TLE B2/C1 Langues • Littératures • Cultures ÉTRANGÈRES LIVRE DU PROFESSEUR Dire
TLE B2/C1 Langues • Littératures • Cultures ÉTRANGÈRES LIVRE DU PROFESSEUR Direction d’ouvrage et auteur : Erwan GOURAUD • Formateur • Lycée Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Sarcelles (95) Auteur.e.s : Catherine ARCHAMBEAUD • Formatrice • Lycée Fustel de Coulanges, Massy (91) Aline CHARLES • Lycée Descartes, Rabat (Maroc) Anne-Cécile COUTURIER • Université Paris-Saclay, Université d’évry (91) Béatrice FIROBIND • Lycée Henri IV, Paris (75) Sue GALAND-JONES • École Navale, Lanvéoc (29) Rachael HARRIS • Lycée Topffer, Genève Mathilde HENRIOT • Lycée Montgrand, Marseille (13) Axel JACOBIN • Formateur • LGT Montalembert, Courbevoie (92) Jennifer ROBB • Lycée international Victor Hugo, Colomiers (31) Karin VAN COMPERNOLLE-LOPEZ • Formatrice • Lycée Polyvalent Montmajour, Arles (13) Grammaire et phonologie : Sylvain GATELAIS • Maître de conférences à l’Université de Tours (37) TLE B2- C1 Langues • Littératures • Cultures ÉTRANGÈRES 2 Africa: the danger of a single story 1 Axe d'étude : Art et contestation r pages 14-31 Project 1 You are a writer. You have been asked to write the preface of the biography of an African artist to present his/her life and art work. Project 2 You are a curator. Create a podcast to promote the new trends in arts in Africa for the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (MOCAA) in Cape Town, South Africa. Grammaire • Le pluperfect simple • Le superlatif de supériorité Phonologie • Les deux consonnes l de l’anglais • L’accentuation en anglais Traduction • Utiliser le dictionnaire unilingue Pour l’écrit du Bac page 16 The Super Piece, Kofi Agorsor, 1999 A colonial vision of Africa page 17 • One King, One Flag, One Fleet, One Empire • Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, 1899 • Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, 1958 • The Mad Scramble for Africa How can Africa retell its own story? page 20 • Installation by Andrew Gilbert • Black Panther • Visions of Africa, Mike Philipps, 2006 Out in Africa page 22 • Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria, Noo Saro-Wiwa, 2012 • Embrace the Unknown • The danger of a single story, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Reasserting Africanness page 25 • Afrochella • Decolonising the Mind, Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, 1986 • Swan Lake meets Africa 3 Sparking debates with modern art 2 Axe d'étude : L’art qui fait débat r pages 32-49 Project 1 You are a journalist. Write an opinion article about a controversial artistic project. Project 2 You work in a museum of modern art. Debate about exhibiting a controversial artist. Grammaire • Les verbes de perception • La forme du verbe après un modal Phonologie • La voyelle longue \A…\ • La ION rule Traduction • Les noms composés Pour l’écrit du Bac page 34 Play-Doh, Jeff Koons, 2016 Challenging the aesthetic canon page 35 • Poems 3 and 12, E.E. Cummings, 1983 • The EY Exhibition: Late Turner • Guggenheim Museum: photos and reviews So shocking! Art and moral controversy page 38 • The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger, 1945-46 • Myra • Damien Hirst and Marc Quinn When female artists create a buzz! page 40 • Two pictures of Lady Gaga • Featured: The Singular Boldness of One Mae West • The Art of Complaining - The Guerilla Girls Art and money: the everlasting debate page 43 • Jeff Koons “Rabbit” sculpture goes for $91.1 million • Thank heavens the curtains have fallen on what would have been a grim and tasteless spectacle, The Guardian, 2019 • Andy Mouse 3, Keith Haring, 1986 4 Up for debate! 3 Axe d'étude : L’art qui fait débat r pages 50-66 Project 1 You are a lawyer. Defend the producer of a horror film accused of inciting violence. Project 2 You are a drama student. Write the script of a great debate and turn it into a film. Grammaire • L’expression de l’opposition et de la concession • Le subjonctif Phonologie • Les diphtongues \EÁ\ et \aÁ\ • L’accentuation des mots en -ic(s) et -ical Traduction • Le dialogue Pour l’écrit du Bac page 52 Debate between democratic candidates for the presidential election 2020, Miami, June 27, 2019 Debating: when talking is winning page 52 • Love’s Labour’s Lost et Richard III, William Shakespeare, 1596 et 1591 • The Great Debaters, Denzel Washington, 2007 • 8 ways to win an argument, The art of rhetoric: debating at its best page 55 • Whatever happened to civil discourse? • Obama’s immigration reform speech, 2013 • The owl and the nightingale The greatest debaters: courtroom orators page 58 • Where the Crawdads Sing, Delia Owens, 2018 • Scene in an American courtroom • Johnnie Cochran responds to the ‘N’-word (American Crime Story) Modern forms of debates page 60 • Cabinet Battle #2, Hamilton • Let’s debate • Why debating still matters, The Guardian, 2016 5 Censorship, an American art? 4 Vers le Bac : synthèse r pages 67-77 Banning books page 69 • Quotes • Poster Banned Books Week • Do we still really need Banned Books Week?, The Washington Post, 2018 The art of controlling page 71 • Timebends: A Life, Arthur Miller, 1987 • The warning sign was just outside the theatre door, The New York Times, 2018 • The Aviator, Martin Scorsese, 2004 • Couverture de comic magazine • Hays Code Questioning censorship page 73 • Museum of Censored Art • As “Hide/Seek” ends, a Step Back to Look for Lessons • “Censorship is not all bad”, The Huffington Post, 2016 • “Behind the photos: Why violent new images matter”, Time, 2014 • Freedom of Speech Pour préparer le grand oral 6 I feel, therefore I am. 5 Axe d'étude : Expression des émotions r pages 78-94 Project 1 You are an American journalist. Write an article about Britishness and emotional restraint. Project 2 You are a scriptwriter. Adapt a passage from a novel, drama or film into a moving movie scene. Grammaire • La phrase exclamative • While, during et for Phonologie • Les voyelles \I\ et \i…\ • Prononciation et accentuation des mots en -ate Traduction • La transposition Pour l’écrit du Bac page 80 Wuthering Heights, Andrea Arnold, 2011 When you cannot speak out page 80 • Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen, 1811 • Stiff Upper Lip • Hellelil and Hildebrand, the Meeting on the Turret Stairs, Frederic William Burton, 1864 When feelings and social expectations clash page 83 • Wonder Woman, Charles Moulton, 1942 • Boys Don’t Cry, The Cure, 1979 • Sigourney Weaver talks about what drew her to the character of Ellen Ripley in the Alien films When you’re almost destroyed page 85 • Grief is the Thing with Feathers, Max Porter, 2015 • The Young Widow, Edward Killingworth Johnson, 1877 • The Descendants, Alexander Payne, 2011 When your heart takes over page 87 • Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë, 1847 • The Meeting Place, Paul Day, 2007 • Fleabag, the wedding speech 7 Portraits of fiction 6 Axe d'étude : Mise en scène de soi r pages 95-111 Project 1 You are a writer. You have been invited to contribute to a project of a collection of short stories entitled Crossing the Fourth Wall. You must use the mise en abyme technique. Project 2 You are an artist invited to do a masterclass. You are one of the artists studied in this unit. You are invited to do a masterclass to talk about your work and what fiction means to you. Grammaire • Tags et reprises elliptiques • By et le gérondif Phonologie • La voyelle longue \O…\ • La prononciation des auxiliaires Traduction • Inférer le sens d’un mot inconnu Pour l’écrit du Bac page 97 Self-portrait, Andy Warhol, 1986 Disclosing the creative process page 98 • Self-portraits, Vivian Maier (1956) et David Hockney (1984) • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie • Why I Write, George Orwell, 1946 Self-portrait with your public page 100 • Letters from Skye, Jessica Brockmole, 2014 • J.K. Rowling with her fans • Stan, Eminem, 2000 Creator and creature, a strange encounter page 102 • Stranger than Fiction, Marc Forster, 2006 • The Simpsons • W.S., L.P. Hartley, 1973 Crossing the fourth wall page 105 • Starring Me! A Surreal Dive Into Immersive Theater, The New York Times, 2016 • The Art Critic, Norman Rockwell, 1955 • The Purple Rose of Cairo, Woody Allen, 1985 8 You live, you learn. 7 Axe d'étude : Initiation et apprentissage r pages 112-127 Project 1 You are a blogger. Write an entry for the blog Youthvoices entitled “You live, you learn.” Project 2 You are a psychologist. Explain what it’s like to become uploads/Litterature/ complet-llce-tle-lp-hatier.pdf
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- Publié le Sep 08, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
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