Vanessa Guignery ( – Université de Paris IV – Sorbon

Vanessa Guignery ( – Université de Paris IV – Sorbonne. AGREGATION 2001-2002 Le centre de recherches de Paris IV "Ecritures du roman contemporain de langue anglaise" dirigé par François Gallix et Vanessa Guignery recevra Julian Barnes pour une conférence-débat le mercredi 14 novembre 2001 à 19h à l’amphithéâtre Guizot en Sorbonne. L’entrée est libre. Bibliographie Flaubert’s Parrot de Julian Barnes Site internet : I. Sources primaires. 1. Ouvrages de Julian Barnes. 1. Metroland. 1980. London: Picador, 1981. (Metroland. Trad. Jean-Pierre Aoustin. Paris: Denoël, collection "Empreinte", 1995). 2. Before She Met Me. 1982. London: Picador, 1983. (Avant moi. Trad. Michel Courtois- Fourcy. Paris: Denoël, collection "Empreinte", 1991). 3. Flaubert's Parrot. 1984. London: Picador, 1985. (Le Perroquet de Flaubert. Trad. Jean Guiloineau. Paris: Stock, Bibliothèque Cosmopolite, 1986). 4. Staring at the Sun. 1986. London: Picador, 1987. (Le Soleil en face. Trad. Raymond Las Vergnas. Paris: Stock, collection "Nouveau cabinet cosmopolite", 1987). 5. A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters. 1989. London: Picador, 1990. (Une Histoire du monde en 10 chapitres 1/2. Trad. Michel Courtois-Fourcy. Paris: Stock, collection "Nouveau cabinet cosmopolite", 1990). 6. Talking It Over. 1991. London: Picador, 1992. (Love, etc.. Trad. Raymond Las Vergnas. Paris: Denoël, collection "Empreinte", 1992). 7. The Porcupine. 1992. London: Picador, 1993. (Le Porc-épic. Trad. Raymond Las Vergnas. Paris: Denoël, collection "Empreinte", 1993). 8. Letters from London 1990-1995. London: Picador, 1995. (Lettres de Londres. Trad. Josette Chicheportiche et Maryse Leynaud. Paris: Denoël, collection "Empreinte", 1996). 9. Cross Channel. London: Jonathan Cape, 1996. (Outre-Manche. Trad. Jean-Pierre Aoustin. Paris: Denoël, collection "Empreinte", 1998). 10. England, England. London: Jonathan Cape, 1998. (England, England. Trad. Jean-Pierre Aoustin. Paris: Mercure de France, 2000). 11. Love, etc. London: Jonathan Cape, 2000. (Dix ans après. Trad. Jean-Pierre Aoustin. Paris : Mercure de France, à paraître en janvier 2002). 12. Something to Declare. London: Picador, 2002. (A paraître en janvier) (Sous le nom de Dan Kavanagh) 13. Duffy. 1980. In The Duffy Omnibus. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. (Duffy. Trad. Phillipe Loubat-Delranc. Paris: Actes Sud, 1991). 14. Fiddle City. 1981. In The Duffy Omnibus. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. (Vol à tous les étages. Trad. Phillipe Loubat-Delranc. Paris: Actes Sud, 1993). 1 15. Putting the Boot in. 1985. In The Duffy Omnibus. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. (Arrêt de jeu. Trad. Richard Matas. Paris: Actes Sud, 1991). 16. Going to the Dogs. 1987. In The Duffy Omnibus. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. (Tout fout le camp. Trad. Christine Le Bœuf. Paris: Actes Sud, 1991). 2. Nouvelles de Julian Barnes. 17. "The Writer Who Liked Hollywood." New Statesman 2 July 1982: 18-20. 18. "The 50p Santa. A Duffy Detective Story." (sous le nom de Dan Kavanagh) Time Out 19 Dec. 1985-1 Jan. 1986: 12-13. 19. "One of a Kind." The Penguin Book of Modern British Short Stories. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books: 1987. 400-06. 20. "Hamlet in the Wild West." Index on Censorship. 23. 4-5 (Sept 1994): 100-3. 21. "The Revival." New Yorker 5 Aug. 1996: 62-67. 22. "A Short History of Hairdressing." New Yorker 22 Sept. 1997: 120-29. 23. "Vigilance." TLS 4 Sept. 1998: 6-7. 24. "Hygiene." New Yorker 6 Sept. 1999: 68-72. 25. "Appetite." Areté 2 (Spring/Summer 2000): 53-61. 26. "The Story of Mats Israelson." New Yorker 24 July 2000: 62-70. 3. Textes de Julian Barnes sur Gustave Flaubert. 27. "Flaubert’s Refrigerated Heart." Rev. of The Letters of Gustave Flaubert 1830-1857, ed. and trans. Francis Steegmuller. Sunday Times 30 Mar. 1980: 41. 28. "Flaubert and Rouen." Listener 18 Aug. 1983: 14-15. * 29. "The Follies of Writer Worship." New York Times 17 Feb. 1985: BR1+. * 30. "The Thunderous Presence of l'Homme-Plume." Rev. of Carnets de travail, by Gustave Flaubert. TLS 7-13 Oct. 1988: 1090-92. * 31. "The Furious Bourgeois." Rev. of Correspondance, III: janvier 1859-décembre 1868, by Gustave Flaubert. Ed. Jean Bruneau. TLS 6 Sept. 1991: 3-5. * 32. "Unlikely Friendship." Rev. of Flaubert-Sand: The Correspondence, trans. Francis Steegmuller and Barbara Bray. New York Review of Books 10 June 1993: 5+. 33. "Romancing Flaubert." Rev. of Rage and Fire: A Life of Louise Colet, Pioneer Feminist, Literary Star, Flaubert's Muse, by Francine du Plessix Gray. New York Review of Books 26 May 1994: 12-16. 34. Preface. Dictionary of Accepted Ideas. By Gustave Flaubert. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994. 5-11. 35. Préface. Le Sottisier. De Gustave Flaubert. Trad. Emma Ducamp. Mesnil-sur-l'Estrée: NIL éditions, 1995. 7-16. 36. "Cher Gustave... Sur la France." Nouvel Observateur 29 jan. 1998: 89. * 37. "No One Suffers As Much." Rev. of Correspondance, IV: 1869-1875, by Gustave Flaubert. Ed. Jean Bruneau. TLS 18 Dec. 1998: 3-5. 38. "Justin: A Small Major Character." The Process of Art Essays on Nineteenth-Century French Literature, Music, and Painting in Honour of Alan Raitt. Ed. Michael Freeman, Elizabeth Fallaize, Jill Forbes, Toby Garfitt, et al. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. 1-10. 39. "Book into film: Chabrol’s Madame Bovary." Writers at the Movies: Twenty-Six Contemporary Authors Celebrate Twenty-Six Memorable Movies. Ed. Jim Shepard. New York: Perennial, 2000. 1-15. (version longue de "Films, Flaubert and Fidelity." Observer 18 Oct. 1992: 34+.) 40. "Seeing and dreaming." Rev. of Flaubert and the Pictorial Arts, by Adrianne Tooke. TLS 19 May 2000 : 8. 41. "Influences – Single-Handed." New Yorker 25 Dec. 2000-1 Jan. 2001: 114-15. 2 II. Sources secondaires. 1. Présentation générale de l’œuvre de Julian Barnes. 41. Billen, Andrew. "Two Aspects of a Writer." Observer Magazine 7 July 1991: 25+. 42. Colby, Vineta, ed. World Authors: 1980-1985. New York: H.W. Company, 1991. 68-72. 43. Gallix, François. Le Roman britannique du XXe siècle: modernistes et postmodernes. Paris: Masson, 1995. 121-31. 44. Guignery, Vanessa. Postmodernisme et effets de brouillage dans la fiction de Julian Barnes. Villeneuve d'Ascq : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2001, ISBN : 2-284- 02172-7. 735p. Thèse à la Carte n° 32133. Directeur de thèse : Monsieur le Professeur François Gallix. Université de Paris IV. 45. Guignery, Vanessa. Flaubert’s Parrot de Julian Barnes. Paris: CNED/Armand COLIN, 2001. 46. Guignery, Vanessa. Julian Barnes. L’art du mélange. Bordeaux : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2001. 128p. 47. Hawtree, Christopher. "Novel Escape." Times 13 Jan. 1996: 19+. 48. Marowski, Daniel G. and Roger Matuz, eds. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 42. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Company, 1987. 24-30. 49. Moseley, Merritt. Understanding Julian Barnes. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1997. 198p. 50. Pateman, Matthew. A Critical Study of the Fiction of Julian Barnes with Reference to Selected Theories of Narrative and Legitimation. (Dr. Richard Brown) Diss. Leeds University, 1995. 254p. 51. Porter, Henry. "The Heart of a Man of Letters." Independent on Sunday 2 Apr. 1995: 4-6. 52. Sesto, John Bruce. The Fictional World of Julian Barnes. (Dr. Thomas Flanagan) Diss. State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1995. 207p. 53. Stout, Mira. "Chameleon Novelist." New York Times 22 Nov. 1992, sec. 6: 29+. 54. Todd, Richard. "Domestic Performance: Julian Barnes and the Love Triangle." Consuming Fictions. The Booker Prize and Fiction in Britain Today. London: Bloomsbury, 1996. 260-280. 55. Wroe, Nicholas. "Literature’s Mister Cool." Guardian (http://www.guardianunlimited. Archive/Article/0,4273,4045327,00.html) 29 July 2000. 2. Articles ou parties d’ouvrages sur Flaubert’s Parrot . * 56. Audigier, Jean-Pierre. "Ackroyd, Barnes, Swift ou la représentation vive." TLE 7 (1989): 39-48. * 57. Bell, William. "Not Altogether a Tomb. Julian Barnes: Flaubert's Parrot." Imitating Art: Essays in Biography. Ed. David Ellis. London: Pluto Press, 1993. 149-173. * 58. Bouillaguet, Annick. "Le pastiche de genre : Le perroquet de Flaubert." L'Ecriture imitative. Pastiche, parodie, collage. Paris: Nathan Université, Fac.: 1996. 47-66. * 59. Brooks, Neil. "Interred Textuality: The Good Soldier and Flaubert's Parrot." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 41(1) (Fall 1999): 45-51. 60. Elias, Amy J.. "Meta-mimesis? The Problem of British Postmodern Realism." British Postmodern Fiction. Eds. Theo D’Haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi - Postmodern Studies 7, 1993. 9-31. 61. Gasiorek, Andrzej. "Postmodernism and the Problem of History. Julian Barnes." Post-War British Fiction. Realism and After. London: Edward Arnold, 1995. 158-65. 62. Guignery, Vanessa. "Palimpseste et pastiche génériques chez Julian Barnes." Etudes 3 anglaises 50.1 (1997): 40-52. 63. Guignery, Vanessa. " ‘My wife ... died’: une mort en pointillé dans Flaubert's Parrot de Julian Barnes." Etudes britanniques contemporaines 17 (déc. 1999): 57-68. 64. Guignery, Vanessa. "Du psittacisme à l’émancipation? La transtextualité flaubertienne dans Flaubert’s Parrot de Julian Barnes." Etudes britanniques contemporaines 20 (juin 2001). 65. Guignery, Vanessa. "Le narrataire ou le lecteur de l’autre côté du miroir dans Flaubert’s Parrot de Julian Barnes." QWERTY (oct. 2001). 66. Higdon, David Leon. " 'Unconfessed Confessions': the Narrators of Graham Swift and Julian Barnes." The British and Irish Novel Since 1960. Ed. James Acheson. Houndsmill: Macmillan, 1991. 174-91. 67. Janik, Del Ivan. "No End of History: Evidence from the Contemporary English Novel." Twentieth Century Literature 41.2 (Summer 1995): 160-89. 68. Lee, Alison. Realism and Power: Postmodern British Fiction. London: Routledge, 1990. 1-4, 36-40, 46. 69. Newton, Adam Zachary. "Telling Others: Secrecy and Recognition in Dickens, Barnes and Ishiguro." Narrative Ethics. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1995. 241-85. 70. Pateman, Matthew. "Julian Barnes and the Popularity of Ethics." Postmodern Surroundings. Ed. Steven Earnshaw. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi - Postmodern Studies 9, 1994. 179-89. 71. Pateman, Matthew. "Is There a Novel uploads/Litterature/ barnes.pdf

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