Measurement and Chemical Modeling of Calcium Sulfate Solubilities in Concentrat

Measurement and Chemical Modeling of Calcium Sulfate Solubilities in Concentrated Chio ride Media by Zhibao Li Department of Mining, Metals and Materials Engineering Mc Gill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada June 2006 A Thesis submitted to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy © Zhibao Li, 2006 1+1 Library and Archives Canada Bibliothèque et Archives Canada Published Heritage Branch Direction du Patrimoine de l'édition 395 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada NOTICE: The author has granted a non- exclusive license allowing Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the Internet, loan, distribute and sell th es es worldwide, for commercial or non- commercial purposes, in microform, paper, electronic and/or any other formats. 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A self - consistent chemical model based on a single set of model parameters for aIl three CaS04 modifications was developed with the aid of OU Systems software platform. This was accompli shed via regression of experimental solubility data that led to the determination of new Bromley-Zemaitis model parameters for the Ca2 + - SO/- and Ca2 + - HS04- ion pairs. The model was successfully tested for the estimation of CaS04 solubilities in concentrated (up to 20 mol·kg-1) HCI-CaCh-H20 systems up to 373 K. In addition this newly developed OU- based chemical model was successfully applied to construct the CaS04 phase transition diagrams in the HCI-CaCh-H20 system. The effect of various chloride salts (NaCI, MgCh, FeCh, AICh and FeCh) on the solubility of CaS04 phases in aqueous HCI or HCI + CaCh solutions up to 353 Kwas further investigated by experiment and modeling. This led to the development of a truly global mode1 of CaS04 solubility in the H + Na + Ca + Mg + Al + Fe(H) + Cl + S04 + H20 system. The new model makes use of new Bromley - Zemaitis activity coefficient model parameters for many ion pairs consisting of cations (Na+, Mg2+, Fe2 +, and Ae+) and anions (S04-, HS04 -, and Al(S04h-), as weIl as new empirical dissociation constant parameters for the species, MgS04(aq), AISO/, and AI(S04)2-. The new model was shown to successfuIly predict the solubility of calcium sulfate phases in multi-component systems not used in model parameterization. 11 Resume La mesure et la modélisation chimique de la solubilité de CaS04 dans des solutions d'acide chlorhydrique de concentrations différentes ont été étudiées en détails. Les solubilités du sulfate de calcium dihydrate, semi- hydrate, et anhydrite dans l'acide chlorhydrique (concentrations pouvant aller jusqu'à 12, le CaCb (concentration maximum de 3.5 et leurs solutions mixes furent déterminées expérimentalement en utilisant la méthode classique de dissolution à température constante dans l'intervalle [283-353] K. Un modèle chimique auto-cohérent, basé sur un simple ensemble de paramètres de modélisation pour les trois différents types de CaS04 fut développé à l'aide du système de logiciel OU. Ce travail fut réalisé par la régression mathématique des données expérimentales de solubilités, ce qui a conduit à la détermination de nouveaux paramètres du modèle Bromley-Zemaitis pour les paires ioniques Ca2 + - SO/- et Ca2 + - HS04-. Le modèle fut testé avec succès sur l'estimation des solubilités de CaS04 dans les système concentrés (concentrations pouvant aller jusqu'à 20 ) HCI-CaCb-H20, jusqu'à 373 K. De plus, ce nouveau modèle chimique basé sur OU fut appliqué avec succès à la construction des diagrammes de transition de phases de CaS04 dans le system HCI-CaCb-H20. Les effets de divers sels chlorés (NaCl, MgCb, FeCb, AICh et FeCh) sur la solubilité des phases de CaS04 dans des solutions aqueuses HCI ou HCI + CaCb jusqu'à 353 K furent également étudiés en détails par mesures expérimentales et modélisations. Ceci déboucha sur le développement d'un véritable modèle global pour la solubilité de CaS04 dans le system [H + Na + Ca + Mg + Al + Fe (II) +CI + S04 + H20]. Ce nouveau modèle utilise de nouveaux paramètres pour le modèle des coefficients d'activité Bromley-Zemaitis pour plusieurs paires ioniques formées par les cations (Na +, Mg2+, Fe2 + et AI3+) et les anions (SO/-, HS04- et AI(S04hl Il utilise également de nouveaux paramètres empiriques pour les constantes de dissociations des espèces MgS04(aq), AISO/, et AI(S04h-. Ce nouveau modèle prédit avec succès la solubilité des différentes phases de sulfate de calcium dans des systèmes complexes, non utilisés dans le paramétrage des modèles. 111 Foreword As an alternative to the traditional thesis format, Mc Gill University offers the option to Ph.D. candidates to use manuscript-based thesis format. The dissertation can consist of a collection of papers of which the student is an author or co-author. This thesis has in fact been prepared accordingly following this option. This dissertation contains eight chapters, four of them (Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6) are papers already published in refereed journals. It should be clearly stated that due to the manuscript-based format, i.e., whole chapters to be copies of papers, sorne minor duplication has inevitably occurred. Thus the introduction and experimental details section in Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 are to sorne extent common and each chapter starts with an abstract, which is a standard feature of aIl published papers. Contributions of Authors AlI papers have been submitted for publication with the supervisor, Dr. G. P. Demopoulos, as a co-author. Nevertheless, aIl of the work has been done by the author of this thesis, with the exception of the normal supervision and advice given by the superviSOr. The papers that form sorne chapters of this thesis are as follows. Chapter 3: Li, Zhibao.; Demopoulos, G. P. Solubility of CaS04 Phases in Aqueous HCI + CaClz Solutions from 283 K to 353 K. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2005, 50, 1971. Chapter 4: Li, Zhibao; Demopoulos, G. P. Development of an Improved Chemical Model for the Estimation of CaS04 Solubilities in the HCI-CaClz-H20 System up to 100 oC. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2006,45,2914. Chapter 5: Li, Zhibao; Demopoulos, G. P. Model-Based Construction of Calcium Sulfate Phase Transition Diagrams in the HCI - CaCh - H20 System between 0 and 100 oC. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2006, ASAP Article, Web Release Date: 19-May-2006. iv Chapter 6: Li. Zhibao; Demopoulos. G. P. The Effeet of NaCl, MgCh, FeCh, FeCh and AlCh on Solubility of CaS04 Phases in Aqueous HCl or HCl + CaCh Solutions at 298 to 353 K. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2006, 51, 569. l hereby give copyright clearance for the inclusion of the above papers, of which l am a co-author, in the Ph.D. dissertation of Zhibao Li. Signed by:_ Date: JCÀ~ 1, rzoo 6 Dr. G. P. Demopoulos Department of Mining, Metals and Materials Engineering McGill University v Acknowledgements l would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. George P. Demopoulos, for his advice, encouragement, and intellectual generosity. l would also like to thank Jean-Fancois Le Berre for translating the abstract into French. The support of Hatch, Noranda, Process Research Ortech, and NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) is gratefully acknowledged. VI Contents Abstract .............................................................................................. .ii Resume ............................................. , .......... '" .................................. .iii Forward ............................................................................................. .iv Acknowledgements ................................................................. '" ........... vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background .............................................................................. 1 1.2 Measurement and Modelling of CaS04 Solubility ................................. 2 1.3 Scope of This Work ................................................................... 3 1.4 Organization of the Thesis ............................................................ uploads/Litterature/ nr27814.pdf

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