Curriculum Vitae Florentino García Martínez PERSONALIA Name: Florentino García

Curriculum Vitae Florentino García Martínez PERSONALIA Name: Florentino García Martínez Born: 27.11.1942, Mochales (Guadalajara, Spain) Married to: Anne Marie Barnet Children: Julián Maurice García Barnet Jean-Baptiste García Barnet Home Address: Groot Begijnhof 53 B-3000 Leuven Tel. +32-16-329562 Office: Faculty of Theology, K.U.Leuven Sint-Michielsstraat 4 – Bus 3100 B-3000 Leuven Tel. +32-16-323822 PRESENT POSITION Emeritus Research Full Professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) Emeritus Ordinary Professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) [Chair: Religion and Literature of Second Temple Judaism and Dead Sea Scrolls] EDUCATION AND DEGREES 1992 Doctor in Theology and Religious Studies, University of Groningen (cum laude) 1974 Post-licentiate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1973 Post-licentiate studies at the University of Bonn 1971–1974 Summer studies at the Hebrew Theological Seminary of New York 1969–1973 Biblical Studies: Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome) (Licentiate in Sacred Scripture, cum laude) 1964–1967 Theology: University of Comillas (Santander) (Licentiate in Sacred Theology, magna cum laude) 1955–1964 Gymnasium and Philosophy: Seminario of Sigüenza (Guadalajara) 2 APPOINTMENTS 2002–2008 Research Full Professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) 2000–2007 Full Professor Religion and Literature of Second Temple Judaism and Dead Sea Scrolls at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Groningen 1995–2000 Extraordinary Professor by the Nicolaas Muleriusfonds of the University, at the University of Groningen 1992–2007 Director of the Qumran Instituut of the University of Groningen 1980–2002 Associate Professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Groningen 1975–1979 Fellow of the Juan March Foundation for research on the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française of Jerusalem 1975–1977 Lector Spanish Language and Literature at de University of Bethlehem 1967–1969 Priest and Teacher of History at the St. Anne College (Guadalajara) VISITING APPOINTMENTS 2001–2002 Invited Professor at the K.U. Leuven (September - February) 2000–2001 Invited Professor at the K.U. Leuven (September - February) 1997 Invited Professor at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (March - October) 1996 Invited Professor at the Theological Faculty of Barcelona (February) and at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (March) 1991 Invited Research Professor at the Superior Counsel of Scientific Research in Madrid (February - July) 1979–1980 Invited Professor of Intertestamental Literature at the University of Salamanca HONORS AND AWARDS 2001 Nominated for the NWO Spinoza Prijs. 2004 Foreign Member, Humanities and Social Sciences Division, of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) 2008 Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion 2008 Nominated for the Award of the Cristobal Gabarron Foundation, Valladolid, 2008 2010 Nominated for the FWO-Excellentieprijzen 2010 Ernest John Solvay. 3 EDITORSHIPS 1999- Co-editor of the series Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids) 1997–2012 Editor-in-chief of the Journal for the Study of Judaism (Brill, Leiden) 1995–2012 Co-editor of the series Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 1991–1997 Editorial secretary of the Journal for the Study of Judaism (Brill, Leiden) 1990–2012 Editor of the series Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah (Brill, Leiden) 1985–2010 Editorial secretary of the Revue de Qumrân (Gabalda, Paris) BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS 1980–1991 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal for the Study of Judaism (Brill, Leiden) 1980–1987 Member of the Advisory Board of Estudios Bíblicos (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid), and since 2007 member of the Editorial Board 1983–2010 Member of the Editorial Board and since 1985 editorial secretary of the Revue de Qumrân (Gabalda, Paris) 1983– Member of the Advisory Board of Aula Orientalis (Instituto de Estudios Orientales, Barcelona) 1986– Member of the International Commission for the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1987– Member of the Advisory Board of Filología Neotestamentaria (Facultad de Letras, Córdoba) 1989–2004 (Founder and) Executive secretary of the International Organization for Qumran Studies 1993– Member of the Editorial Board of Dead Sea Discoveries (Brill, Leiden) 1993–2000 Area editor of the Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Oxford University Press, New York) 1996– Member of the Advisory Board of BYU/FARMS Dead Sea Scrolls Database Project 1998– Member of the Advisory Board of the series Themes in Biblical Narra- tive: Jewish and Christian Traditions (Brill, Leiden) 1999–2006 Member of the Board of Directors of Henoch: Historical and Philological Studies on Judaism (University of Turin) 2000– Member of the Advisory Board of the series Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology (Peeters, Leuven) 2000–2002 Member of the “Commissie Geesteswetenschappen” of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) 2002– Member of the Advisory Board of the Revista Portuguesa de Ciências das Religiões (Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisboa) 4 2002–2006 Member of the “Commissie Godsdienstwetenschappen en theologie” of the Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO-V), and since 2005 chairman of the Committee 2005–2006 President of the Nominations Committee of the Faculty of Theology of the K.U. Leuven 2007– Member f the Board of Directors of The Dead Sea Scrolls Foundation 2007– Member of the Advisory Board of Bandue: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones (Trotta, Madrid) 1013- Menber of the Advisory Borad of Actualidade Teológica: Revista do Departamento de Teologia da PUC-Rio de Janeiro MEMBERSHIP OF ACADEMIC SOCIETIES Asociación Española de Estudios Bíblicos (Spain) Asociación Española de Estudios Hebráicos y Judáicos (Spain) Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland en België (The Netherlands / Belgium) Werkgemeenschap Judaica (The Netherlands) European Association of Jewish Studies (E.U.) Society of Biblical Literature (U.S.A.) Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo (Italy) The Dead Sea Scrolls Foundation (Israel) The Enoch Seminar (Member of the Steering Group) Old Testament Society of South Africa (Honorary member) International Organization for Qumran Studies PUBLICATIONS For a full bibliography until 2007 and 2008 (including book reviews), see respectively: A. Hilhorst, E. Puech, and E. Tigchelaar, eds., Flores Florentino. Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Early Jewish Studies in Honour of Florentino García Martínez (JSJSup 122; Leiden: Brill, 2007), 803–16, and H. Ausloos, B. Lemmelijn, and M. Vervenne, eds., Florilegium Lovaniense: Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino García Martínez (BETL 224; Leuven: Peeters, 2008), 13–33 BOOKS As author or co-author: 1 F. García Martínez, El mundo de los Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento (Cuadernos “Tierra Santa”). Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1977. 2 B. Bagatti – F. García Martínez, La Vida de Jesús en los Apócrifos del Nuevo Testamento (Cuadernos “Tierra Santa”). Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press. 1978. 3 Delcor, M., y F. García Martínez. Introducción a la Literatura Esenia de Qumrán. 5 Academia Cristiana. Madrid: Cristiandad, 1982 4 González Echegaray, J., J. Asurmendi, F. García Martínez, L. Alonso Schökel, J. Trebolle Barrera. La Biblia en su entorno. Vol. 1 of Introducción al Estudio de la Biblia. Estella: Verbo Divino, 1990 5 García Martínez, F. Qumran and Apocalyptic: Studies on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran. STDJ 9. Leiden: Brill, 1992 (2d ed. 1994) 6 García Martínez, F. Textos de Qumrán. Estructuras y Procesos / Serie Religión. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1992 (2a, 3a, 4a ed. 1993; 5a ed. 2000; 6ª ed. 2009) 7 García Martínez, F., y J. Trebolle Barrera. Los Hombres de Qumrán: Literatura, estructura social y concepciones religiosas. Estructuras y Procesos / Serie Religión. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1993 (2a ed. 1997) 8 García Martínez, F. The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English. Leiden: Brill, 1994 (2d ed. 1996) 9 García Martínez, F., en A. S. van der Woude. De Rollen van de Dode Zee: Ingeleid en in het Nederlands vertaald. Deel 1. Wetsliteratuur en Orderegels. Poëtische teksten. Kampen: Kok 1994 (2e ed. 1998) * González Echegaray, J., J. Asurmendi, F. García Martínez, L. Alonso Schökel, e J. Trebolle Barrera. La Bibbia nel suo contesto. Introduzione allo studio della Bibbia 1. Brescia: Paideia, 1994 (Italian translation of 4) * González Echegaray, J., J. Asurmendi, F. García Martínez, L. Alonso Schökel, J. M. Sánchez Caro, J. Trebolle Barrera. A Bíblia e seu contexto. Introdução ao estudio da Bíblia 1. São Paulo: Ave Maria edições, 1994 (Portuguese translation of 4) * García Martínez, F. Textos de Qumran: Edição fiel e completa dos Documentos do Mar Morto. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1995 (Portuguese translation of 6) * García Martínez, F., and J. Trebolle Barrera. The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Writings, Beliefs and Practices. Leiden: Brill, 1995 (English translation of 7) 10 García Martínez, F., en A. S. van der Woude. De Rollen van de Dode Zee: Ingeleid en in het Nederlands vertaald. Deel 2. Liturgische teksten, eschatologische teksten. exegetische literatuur, para-bijbelse literatuur en overige geschriften. Kampen: Kok, 1995 11 Qimron, E. The Temple Scroll: A Critical Edition with Extensive Reconstructions, with Bibliography by F. García Martínez. Judean Desert Studies. Beer Sheva: Ben- Gurion University of the Negev Press, 1996 * García Martínez, F. The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English. 2d ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1996 (Revised edition of 8) 12 García Martínez, F., and D. W. Parry. A Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah 1970–95: Arranged by Author with Citation and Subject Indexes. STDJ 19. Leiden: Brill, 1996 13 Aranda uploads/Litterature/ 151-pdf.pdf

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