A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BIBLE IN AFRICA Grant LeMarquand Trinity School for Minis
A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BIBLE IN AFRICA Grant LeMarquand Trinity School for Ministry Ambridge, PA USA This bibliography is an updated version of a listing which was first published in 1993. The present version is an attempt to list all known works of biblical interpretation produced by Africans, for Africa, or about African interpretation. Included in this version is a listing of book reviews and abstracts which have appeared in various publications describing many of the works listed here. The listing of reviews and abstracts may prove to be especially helpful in cases where it is difficult to aquire a copy of the original essay or book. Although this work has the purpose of being comprehensive, it is probable that I have missed numerous items which should be included in this list. I wish to apologize to any whose works have escaped my attention. The bibliography is divided into five sections. Section one lists bibliographical sources. Some of these sources are periodical publications which should be consulted for future contributions to the growing corpus of works of African exegesis. Although there are few annotations in other parts of the bibliography, this section is quite thoroughly annotated. The second section is entitled “Studies of the Use of the Bible in Africa / Hermeneutics.” Works in this section elucidate various aspects of biblical interpretation in Africa, especially the relationship between culture and interpretation. The third section lists works on “Africa and Africans in the Bible.” Since this division of the bibliography deals with texts which have received extensive treatment from non- Africans, many more works could have been listed I have included only those publications written by Africans (including Africans of the ‘diaspora’) and any others who focus on the ‘Africanness’ of the texts in question. The section on “Exegetical and Thematic Studies” is the longest. It includes any essay or book which does not fit into another category of the bibliography and which has a biblical passage or theme as its primary focus. Section five lists works which focus on the special subject of “Bible Translation in Africa.” Sections six and seven list homiletical/devotional materials and educational materials respectively. Since many of these works are locally published these sections are probably the least comprehensive. It is important to note them here, however, since they give important evidence of the ways in which ordinary Africans understand and use the Bible. The final section is on “South African Exegesis.” The history Christianity in South Africa has given rise to particular issues and concerns and it was felt best to keep most of these South African materials in a separate section. This section is not hermetically sealed, however, and some works from South Africa can be found in other divisions of the bibliography. I would like to thank the many people who have helped me in what has become a decade long search for material. In Kenya, the Rev. Johan Beks, Mr. Alfred Wetindi, the Rev. Sammy Githuku, and the Rt. Rev. Eliud Wabukala, all at some point associated with St. Paul’s United Theological College, Limuru, Fr. Gerald Murphy of Hekima College, Nairobi, Dr. Laurent Naré of the Catholic Biblical Centre for Africa and Madagascar, Dr. Peter Renju, Dr. Leonidas Kalugila and Dr. G.A Mikre-Selassie of the United Bible Societies, Nairobi, all provided material and interesting leads. In Tanzania Mr. Wolfgang Apelt of the Lutheran Theological College, Makumira supplied many works which I was unable to locate elsewhere. In Nigeria, Pastor Clare Fuller and Principal M.F. Akangbe of the United Missionary Theological College, Ilorin, the Rev. Emmanuel Komolafe of Immanuel Theological College, Ibadan, Prof Samuel Obogunrin of the University of Ibadan, and Drs. Teresa Okure and Justin Ukpong of Port Harcourt were all very helpful and welcoming of this project. In southern Africa, Dr. Paul Bowers, Dr. Gerald West, Dr. Jonathan Draper all moved this project along in various ways. In Canada, encouragement and help came from Ms Cindy Derrenbacker, the Rev. Stephanie Douglas and Dr. Ian Ritchie. Many thanks to all. Abbreviations (with addresses of African publications) AACC All Africa Conference of Churches [P.O. Box 14205, Nairobi, Kenya] A-CCN Akrofi-Christaller Center News [P.O. Box 76, Akropong-Akuapem, Ghana] ACS African Christian Studies [The Journal of the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa (CHIEA), now the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), P.O. Box 24205, Nairobi, Kenya] AEAM The Association of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar [Nairobi, Kenya] AFER African Ecclesiastical Review (vol.1-20/2) African Ecclesial Review (vol.20/3-) [AMECEA Publications, P.O. Box 4002, Eldoret, Kenya] AfSt African Studies [Witwatersrand University Press, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa.] AJBS African Journal of Biblical Studies [The Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies, c/o Department of Religious Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria] AJET Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology (continuation of EAJET, renamed 9/1, 1990) [Scott Theological College, P.O. Box 49, Machakos, Kenya] AMECEA Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa [AMECEA Documentation Service, P.O. Box 21400, Nairobi, Kenya] ANITEPAM Bulletin ANITEPAM Bulletin: The Newsletter of the African Network of Institutions of Theological Education Training Anglicans for Ministry [212 East Capital Street, Washington, DC 20003, USA APECA Association Panafricaine des Exegetes Catholic = PACE ATIEA Association of Theological Institutions in Eastern Africa ATJ Africa Theological Journal [ALICE, P.O. Box 314, Arusha, Tanzania] BCT Bulletin for Contextual Theology in Southern Africa & Africa (continuation of Bibliography in Contextual Theology in Africa) [School of Theology, University of Natal at Pietermartizburg, Private Bag X01, Scottsville, 3209, South Africa] BCTA Bibliography in Contextual Theology in Africa (continued as Bulletin for Contextual Theology) Bible and Life A Daily Bible Reading Guide [published by the Catholic Institute of West Africa; begun in 1985, discontinued in 1988] Bible Bhashyam Bible Bhashyam: An Indian Biblical Quarterly [Kerala, India] B-PB Biblical-Pastoral Bulletin [Catholic Biblical Centre for Africa and Madagascar (BICAM), P.O. Box 24215, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya] BISAM Biblical Studies and Missiology Bodija Journal [Seminary of Ss. Peter and Paul, P.M.B. 517 Secretariat P.O., Ibadan, Nigeria] BookNotes Booknotes for Africa [P.O. Box 250100, Ndola, Zambia] BT The Bible Translator BTA Bulletin de Théologie Africaine/Bulletin of African Theology/Boletim de Teologia Africana BTS Bigard Theological Studies [Bigard Memorial Seminary, P.O. Box 327, Enugu, Nigeria] BET Bulletin of Ecumanical Theology [P.O. Box 9696, Enugu, Nigeria] CATHAN Catholic Theological Association of Nigeria CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly [Catholic Biblical Association of America] Challenge [P.O. Box 556, Johannesburg, South Africa] CHIEA Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa [Nairobi, Kenya] CIWA Catholic Institute of West Africa [Port Harcourt, Nigeria] CRA Cahiers des Religions Africaines [Faculte de Theologie Catholique de Kinshasa, P.O. Box 712, Kinshasa-Limete, Congo] CTB Cahiers de traduction bibliques [Alliance Biblique Francaise, France] CUEA Catholic University of Eastern Africa CV Communio Viatorum [Prague] EAJET East Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology [Scott Theological College, Machakos, Kenya; renamed AJET 9/1 (1990) AJET] ERT Evangelical Review of Theology [Exeter, UK] ETSI ETSI Journal: Journal of the Faculty of ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja [ECWA Theological Seminary, P.O. Box 20, Igbaja Via Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria] Exchange Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research [Utrecht, The Netherlands] FAT Foundations of African Theology [Department of Religious Studies, University of Jos, Nigeria] Flambeau Flambeau: Revue Theologique de l’Astheol [Faculté de Théologie Protestante de Yaoundé, B.P. 4011, Yaoundé, Cameroun] FTCK Faculté de Théologie Catholique de Kinshasa GBT Ghana Bulletin of Theology [discontinued] Hekima Review Hekima Review: Journal of Hekima College [The Jesuit School of Theology, Nairobi, P.O. Box 21215, Nairobi, Kenya] HTS Hervormde Teologiese Studies [Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, Posbus 5777, Pretoria 0001, South Africa] IBMR International Bulletin for Missionary Research IDS In Die Skriflig [(251), PU for CHO, Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa] In God’s Image In God’s Image: Journal of the Asian Women’s Resource Centre for Culture and Theology [Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia] IRM International Review of Missions [1912-1968] International Review of Mission [1969-] JACT Journal of African Christian Thought: Journal of the Akrofi- Christaller Memorial Centre for Mission Research and Applied Theology [P.O. Box 76, Akropong-Akuapem, Ghana] JARS Journal of Arabic and Religious Studies [The Department of Religions, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria] JATA Journal of Adventist Thought in Africa [P.O. Box 2500, Eldoret, Kenya] JBL Journal of Biblical Literature [Atlanta, USA] JBTSA Journal of Black Theology in South Africa [Department of Systematic Theology, University of South Africa, P.O. Box 392, Pretoria, 0001 Gauteng, South Africa] JCT Journal for Constructive Theology: [Centre for Constructive Theology, University of Durban-Westville, Private Bag X54001, Durban, 4000, South Africa.] JCT Journal for Constructive Theology: [Centre for Constructive Theology, University of Durban-Westville, Private Bag X54001, Durban, 4000, South Africa.] JIT Journal of Inculturation Theology [Faculty of Theology, Catholic Institute of West Africa, P.O. Box 499, Port Harcourt, Nigeria] JITC Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center [Atlanta, Georgia, USA] JNSL Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages [Department of Semitic Languages, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa] JOTT Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics [Summer Institute of Linguistics Bookstore, 7500 W.Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, Texas, 75236, U.S.A.] JORT The Journal of Religious Thought [Washington, D.C., USA] Jos Studies [St. Augustine’s Major uploads/Litterature/ lemarquand-a-bibliography-of-the-bible-in-africa-2-56945e64f3d18.pdf
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