VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide Mirage 5.6 This document supports the versi

VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide Mirage 5.6 This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. To check for more recent editions of this document, see http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs. EN-001973-00 VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide 2 VMware, Inc. You can find the most up-to-date technical documentation on the VMware Web site at: http://www.vmware.com/support/ The VMware Web site also provides the latest product updates. If you have comments about this documentation, submit your feedback to: docfeedback@vmware.com Copyright © 2015 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright and trademark information. VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304 www.vmware.com Contents Mirage Administration 9 1 Mirage System Components 11 2 Activating Endpoints 17 Centralizing Endpoints 17 Working with Upload Policies 19 Working with CVD Collections 23 Working with Archived CVDs 24 3 End User Operations 29 Access the Client Status 29 File-Level Restoration 29 Directory-Level Restore 30 Suspend and Reactivate Synchronization 31 4 Configuring the File Portal 33 Allow Access to CVD Files 33 Configure User CVD Mapping 34 Browse and View Files with the File Portal 34 Download Folders and Files from the File Portal 35 5 Protecting the Mirage File Portal 37 6 Configuring the Mirage System 41 Configure the System Settings 41 Managing Bandwidth Limitation Rules 41 License Settings 43 Import USMT Library and Settings 43 Authenticating the Mirage Gateway Server 44 Branch Reflector Settings 44 Configure File Portal Settings 44 Enable CVD Auto Creation 44 Configuring User Access to the File Portal 45 General System Settings 45 CVD Snapshot Generation and Retention 46 Configuring Secure Socket Layer Communication 47 7 VMware Mirage Customer Experience Improvement Program 49 Data Collected for the Customer Experience Improvement Program 49 Joining the Customer Experience Improvement Program 51 VMware, Inc. 3 Stop Sending Data to VMware 51 8 Introduction to Mirage PowerCLI 53 Using Mirage PowerCLI 54 Install the Mirage PowerCLI 54 Run vSphere PowerCLI and Mirage PowerCLI in a Single PowerShell Session 54 Mirage PowerCLI Cmdlets 55 Displaying Help for a Mirage PowerCLI cmdlet 55 Centralize Endpoints using Mirage PowerCLI 56 Migrate an Endpoint OS by Using the Mirage PowerCLI 58 Provision Pending Devices by Using the Mirage PowerCLI 61 Assign a Base Layer to a CVD Using the Mirage PowerCLI 64 Update App Layers Assigned to a CVD Using Mirage PowerCLI 66 9 Managing the Mirage Gateway Server 69 Configuring the Mirage Gateway Server 70 Update a Certificate for the Mirage Gateway Server Using a Command Line 71 Update a Certificate for the Mirage Gateway Server Using the Web Console 71 Register the Mirage Gateway Server Manually 71 Protecting the Mirage Gateway Server 71 Configuration Files for the Mirage Gateway Server 75 Using Log Files to Troubleshoot the Mirage Gateway Server 75 Remove the Mirage Gateway Server from the Mirage Management Console 77 Re-Register the Mirage Gateway Server When the Status is Down in the Mirage Management Console 77 10 Managing the Driver Library 79 Driver Library Architecture 79 Managing Driver Folders 80 Managing Driver Profiles 82 11 Deploying Multiple Storage Volumes 85 View Storage Volume Information 85 Storage Volume Parameters 86 Add Storage Volumes 86 Edit Storage Volume Information 87 Remove or Unmount Storage Volumes 87 Mount Storage Volumes 88 Block Storage Volumes 88 Unblock Storage Volumes 88 Maintain Storage Volumes 89 12 Managing Branch Reflectors 91 Branch Reflector Matching Process 91 Select Clients To Be Branch Reflectors 92 Enable Branch Reflectors 92 Configure Defaults for Branch Reflectors 93 Configure Specific Branch Reflector Values 93 VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide 4 VMware, Inc. Disable Branch Reflectors 94 Reject or Accept Peer Clients 94 Suspend or Resume Server Network Operations 95 Monitoring Branch Reflector Activity 95 13 Deploying Additional Mirage Servers 99 Using Multiple Servers 99 View Server Information 100 Mirage Servers Window Information 101 Add New Servers 101 Stop or Start the Server Service 101 Remove Servers 102 Integrating a Load Balancing Framework 102 14 Image Management Overview 105 Base Layers and App Layers 105 Layer Management Life Cycle 105 Hardware Considerations with Base Layers 107 Image Management Planning 107 15 Preparing a Reference Machine for Base Layer Capture 111 Set Up the Reference Machine 111 Reference Machine Data Considerations 112 Reference Machine Software and Settings 112 Recreate a Reference Machine from a Base Layer 113 16 Capturing Base Layers 115 Working with Base Layer Rules 115 Applying a Base Layer Override Policy 117 Capture Base Layers 119 Post-Base Layer Assignment or Provisioning Script 120 17 Capturing App Layers 123 App Layer Capture Steps Overview 123 Prepare a Reference Machine for App Layer Capture 124 Performing the App Layer Capture 125 What You Can Capture in an App Layer 128 Capturing OEM App Layers 129 Capture Multiple Layers on a Virtual Machine 130 Create a Post-App Layer Deployment Script 130 18 Assigning Base Layers 131 Detect Potential Effects of the Layer Change 131 Testing the Base Layer Before Distributing it to Endpoints 134 Assign a Base Layer to CVDs 135 Assign a Previous Layer Version 137 Monitor Layer Assignments 137 Correct Software Conflicts By Using a Transitional Base Layer 138 Contents VMware, Inc. 5 Fix Broken Layers on Endpoints (Enforce Layers) 138 Provisioning a Layer for an Endpoint 139 19 Assigning App Layers 141 Detect Potential Effects of the App Layer Change 141 Testing App Layers Before Distributing it to Endpoints 141 Assign an App Layer to CVDs 142 Monitor App Layer Assignments 143 20 Create a WinPE Image for Mirage 145 21 Installing the Windows Deployment Service 147 Install the Windows Deployment Service Using the Windows Server Manager. 147 Install the Windows Deployment Service by Using Microsoft PowerShell 148 22 Add the WinPE Boot Images to the Windows Deployment Service Server 149 23 Provision a Device with Mirage by Using a WinPE Image 151 24 Mirage Validations for Bare Metal Provisioning 153 25 Provisioning a Device by Using the Self-Service Provisioning Tool 155 Create a Mirage Layer Group Configuration File 155 Import Mirage Layer Groups 156 Export Mirage Layer Groups 156 Provision a Device by Using the Self-Service Provisioning Tool 156 26 Endpoint Disaster Recovery 159 Restore a Device to a CVD Snapshot 159 Restoring to a CVD After Hard Drive Replacement or Device Loss 160 Restoring Windows 8 Devices 163 Working with Bootable USB Drives 164 Reconnect a Device to a CVD 168 End User Experience with Restore Processes 168 27 Migrating Users to Different Hardware 171 Reassign a CVD to a Different Device 171 Perform a Mass Hardware Migration 173 28 Windows OS Migration 175 Performing a Windows OS In-Place Migration 176 Migrating to Windows OS Replacement Devices 179 Monitor the Windows OS Migration 180 Applying Windows OS Post-Migration Scripts 180 29 Monitoring System Status and Operations 181 Using the System Dashboard 181 VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide 6 VMware, Inc. Using Transaction Logs 183 30 Working with Reports for Mirage Operations 185 Layer Dry Run Reports 186 CVD Integrity Report 187 31 VMware Mirage Security Reference 189 Ports and Protocols Used by Mirage 189 Protecting Mirage Resources 191 Mirage Log Files 192 Mirage Accounts 193 32 Maintaining the Mirage System 195 Server and Management Server Operations 195 Upgrading from Previous Mirage Versions 197 33 Troubleshooting 201 CVD Events History Timeline 201 Problematic CVDs 201 Using Event and Other System Logs 202 Customize the Minimal Restore set 202 Generate System Reports 203 Generate System Reports Remotely 204 34 Advanced Administration Topics 207 Mirage and SCCM 207 Setting Up the SSL Certificate in Windows Server 208 Using Microsoft Office in a Layer 210 Managing Role-Based Access Control and Active Directory Groups 210 Macros in Upload Policy Rules 213 35 Managing View Desktops with VMware Mirage 217 Index 219 Contents VMware, Inc. 7 VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide 8 VMware, Inc. Mirage Administration The VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide provides information about how to deploy Mirage to your endpoints and configure the Mirage system. With Mirage, you can manage base layer and app layer images, desktop operations such as disaster recovery and hardware and operating system migrations, and monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting. Intended Audience This information is intended for the Mirage administrator. The information is written for experienced Windows system administrators who are familiar with typical Windows Data Center environments such as Active Directory, SQL, and MMC. VMware, Inc. 9 VMware Mirage Administrator's Guide 10 VMware, Inc. Mirage System Components 1 Mirage software centralizes the entire desktop contents in the data center for management and protection purposes, distributes the running of desktop workloads to the endpoints, and optimizes the transfer of data between them. The Mirage components integrate into a typical distributed infrastructure, with the following relationships between the system components: n Mirage clients connect to a Mirage server, either directly or through a load balancer. n The administrator connects to the system through the Mirage Management server. n Mirage servers and the Mirage Management server share access to the back end Mirage database and storage volumes. Any server can access any volume. VMware, Inc. 11 Figure 1‑1. System Components LAN LAN Remote Branch uploads/Litterature/ mirage-administrators-guide.pdf

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