PREPARED BY: JAYBEE REYES 1 Fault tolerant quiz module Before The Exam Addition

PREPARED BY: JAYBEE REYES 1 Fault tolerant quiz module Before The Exam Additional options have been given to professors in setting up quiz/exam schedules. In the event you see these messages here is what they mean. 1. You can start answering questions on __________. This means you can enter the exam and preload the questions but the questions will not be visible until the specified time. Once you are in the exam you will see a countdown. When the countdown is finished, your questions will automatically display. No need to keep refreshing until the exam starts. Having this bigger window to start the exam will also help avoid the sudden rush of users simultaneously entering the exam. 2. You must start the exam on or before ______________. This means that the professor has enforced a deadline for you to start the exam. You will not be permitted to start the exam beyond the specified time. If you have already started the exam you will be permitted to continue the attempt beyond the time specified. If you failed to start the exam before the time given you will see message illustrated. This means that you have forfeited your chance to take the exam. During the exam One of the main benefits of this new quiz module is that it will allow you to navigate from page to page faster and be able to continue answering questions even if your internet connection is interrupted. Internet connection is required to start the exam and load all the questions. It is important to note that all your answers are temporarily stored in the browser and the quiz module will attempt to submit this to the Moodle server every minute. As you answer questions, the quiz navigation block will get updated. The question you answered will initially be represented by an orange icon. This means that you have selected and answered, but the answer has not yet been submitted to the Moodle server. As Moodle submits every minute, these boxes will turn grey indicating they have been already successfully saved on the Moodle server. PREPARED BY: JAYBEE REYES 2 VERY IMPORTANT: If you refresh your browser, leave the page or your browser crashes, all unsaved answers (orange icons) will be lost. In the example above, refreshing will take you back to question # 7. DO NOT REFRESH THE BROWSER unless the quiz has become unresponsive. The button now contains validation. It will not allow you to move to the next question if the current question(s) being displayed have not yet been answered. Moving to the next page should be instantaneous. All your questions are already preloaded so there is nothing more to load. This also means that you can continue answering questions even if your internet connection dies. Automatic saving works in the background every minute. Aside from the orange icons turning grey you will see the last saved time update. You may also click on Save Now at any time to send all changes to the moodle server. If the automatic saving fails due to connection problems, you will see a message at the bottom of your quiz navigation. The quiz module will still continue to attempt saving every minute and if it is successful, the message will then disappear. If you have a lot of unsaved answers, we recommend that you download your responses by clicking on save the responses. This will protect you in case your browser crashes or you accidentally leave the quiz page. The latest version of this file can be sent to IT and we can facilitate uploading it to moodle. When you click on Finish attempt, it will take you to a summary of all your answers. Some of your last questions may have a status of Answer not yet saved. This will be submitted when the automatic save is triggered or when you click on Submit all and finish. You will also be taken to this page view when your time expires. If there was an error in saving, this message will show. Please download the file by clicking save the responses and send to IT. uploads/Litterature/ guide 32 .pdf

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