Offprint from The World of Berossos Proceedings of the 4th International Colloq
Offprint from The World of Berossos Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on »The Ancient Near East between Classical and Ancient Oriental Traditions«, Hatfi eld College, Durham 7th–9th July 2010 Edited by Johannes Haubold, Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Robert Rollinger, John Steele 2013 Harrassowitz Verlag . Wiesbaden Berossos – A Bibliography Birgit Guler1 / Irene Madreiter (University of Innsbruck) This bibliography is part of a major bibliographical project on Greek historians writing about the ancient Near East (Herodotus, Ctesias2, Berossos and Manetho), which was initiated by Robert Rollinger at the University of Innsbruck in 2005. The bibliography is based on en- tries in Gnomon and Année Philologique. It includes further studies and papers of journals and proceedings published until August 2012 as well as the chapters of the current volume.3 The bibliography does not contain book reviews and encyclopaedia articles, except the en- tries ‘Berossos’, ‘Oannes’ and ‘Sardanapal’ in Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Titles are listed alphabetically and by year of publication. Adler 1983 William Adler, ‘Berossus, Manetho, and 1 Enoch in the world chronicle of Panodorus’, The Harvard Theological Review 76 / 4 (1983), 419–42. Albright 1923 William Foxwell Albright, ‘The Babylonian antediluvian kings’, Journal of the American Oriental Society 43 (1923), 323–29. Annus 2012 Amar Annus, ‘The antediluvian origin of evil in the Mesopotamian and Jewish tradi- tions: A comparative study’, in: Tarmo Kulmar / Rüdiger Schmitt (eds.), Ideas of Man in the Conceptions of the Religions – Das Menschenbild in den Konzeptionen der Religionen. Akten des VIII. gemeinsamen Symposiums der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Tartu, der deutschen religionsgeschichtlichen Studiengesellschaft, der estnischen Studiengesellschaft für Morgenlandkunde und der Studiengesellschaft für Theologie am 2. und 3. Oktober 2009 an der Universität Tartu / Estland (Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte 43), Münster 2012, 1–43. Atenstädt 1922 Felix Atenstädt, ‘Zwei Quellen des sogenannten Plutarch de luviis’, Hermes 57 / 2 (1922), 219–46. 1 The project was inancially supported by the Research Platform “Cultural Encounters and Transfers” (CEnT), University of Innsbruck. 2 Margareta M. Berktold / Birgit Guler / Inge Klingler / Irene Madreiter, ‘Ktesias-Bibliographie’, in: Josef Wiesehöfer / Giovanni B. Lanfranchi / Robert Rollinger (eds.), Die Welt des Ktesias / Ctesias’ World (Classica et Orientalia 1), Wiesbaden 2011, 515–527; see also the draft version on–02–09.pdf. 3 We thank Margareta M. Berktold, Sebastian Fink, Inge Klingler, Martin Lang and Robert Rollinger for providing us with additional material. 310 Kai Rufing Bach 2013, in press Johannes Bach, ‘Berossos, Antiochos und die Babyloniaka’, Ancient West and East 12 (2013), in press. Barreiros 1561 Gaspar Barreiros, Censuras de Gaspar Barreiros sobre quatro liuros intitulados em M. Portio Catam de Originibus, em Beroso Chaldaeo, em Manethon Aegyptio et em Q. Fabio Pictor Romano. Sigs. Bl-I3v (bis) in his Chorographia de alguns lugares que stam em hum caminho, que fez G. Barrieros in anno de M.D. XXXXVI, Coimbra 1561. Barreiros 1565 Gaspar Barreiros, Censura in quendam auctorem, qui sub falsa inscriptione Berosi Chaldaei circum fertur, Rome 1565. Barton 1915 George A. Barton, ‘A Sumerian source of the fourth and ifth chapters of Genesis’, Journal of Biblical Literature 34 / 1 / 4 (1915), 1–9. Bedrosian [s.a.] Robert Bedrosian, ‘Materials for the study of extra-terrestrial presence in human history based on ancient primary sources’, vide: [17 / 08 / 2012]. Bertin 1891 George Bertin, ‘Babylonian chronology and history’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5 (1891), 1–52. Beaulieu 2005 Paul-Alain Beaulieu, ‘Eanna’s contribution to the construction of the North Palace at Babylon’, in: Heather D. Baker / Michael Jursa (eds.), Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Proceedings of the START Project Symposium on the Economic History of Babylonia in the First Millennium Held in Vienna, 1–3 July 2004 (Veröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Babyloniens im 1. Jahr tausend v. Chr., vol. II, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 330), Münster 2005, 45–73. Beaulieu 2007 Paul-Alain Beaulieu, ‘Berossus on late Babylonian history’, in: Yushu Gong / Yiyi Chen (eds.), A Collection of Papers on Ancient Civilizations of Western Asia, Asia Minor and North Africa (Oriental Studies Special Issue 2006), Peking 2007, 116–49. Bichler 2004 Reinhold Bichler, ‘Some observations on the image of the Assyrian and Babylonian king- doms within the Greek tradition’, in: Robert Rollinger / Christoph Ulf (eds.), Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World: Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project Held in Innsbruck, Austria, October 3rd-8th 2002 (Melammu Symposia 5, Oriens et Occidens 6), Stuttgart 2004, 499–518. (= idem, in: idem, Historiographie, Ethnographie, Utopie. Gesammelte Schriften Teil I, ed. Robert Rollinger, Wiesbaden 2007, 209–28). Bidez 1904 Joseph Bidez, ‘Bérose et la grande année’, in: Société pour le progrès des études philologiques et historiques (eds.), Mélanges Paul Frédéricq: hommage de la Société pour le progrès des études philologiques et historiques, 10 juillet, 1904, Brussels 1904, 9–19. 311 Berossos – A Bibliography Boncquet 1980 Jan Boncquet, ‘Berossus en de griekse geschiedschrijvers over Mesopotamië’, Kleio 10 (1980), 22–28. Borger 1974 Rykle Borger, ‘Die Beschwörungsserie Bīt mēseri und die Himmelfahrt Henochs’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 33 / 2 (1974), 183–96. Bosanquet 1855 James Whatman Bosanquet, ‘Corrections of the canon of Ptolemy, required in order to place it in harmony with the solar eclipses of Jan. 11th B.C. 689, and May 28th B.C. 585’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 15 (1855), 416–30. Boiy 2004 Tom Boiy, Late Achaemenid and Hellenistic Babylon (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 136), Leuven / Paris / Dudley, MA 2004. Boiy 2007 Tom Boiy, Between High and Low: A Chronology of the Early Hellenistic Period (Oikumene 5), Frankfurt 2007. Boiy (this volume) Tom Boiy, ‘Babylon during Berossos’ lifetime’, in: Johannes Haubold / Giovanni B. Lanfranchi / Robert Rollinger / John Steele (eds.), The World of Berossos (Classica et Orientalia 5), Wiesbaden (this volume). Bossi / Villarubia 2004 Bea Bossi / Carlos Villarubia, ‘[Translation of] Wickersham, Beroso, los textos’, Revista Beroso. Revista de investiganción y relexión histórica sobre la Antigüedad 11 / 12 (2004), 11–62. Bowersock 1983 Glen W. Bowersock, ‘Antipater Chaldaeus’, The Classical Quarterly 33 / 2 (1983), 491. Brown 1893 Robert Brown Jr., ‘The ten patriarchs of Berosus’, The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art 43 / nr. 1100 (1893), 485–86. Brown 1893 Robert Brown Jr., ‘The ten patriarchs of Berosus’, The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science and Art 44 / nr. 1106 (1893), 56. Bukharin 2000 Mikhail D. Bukharin, ‘Early Hellenistic horographers: Megasthenes, Hekataios of Abdera and Berossos’, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii / Journal of Ancient History 2 (2000), 88–99 [Russian with an English summary]. Burstein 1978 Stanley Mayer Burstein, The Babyloniaca of Berossus (Sources and Monographs, Sources from the Ancient Near East I / 5), Malibu 1978. Bury / Cook / Adcock 1928² John Bagnall Bury / Stanley Arthur Cook / Frank E. Adcock, The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. I: Egypt and Babylonia to 1580 B.C., Cambridge, 2nd ed. 1928. 312 Birgit Guler / Irene Madreiter Caballero López 2004 José Antonio Caballero López, ‘El “Beroso” de Annio de Viterbo y su presencia en las historias de España’, Revista Beroso. Revista de investigación y relexión histórica sobre la Antigüedad 11 / 12 (2004), 81–128. de Callataÿ 2001 Godefroid de Callataÿ, ‘The Presocratics and the Great Year’, in: Dietrich Papenfuß / Volker Michael Strocka (eds.), Gab es das griechische Wunder? Griechenland zwischen dem Ende des 6. und der Mitte des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Tagungsbeiträge des 16. Fach- symposiums der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung, veranstaltet vom 5. bis 9. April 1999 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Mainz 2001, 243–49. Campos Daroca 2004 Javier Campos Daroca, ‘Beroso de Babilonia (Dictionnaire des Philosophes antiques II, Paris 1994)’, Revista Beroso. Revista de investigación y relexión histórica sobre la Antigüedad 11 / 12 (2004), 63–80. Cavaignac 1921 Eugène Cavaignac, ‘La première dynastie araméenne de Bérose et les documents contem- porains’, Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale 18 (1921), 79–81. Cavaignac 1954 Eugène Cavaignac, ‘Sur deux textes de Bérose et de Diodore relatifs à l’astronomie baby lonienne’, in: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (ed.), Compte rendu de la troisième rencontre assyriologique internationale: organisée à Leiden du 28 Juin au 4 Juillet 1952 (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten 1), Leiden 1954, 148–50. Cornelius 1942 Friedrich Cornelius, ‘Berossos und die altorientalische Chronologie’, Klio. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte 35 (1942), 1–16. Cory 1828 Isaac Preston Cory, Ancient Fragments, Containing What Remains of the Writings of Sanchoniatho, Berossus, Abydenus, Megasthenes, and Manetho, London 1828. Dalley 1994 Stephanie Dalley, ‘Nineveh, Babylon and the Hanging Gardens: Cuneiform and classical sources reconciled’, Iraq 56 (1994), 45–58. Dalley 1997 Stephanie Dalley, ‘Sennacherib and Tarsus’, in: Altan Çilingiroğlu (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium Held at Mersin, 19–23 May 1997 (Anatolian Iron Ages 4, Anatolian Studies 49), London 1999, 73–80. Dalley (this volume) Stephanie Dalley, ‘First millennium BC variation in Gilgamesh, Atrahasis, the lood story and the Epic of Creation: What was available to Berossos?’, in: Johannes Haubold / Giovanni B. Lanfranchi / Robert Rollinger / John Steele (eds.), The World of Berossos (Classica et Orientalia 5), Wiesbaden (this volume). uploads/Litterature/ berossos-a-bibliography.pdf
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