Accommodation guide 2016 2017

DBS ACCOMMODATION GUIDE Information and contact details of Student Accommodation in Dublin for the Academic Year CThis Accommodation Guide provides prospective and current DBS Students with information about The types of accommodation available in Dublin City Where to look for accommodation The Guide also provides other useful information on Guidelines for renting in Dublin City Tenant and Landlord Rights and Responsibilities This guide is developed by the Students Services Department The Student Services O ?cers are available to give advice and assist in any way they can It is important to also note that the selection of accommodation and terms of the agreement or contract are entirely a matter between the individual students and the external provider It is not advisable to agree to rent accommodation especially from private landlords until you arrive in Dublin and actually see what you are being o ?ered Therefore you may wish to book temporary accommodation in advance of your arrival Please see the ? Short-term Accommodation ? section of this guide for more information on hostels and hotels near the College Please note in relation to the DBS Accommodation Guide The DBS Accommodation Guide is aimed at putting students in contact with individuals bodies o ?ering accommodation As the College only inspects vets these properties or their owners advertisers each summer and in the absence of any legal or binding agreement between said owners advertisers and DBS the College cannot be held liable for any accommodation contacts contracts introductions and or arrangements arising from the use of this Guide However we welcome all feedback from students and prospective students CPlease read on to learn some practical tips and resources Top Tips for Your Dublin Accommodation Search Be realistic in your search Open your mind to areas outside of the city September and October are high demand periods each year for accommodation in Dublin so you may have to consider an area outside the city centre Dublin is a small county with many commuter towns that are well serviced by quality bus corridors and commuter rail lines Review maps of Dublin and cross reference them with Dublin Transport link maps to identify ? Plan B ? areas for your search Don ? t be passive in your search If you have a smartphone download the daft ie app and set up email alerts so that you are noti ?ed about new lettings and properties that come on stream daily Be sure that you have an Irish phone number so that you are easily contactable A phone call is more e ?ective than an email SIM cards are available in most phone retail stores in the city centre Set up alerts via email on databases and check them daily so that you can stay ahead of the crowd Stay positive and exhaust all avenues A little bit of luck and a lot of hard work will get you the right accommodation at the right price Advertise yourself as a potential roommate on o ine noticeboards

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  • Publié le Nov 06, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 61.2kB