St. Michael's College in Toronto. Subsequent to his visit to Toronto in 1927, the Institute of Mediaeval Studies was formally opened under his aegis in 1929. Thereafter, for several decades, Gilson divided his teaching time between France (the Sorbonne, Ecole pratique des Hautes- Etudes, Collège de France) and his Institute in Toronto which, in 1939, became the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Because of his impact on Canadian intellectual life and philosophy in particular, the Bibliography of Philosophy in Canada Project has an interest in his work. But because he was a French intellectual and his influence extended far beyond our local milieu, we have thought fit to treat our bibliography of his work as a separate enterprise. This bibliography lists all known published work of Etienne Gilson ( 1 8 8 4 - 1 9 7 8 ) to the date of his death, as well as all significant publi- cations about him and his work which appeared during the same period. The variety of items listed reflects the richness of both his personali- ty and his work. Because of this richness the bibliography should prove useful to a wide range of individuals from scholars working in first- class libraries with specialized holdings to researchers making do with small or general collections. The list of publications about Gilson is limited to those we judged to be significant. We did not strive for comprehensiveness in newspa- per writing about him, nor did we include repetitive or brief notices viii PREFACE in journals or monographs. We have breached our cut-off point by inclu- ding some items which appeared after 1978, and we have exceeded our self- imposed limitations in two other directions by listing a few noteworthy unpublished items and all non-print material whose existence we were able to verify. Being located at the University of Toronto and having access to the holdings of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies we were able to examine a higher percentage of items than is usual in such endeavours. Where this was impossible, no item without sound verification was included. Our principal source for the writings of Gilson to 1958 is the admirable chronological bibliography of 684 items by James Edie publish- ed in Melanges offerts à Etienne Gilson (Toronto, Paris, 1959). The Gilson collection housed in the library of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies contains the works listed by Edie. This collection, the work of Harold B. Gardner, C.S.B., also contains works not cited by Edie, and many published subsequently. The sources that had to be consulted after the Edie bibliography and the catalogue and archives of, the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies were numerous and varied. Bibliographic, obsession compels exploration of many that are minor and although.a small fraction of these serendipitously yield some small result, only those substantially produc- tive warrant mention. The catalogues of the National Library of Canada, the Kelly Library of St. Michael's College, the University of Toronto's Robarts Library, St. Paul1s University in. Ottawa, the Bibliothèque .., Nationale du Québec, the Université de Montréal and Montreal's Institut d'Etudes Médiévales were all scrutinized. In their published form the catalogues of the Library of Congress, the British Library and the Bibliothéque Nationale were consulted. The acknowledged forerunner in philosophy bibliography, the :Louvain Repertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie.was supplemented by the Tijdschrift voor Philosophic (Leuven), the DeBrie Bibliographia . Philospphica,.1939-1945, Varet's Manuel de Bibliographie.Philosophique, the Bulletin .Thomiste (1924-1967), current and retrospective volumes of the Philosopher's Index from Bowling Green, the Bulletin Signaleti- , que in all its_mutations and the Brescia Biblipgrafia Filosofia Italiana. The annual bibliographic issue of the Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiasti- que also produced at Louvain provided substantial theological coverage, along with the Catholic Periodical Index and the Index to Religious Periodical Literature, (now Religion Index I and Religion Index I I ) . PREFACE J- 8' Sources, less specialized in subject included the "Letters in Canada" section of the University of Toronto Quarterly, the Canadian Periodical Index, Montreal' s RADAR and Periodex, the Internationale BibliograpJhde der Zeitschriftenliteratur, the Modern Language Association Bibliography, Rene Rancoeur's Bibliographie de la Litterature Frangaise du Moyen Age a nos Jours, the French XX Bibliography of New York's French,Institute (formerly French VII), the Index to Little Magazines (Denver), the Art Index and the Essay and General Literature Index. For theses University Microfilm's Comprehensive Dissertation Index, 1871-1972, and its supplements were- consulted, as well as. the British ASLIB, the Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Hochschulschriften, the Catalogue des theses de doctorat soutenues devant les universites francaises and Hochschulschriften zur. Geschichte und Kultur des Mittelalters 1939 bis 1972/74. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Hilfs- mittel 1 ) Book reviews were supplemented from the Book Review Digest, the•;Book Review Ind ex, the Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities and. Evan.Far- ber's Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in the: Humanities. Author bibliographies such as the Lapointe uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ mcgrath-m-etienne-gilson-a-bibliography-1982.pdf
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