F APOCRYPHA 23, 2012 © 2012 , Turnhout All rights reserved. No part of this pub
F APOCRYPHA 23, 2012 © 2012 , Turnhout All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. D/2012/0095/220 ISBN 978-2-503-54673-5 Printed in the E.U. on acid-free paper APOCRYPHA Revue fondée en 1990 par Jean-Claude PICARD et Pierre GEOLTRAIN APOCRYPHA REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES LITTÉRATURES APOCRYPHES INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APOCRYPHAL LITERATURES Directeur de la publication J.-D. DUBOIS Secrétaires de rédaction R. BURNET et A. VAN DEN KERCHOVE Comité de lecture F. AMSLER, R. GOUNELLE, S.C. MIMOUNI, E. ROSE, J.-M. ROESSLI, S. VOICU Comité scientifi que I. BACKUS, B. BOUVIER, F. BOVON, Z. IZYDORCZYK, S. JONES, E. JUNOD, A. LE BOULLUEC, J.-N. PERÈS, P. PIOVANELLI, M. STAROWIEYSKI Revue publiée avec le concours scientifi que de lʼAssociation pour lʼÉtude de la Littérature Apocryphe Chrétienne (A.E.L.A.C.) et de la Société pour lʼÉtude de la Littérature Apocryphe Chrétienne (S.E.L.A.C.) Adresse du secrétariat de la revue: 187, rue Belliard F-75018 PARIS apocrypha.revue@gmail.com SOMMAIRE Liminaire ................................................................................................. 9 « Virtutes apostolorum: Editorial Problems and Principles » par Els ROSE .................................................................................... 11 « Reworking the Virtutes apostolorum in the Salzburg Sermon-Collec- tion (1st quarter of the ninth century) » par Maximilian DIESENBERGER ........................................................ 47 « A (Socio)linguistic Approach to Hagiographic Text Transmission: the Torino Collection Biblioteca Nazionale D.v.3. (8th/9th c.) » par Marieke VAN ACKER ................................................................. 65 « Editing a Fluid and Unstable Text: The Example of the Acts of Pilate (or Gospel of Nicodemus) » par Rémi GOUNELLE ........................................................................ 81 « On the Evangelium Nicodemi before Print: Towards a New Edition » par Zbigniew IZYDORCZYK ............................................................... 99 « The Transmission of Marian Apocrypha in the Latin Middle Ages » par Rita BEYERS .............................................................................. 117 « Homiletic Texts and the Transmission of Eschatological Apocrypha in a Medieval Irish Context » par Caitríona Ó DOCHARTAIGH ......................................................... 141 « The Digital Edition: New Possibilities and Challenges » par Mariken TEEUWEN ..................................................................... 155 AUTRES CONTRIBUTIONS « Un réexamen des notices de Théodore Bar Konaï sur les mandéens » par Jean-Marie DUCHEMIN ............................................................... 171 « Jésus, la lumière et le Père vivant. Principe de gémellité dans l’Évangile selon Thomas » par André GAGNÉ ............................................................................ 209 « Some Philological Notes on the Mäúéüäfä ‘Éräfétä läMaryam “Li- ber Requiei” (LR) » par Tedros ABRAHA ......................................................................... 223 RECENSIONS .............................................................................................. 247 LIVRES REÇUS ............................................................................................ 281 The Dynamics of Apocryphal Traditions in Medieval Religious Culture Proceedings of the Expert Meeting Utrecht University, 19-20 January 2012 LIMINAIRE In January 2012 an Expert Meeting took place at Utrecht University, organized as part of the research project The Dynamics of Apocryphal Traditions in Medieval Religious Culture, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientifi c Research (NWO) and supervised by project leader Els Rose since 2008. The project deals with the medieval tex- tual transmission of the so-called Virtutes apostolorum, Latin rewritings of the apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, transmitted as a coherent series with a section on each individual apostle. While the Virtutes apostolorum might have circulated as a series earlier, the oldest extant manuscripts date to the second half of the eighth century. Within the project, the tex- tual approach consists of an examination of relevant manuscripts in order to fi nd answers to questions concerning coherence, context, and linguistic features of the Virtutes, to be published together with a new edition cum translation in CCSA. During the Expert Meeting, members of the project presented particu- lar problems and possible solutions concerning the Virtutes apostolorum, while the other speakers contributed with presentations of related text corpora, either apocryphal texts or genres in combination with which the Virtutes apostolorum have been transmitted (hagiography, sermons). The main questions concern the complexity of dealing with a series or col- lection of texts that are also transmitted individually in earlier ages and in different (though comparable) contexts; the question how language can form an instrument to get a better grip on the mutual coherence of the manuscripts and their descent, and to reconstruct, if not a classic stemma, a network of interrelations; how modern editorial techniques (both digital and on paper) can be usefully employed to provide the user with an adequate insight into the way these texts were transmitted and used in medieval Christian culture; fi nally, how a contextual approach to the transmission of apocryphal texts in medieval religious culture can enlarge our understanding of these texts and their use. Thanks are due to the Netherlands Organisation for Scientifi c Research (NWO) that sponsored the Expert Meeting. Likewise, the organizer of the Expert Meeting thanks Utrecht University, particularly its Faculty of the Humanities and its Research Institute for History and Culture, for hosting the project as well as the conference. Els Rose Editor of the Acts of the Utrecht Expert Meeting 10.1484/J.APOCRA.1.103237 Apocrypha 23, 2012, p. 11-45 Els ROSE Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University VIRTUTES APOSTOLORUM : EDITORIAL PROBLEMS AND PRINCIPLES* The school of New Philology urges us as editors of medieval texts to take into account variance as a core characteristic of medieval manu- script transmissions. The scope of variance, however, remains unclear in the programmatic studies presented by this trend, which concentrates mainly on linguistic variants. Therefore, an elaborate methodology to incorporate variance in our editorial work still needs to be developed. It is the aim of this article to present a set of propositions in prepara- tion of an edition of the Latin transmission of the Virtutes apostolorum, in order to add to the development of this methodology. The spectrum of variance in the Virtutes apostolorum as a series embraces textual variants ; variants concerning the presentation of the text at the level of the individual sections dedicated to one apostle (order of the apostles, choice of text, choice of redaction) ; variants in (the presence of) para- texts (titles, chapter titles, prologues, epilogues) ; variants caused by the manual transmission of these texts (corrections, uncorrected errors) ; and variants inserted by the users/readers of the series (semantic glosses, both vernacular and Latin, marginal glosses indicating liturgi- cal use, stress marks on words for the benefi t of oral performance). The analyses show the great diversity in the preserved manuscripts. The main question will be how we can create an edition of such a complex * This article is based on a paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association pour l’Étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (AELAC) à Dole (France), 30 June-2 July 2011, and on a paper presented at the Expert Meeting The Dynamics of Apocryphal Literature in Medieval Religious Cul- ture, Utrecht (the Netherlands), 19-20 January 2012. It is my pleasure to thank the participants in both conferences for their helpful remarks. I particularly like to thank Valentina Covaci, Renske van Nie, Maarten Prot, Tom de Schepper, Évina Steinova, Mariël Urbanus, and Giorgia Vocino for their contributions to the discussions in preparation of the papers and the Expert Meeting, as well as Peter Schrijver and Rémi Gounelle for their careful reading of an earlier draft. The article was written within the framework of a research project funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientifi c Research (NWO) and executed at Utrecht University. I like to thank the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris, and the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen for allowing the reproduction of their manu- scripts on p. 34 and 35 of this article. E. ROSE 12 and composite medieval text transmission so that its fl uidity and vari- ability become visible, as well as its use in medieval religious practice. L’École de la Nouvelle Philologie défend le retour aux manuscrits ainsi que l’attention aux variantes dans la transmission manuscrite des textes. Cependant, l’idée de ‘‘variante’’ est souvent limitée aux variantes textuelles, tandis qu’il y a d’autres sortes de variantes qui témoignent aussi de spécifi cités ainsi que des différents usages qui ont été faits des manuscrits. Le présent article examine la transmission latine des Virtutes apostolorum dans le monde médiéval. Dans cet ensemble de textes, plusieurs sortes de variantes sont analysées : variantes textuel- les, variantes dans la présentation du texte au niveau des sections individuelles dédiées à un apôtre (ordre des apôtres, choix des textes, choix des rédactions), variantes dans les paratextes (titres, titres des chapitres, prologues, épilogues), variantes causées par la transmission (corrections et passages fautifs mais non corrigés), variantes créées par l’usage des textes (gloses vernaculaires et latines, gloses margi- nales indiquant l’usage liturgique, signes d’accentuation). Les analyses attestent de la grande diversité des manuscrits conservés. La question principale est de savoir comment éviter que l’édition des Virtutes apos- tolorum ne fournisse une présentation trop statique d’une tradition tex- tuelle complexe et composite, et comment faire pour qu’elle atteste la variabilité qui caractérise ces textes, de même que l’usage de ces textes dans la pratique religieuse du Moyen Age. The Virtutes apostolorum : Variety rules Variety and textual instability have been highlighted positively over the past decades as key characteristics of handwritten text transmis- sion. ‘Return to the manuscripts’ is the device of the movement that identifi es uploads/Litterature/ apocrypha-23-2012-pdf.pdf
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