PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOPMENT DIALOGUES GUIDE FOR EMPLOYEES AND MANAGERS The performance and development dialogue is an opportunity to get feedback, direction and opportunities to grow in your career at AFRY. Take the time to talk about strengths, aspirations and development needs, and set goals for the coming period. BEFORE THE MEETING EMPLOYEE MANAGER Look back – reflect upon achievements Look back – reflect upon achievements Look forward – think about next steps Look forward – think about next steps • What have I achieved during the past year? Have set goals been achieved? Additional key results to capture and highlight? • In what way have I demonstrated AFRY values in my work? • What am I most proud of? What have been my biggest challenges? • What has been the most powerful learning experience during the year? What could I have done differently? • What feedback have I received during the year? From my manager? From other colleagues, or customers? • Go through previous dialogues. Do you know what the employee has achieved and how? • Review goal achievements and any additional results to highlight. What have been the biggest achievements? Are there any challenges or improvement areas? • How has the employee demonstrated AFRY values in the daily work? What to start, stop, continue? • Have you collected relevant feedback from others during the year? If not, agree with the employee on whom to ask feedback. • Am I satisfied with the responsibilities I have at the moment ? • What are my key skills and strengths and how can I use them even more? • What would help me to be even more successful in my current role? What are my development needs? • What is my aspiration? Where do I see myself next? Why? When? What would I need to learn to be ready for such a role? • What key skills and strengths does the employee possess in your view? Is there room to grow in the current role? What are the development needs? How can the employee play to their strengths even more? • What would you see as the most natural next steps? Why? When? • How can you use your knowledge about business needs and opportunities to coach and support the employee? DURING THE MEETING • Di scuss what has been achi eved and how, based on your pr epar ati ons • I denti fy str engths, aspi r ati ons and developm ent needs EMPLOYEE AND MANAGER TOGETHER AFTER THE MEETING • Take acti ons based on agr eed tar gets CONDUCTING VIRTUAL DIALOGUES We are still in uncertain times due to Covid-19 and many of us work remotely. Here are 4 tips to make the most out of the dialogue if it is not possible to meet in person: 1. Prepare well in advance and document your preparations 2. Connect via video call – make sure your camera and connection are working 3. Be present - listen and pay close attention to the other person 4. Decide on actions together and decide on an appropriate timeframe to follow up uploads/Litterature/ quick-guide.pdf

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