Getting started guide for Admins Getting started guide Simple, Powerful LMS for
Getting started guide for Admins Getting started guide Simple, Powerful LMS for Schools and Universities For administrators 2 Getting started guide for Adminstrators Table of contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 Signing up for NEO ....................................................................................................................... 5 Home page and Navigation ........................................................................................................ 6 Help Center ................................................................................................................................. 11 Site description and details ..................................................................................................... 13 Portal Customization ................................................................................................................ 14 Creating accounts ..................................................................................................................... 21 Setting up policies ..................................................................................................................... 29 Configuring the class catalog ................................................................................................. 31 Setting up canned messages ................................................................................................. 34 Configuring the Grade map ..................................................................................................... 35 Upgrading to a premium plan ................................................................................................ 36 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 36 3 Getting started guide for Adminstrators Introduction NEO provides a beautiful, simple, powerful LMS for use by schools, individual teachers, universities, and districts. NEO was founded in 2006 by Graham Glass, the CEO of NEO and a serial entrepreneur with a track record of innovation. Graham used to teach Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas, and founded two training companies, so deep familiarity with the features that teachers and students need is in our company DNA. NEO is a product of CYPHER LEARNING, which also provides an LMS for businesses called MATRIX. NEO and MATRIX are used by over 20,000 organizations around the world (we support 40+ languages), have over a million users, add about 15,000 new users a week, and are both profitable without any need for external investment. Our mission is to make teaching and learning more enjoyable and productive by offering an e-learning solution that engages students and makes the whole process more effective. 4 Getting started guide for Adminstrators We want users to get the best results when using our site, especially when they are just starting out, and that is why we created three getting started guides for the main types of users on NEO: administrators, teachers, and students. Getting started guide for Administrators (this guide) explains topics such as: navigating in NEO, using the Help Center, creating accounts, configuring the class catalog, setting up policies, customizing the canned messages, and more. Getting started guide for Teachers explains topics such as: navigating in NEO, using the Help Center, creating and configuring a class, enrolling students, adding and grading assignments, and more. Getting started guide for Students explains topics such as: navigating in NEO, using the Help Center, enrolling in classes, submitting assignments, viewing grades, communicating with teachers, and more. In the following pages we will go into details about the most common options for administrators when they start using NEO. Please consult the table of contents if you want to find a specific topic. If you have additional questions please browse our Help Center, support forum, or send us an email at . 5 Getting started guide for Administrators Signing up for NEO To create your NEO site, go to the sign up page on our website (, fill in the information required, and then click the sign up button. We recommend choosing a simple URL, one that is not too long or complicated, so that it’s easier for your users to find and remember your site. At this point you have created your NEO site and you’re ready to start setting it up. We will be covering some basic options in the next sections. 6 Getting started guide for Administrators Home page and Navigation The home page is the first page you see when you log into your account. 7 Getting started guide for Administrators Left bar The left bar displays tabs that allow you to quickly navigate to the main areas of the site, such as Classes, Groups, Dashboard, News, Welcome, Users, Resources, Reports, and Admin. The left bar allows you access to these tabs regardless of where you are in a page. If you hover over a tab, a pop up window will appear with the most important options for that area. 8 Getting started guide for Administrators When you visit a class for example, the main left bar is minimized, allowing you to navigate within any area of the site by simply hovering over the icon. The class left bar shows tabs that allow you to navigate in different areas of a class such as: news, lessons, calendar, assignments, gradebook, and more. 9 Getting started guide for Administrators Top right bar The top right bar displays icons which you can click to access your messages, notifications, calendar, trash can, help center, search, and profile. Right bar In the right bar you can find listed the following: to do list, announcements for the last 7 days, upcoming items in the next 7 days, and a list of any minimized windows. To see more details, just click on an item. 10 Getting started guide for Administrators News feed The home page news feed aggregates news items from your friends, classes, groups, and school. By default, a news feed only shows the latest items. If you scroll the page down, it automatically shows more news items. When the end of the feed is reached, the message 'no more news' is displayed. 11 Getting started guide for Administrators Help Center We don’t want you to encounter difficulty when you are first setting up your site, so to access our Help Center, click the icon in the top right bar. A pop-up box will open with options for choosing the searchable online help, support forum, getting started guides, how to videos, suggestions area, product news forum, student help desk (if enabled), and roadmap. If the page that you're on has help content, a "Help for this page" option will also appear. 12 Getting started guide for Administrators The searchable online help has topics organized by account type, includes detailed instructions with screenshots for most of them and because the Help Center is a pop up, you can browse through the topics without having to leave your current page. 13 Getting started guide for Administrators Site description and details To set up details about your organization, visit the Admin/About section. Here you can edit your organization’s name, add a description and website, add a contact email, select your language, and more. To make changes, click the Edit icon. 14 Getting started guide for Administrators Portal Customization Many aspects of your portal can be customized, including the URL, color scheme, logo, portal pictures, terminology, and more. Click Admin/Portal in order to start setting up your options. The portal admin page is split into separate categories so that it’s easier to customize certain aspects of the site: General - in this section you can set up your URL, color scheme, logo, and language; Visitor view - in this section you can configure how your portal will look for the site visitors, with options for portal type, title, logo, pages, pictures, menu, and footers; User view - In this section you can configure how your portal will look for logged-in users, with options for avatar display, menu bar decoration, home left bar picture, home tabs, left bar, welcome pop up, shortcuts, and footers; 15 Getting started guide for Administrators Terminology - you can customize the terminology of your site by adding one or more substitutions; SEO - you can choose if you want your site to be indexed, set up a meta-description, and keywords; Social media - you can set up which icons you want to show up on your portal, in both the visitor and user view; Custom CSS - you can use custom CSS in order to give your site a more personalized look; More - this section allows you to configure options for session timeout, log in widget, favicon, google analytics, URL mappings, and bottom HTML. Now we will go over the most important options from this tabs that administrators need to know in the first phase of customizing the portal. 16 Getting started guide for Administrators URL This section displays the current URL of your portal. To visit your portal, click on the URL. To change the URL for your portal, click 'Edit your NEO URL', and select a new subdomain. A subdomain can only be a mix of letters and digits. We also provide a way to use your own URL, for which you can find instructions in the Portal topic in the Help center. Color scheme To change the color scheme for your portal, select the new scheme from the 'Color scheme' section. 17 Getting started guide for Administrators To create/edit your own custom color scheme, select the 'Custom' option from the list of color schemes. Then select the color values for each graphic element using either the color picker or by directly entering the hex values into the input boxes. Logo You can add a large logo that appears at the top of the left bar. To upload a logo, select a picture from your computer, then click Save. We recommend that the image has a transparent background so it blends in well with any background. 18 Getting started guide for Administrators Once you have uploaded uploads/Litterature/ administrators-guide 4 .pdf
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- Publié le Sep 17, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 2.1944MB