~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An FAQ/Walkthrough for Broken Sword 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game: Broken Sword 2 Platform: PC Author of FAQ/Walkthrough: Tom Hayes Version: 3.0 Last updated: 10th April, 2003 E-mail: tom_hayes(at)flipmode(dot)com =============================================================================== Contents =============================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Copyright Information =============================================================================== Version History =============================================================================== Version 3.0 - 10th April, 2003 Added the Item List. Version 2.0 - 30th March, 2003 Updated the format. Version 1.0 - 9th April, 2000 First version. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the success of the original game, it was no surprise that a sequel would be made. Broken Sword 2 begins shortly after the previous game. George, the main character from Broken Sword 1, was forced to leave Nico, the photo journalist from Broken Sword 1, in order to look after his dying father in America. A few months later, George returns to Paris for a reunion. While George was away, Nico was trying to expose a drugs smuggling ring, but accidentally found something far more sinister when she gained possesion of a strange obisidian stone. George and Nico go to visit the house of Mayan archeologist Professer Oubier hoping to learn more about the stone, when they are attacked. Nico is kidnapped, George is tied up, the house is set on fire and to make things worse, he is left in the room with a tarantula which is crawling slowly toward him. Welcome to Broken Sword 2! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Professer Oubier's house Right-click on the book case to find out that that it is being supported by a block of wood. Use the block of wood, which is located at the bottom-right corner of the book case. Use the metal bracket on the wall to get out of the chair. Open the writing bureau, and get the tequila. A worm will fall onto the floor. Get the worm. Open the drawer on the writing bureau to get a pot. Right-click on the pot to get the house key. Get the dart from the floor, and then get Nico's bag. Use the dart on the cabinet near the flames. The cylinder is too hot to get by just picking it up, so use the panties on the cylinder to get it. Use the cylinder with the syphon, and then use the syphon on the flames. Use the door, and then go downstairs. Get the newspaper clipping. Right-click the newspaper clipping to get Oubier's bank statement. Right-click the handwritten note, and use the telephone to phone Andre Lobineau. Use the house key with the front door, and then open the front door. Montfaucon Wait for the waiter to come out of the cafe, and attempt to talk to him. He will ignore you, and will go back into the cafe. When he comes out again, talk to him. This time he will listen to you, and a moment later you will be given a cup of coffee. Stop talking to the waiter, and Andre will show up. After a short scene, you will start talking to Andre. Ask him about the pot, and he will tell you about the Glease Gallery. Stop talking to Andre. Talk to the man sitting down on the chair. Answer his first question, and then ask him about himself. Ask him about himself once again. While he is sulking, quickly grab the flask. Exit Montfaucon, and go to the Glease Gallery. Glease Gallery Walk over to the man standing by the cases. Use the flask with his glass. Use the flask with his glass. The man will fall over, which means that you can explore the gallery without Glease moaning at you. Walk left, and look at the packing case to see that it has a label on it. Get the label. Walk over to Glease, and talk to him. Marsielles Look at the hut, and then look in the window of the hut. The man will drop something down the trapdoor, and then will start talking to you. Stop talking to the man. Go down the steps, and get the hook that is floating in the water. Go up the steps. Use the chimney to find out that it is too hot to touch. Use the beer bottle with the chimney to cool it down. Use the chimney. Use the beer bottle to block the chimney. Go down the steps. Go up the trapdoor. Get the dog biscuits, and then go down the trapdoor. Agh, that stupid dog! Use the dog biscuits with the platform, and the dog will walk onto the platform. Use the hook with the platform, and the dog will fall into the water. Go up the steps, and climb over the fence. Walk left, and climb up the ladder. Open the left window, and use the hook with the fan. Go back through the window, and go down the ladder. Knock on the door nearest to the ladder, and a man will answer. Ask him about the label. While he is unlocking the door, quickly go up the ladder. When the man is standing outside, use the clamp. A barrel will drop, and the man will walk over to see what is happening. While he is standing there, quickly use the clamp again to knock the man over the side. Go down the ladder, and go through the open door. Open the drawer to get a key. Walk right, and a man will appear from behind the boxes. Talk to the man, and ask him about the key. The man will run off. Push the button near the elevator. To stop the elevator from closing, push the crate. Now that the elevator door is stopped from closing, you can explore around the room. Push the switch near the elevator to turn a light on. Walk to where the light is shining, and look at the scratch marks. Open the secret door, and go through it. Get the statue. Get the ropes from Nico. After a brief conversation with Noco, she will leave the room. Get the masking tape from the floor. Exit the room, and walk over to the elevator. Use the masking tape on the photoelectric cell. Push the crate by the elevator. Push the small crate that is on top of the left crate. Push the left crate. Use the pallet carrier. Use the rope with the statue. Get the rope. Use the rope with the pulley. Use the pallet carrier. Try and push the statue. Talk to Nico, and ask her to help you push the statue. She will help you push it through the door. Go through the newly opened door. Use the manacles with the cable. After escaping, you will arrive back at the Glease Gallery, and after a brief conversation you will arrive at Quaramonte. Quaramonte Talk to the band, and ask about Miguel. Ask about music. Ask about the accident at the mine. Stop talking to the band, and walk to the right. Pearl, a character from Broken Sword 1, will start talking to you. Ask about Duane. Ask about Duane. Ask about Duane. Stop talking to Pearl. Enter the police station, and the general will start talking to you. Ask about Oubier. Ask about Oubier. Stop talking to the general. Look at the chart on the wall. Leave the police station, and Nico will start talking to you. Stop talking to Nico, and walk right. Talk to Oubier. Ask about Oubier. Stop talking to Oubier. Walk left, and go up the stairs into the office. After a while, Conchita will talk to you. Ask about the accident at the mine. Ask about the accident at the mine. Ask about the accident at the mine. Ask about Oubier. Stop talking to Conchita, and then exit the office. Walk right until you get to Duane. Talk to Duane. Ask about the truck. Ask about the truck. Ask about music. Ask about Miguel. Ask about Miguel. Walk left, and go up the stairs into the office. Talk to Conchita, and ask about the detonator. Ask about the chart. Stop talking to Conchita, and leave the office. Talk to Nico. Ask about the chart. Ask about the chart. You will both walk into the police station. Talk to the general. Ask about Nico. Talk to Renaldo. Ask about the ruins. Ask about the ruins. Exit the police station, and talk to Pearl. Ask about the ruins. Renaldo will leave. Look at the chart on the wall. Exit the police station. Walk left, and go up the stairs to the office. Talk to Conchita, and ask about the chart. Stop talking to Conchita, and open the cupboard to get a detonator. Exit the office. Walk right, and talk to Duane. Ask about the detonator. Ask about the detonator. Enter the police station. Walk to the north to get to the cells. Talk to Miguel. As Nico, look at the lava lamp. Look at the television. Look at the portrait. Look sword fish. Talk to the general. Ask about the lava uploads/Litterature/ broken-sword-the-smoking-mirror.pdf
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- Publié le Jan 30, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
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