Overview: Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10 (Platinum Difficulty Rating) Offlin
Overview: Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10 (Platinum Difficulty Rating) Offline: 51 (1 , 1 , 14 , 35 ) Online: 0 Approximate amount of time to : 100+ hours (Estimated Time to Platinum) Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 Number of missable trophies: Oblivion Walker, War Hero (potentially, see the trophy for more info), With Friends Like These..., Bound Until Death, Hail Sithis! Glitched trophies: None Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheats available. Do trophies stack? They sure do. The PS4 remaster is an additional trophy list. PS4 Note: Using mods on the PS4 remaster will disable trophies. Introduction/Walkthrough: Welcome to Skyrim, the biggest RPG of the year and one of the most rewarding experiences you're ever likely to have on consoles. Let’s get started! You want a Platinum Trophy from this game, huh? Prepare yourself for a long and arduous ride. It's not a hard trophy list in any way, shape or form but there are a few trophies that could take you anywhere in the region of 150-200 hours – namely the level 50 trophy. Everything else will come along the way if you do all the main questlines and visit a ton of places. So, you want two Platinum Trophies? Well aren't you in luck because there is an additional trophy list for the PS4 version. If you want to run this marathon again, have at it because you can!! Where do I start? The truth is, you can start wherever the hell you want. If you want to start by doing the main questline, go ahead. If you want to start by doing the Thieves Guild, carry on. What I would say though is that when you’re working through the game and whatever else you do around Skyrim, keep one eye on a few of the cumulative trophies (like collecting 100,000 gold, reading 50 skill books and picking 50 pockets & 50 locks), other than that, just do what you want and consult this guide when you need more guidance on how and when to do something. Oh and remember to persuade, bribe, and intimidate someone whilst in game… theoretically, if you do hundreds of quests, only sticking to one, you could miss this. Supremely unlikely, but true. NOTE: Now, I’m not sure what happens if you kill a major questline giver, like the leader of the Thieves Guild or the leader of the Dark Brotherhood or even if you can, so try not to. The Radiant Storytelling system should offer new quest givers, but we didn't find ourselves in that position. What about those missable trophies? Oblivion Walker, for getting 15 Daedric artefacts is the only one missable, which we discovered after extensive testing. This is basically because in these 16 quests you need to obtain the artefact in 15 of them, and some of them you can come away without it. So take heed and keep an eye on these artefacts - anything that involves a shrine or some other-worldly spirit of power, take heed. There are only a handful of those that result in no Daedric artefact, but you only need to get 2 wrong and you're out of luck. Additionally see the War Hero trophy for information on it being potentially missable. 4/4/2013 Update: Because of recent patches, the issue with The One With Shadows has been fixed and is no longer missable. Thanks to Xortin for the heads up. The Dark Brotherhood trophies are potentially missable if you kill Astrid in the cabin and choose to "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood." Platinum Trophy Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy Main Questline Trophies Unbound Complete 'Unbound' complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: Unbound. Bleak Falls Barrow Complete 'Bleak Falls Barrow' complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: Before the Storm. Bleak Falls Barrow. The Way of the Voice Complete 'The Way of the Voice' Complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: Dragon Rising. The Way of the Voice. Diplomatic Immunity Complete 'Diplomatic Immunity' Complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: A Blade in the Dark. The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Diplomatic Immunity. Alduin's Wall Complete 'Alduin's Wall' Complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: A Cornered Rat. Alduin’s Wall. Elder Knowledge Complete 'Elder Knowledge' Complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: The Throat of the World. Elder Knowledge. The Fallen Complete 'The Fallen' Complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: Alduin’s Bane. Season Unending. The Fallen. Dragonslayer Complete 'Dragonslayer' Complete the following main story quests to unlock this quest and then complete it to unlock the trophy: The World-Eater’s Eyrie. Sovngarde. Dragonslayer. Completion Trophies Delver Clear 50 dungeons What is a dungeon? That’s the first question. A dungeon might not necessarily be a dungeon in the classical sense, for instance, a clearing in the woods that is overrun by beasties and evil spirits might be classed as a dungeon. So whether you’re talking about a cottage full of evil spirits, a clearing, a fort, a proper dungeon and so on, as long as it’s its own separate icon on the map, with a few exceptions of course (monuments, major cities (and places within the cities), etc.) you should be able to “clear” it. But wait, how do you clear it? Well, you basically go in and kill everything in there and grab every unique weapon/item/armour piece that’s found in there. In fact, we think killing stuff is enough actually. It’s that easy. The best thing is, if you bring up the menu, go to map, you’ll be able to see areas you’ve cleared with a “cleared” tag next to it. You’ll get this one as you work through the rest of the trophies, guaranteed. If you want to check your progress, there's a stat in the stats area too. Sideways Complete 10 side quests What is a side-quest? Well, that’s a trickier question that it sounds… a side quest in Skyrim is a quest that is big enough that it’s not classed as a “Miscellaneous Objective,” a quest that isn’t a questline quest (i.e. main quest, guild quest and the civil war quests) or one of the many Daedric quests. It’s tougher than it sounds in all honesty and tricky to work out. Out of 86 quests (at last check), only 12 of those were side missions. As long as it doesn’t fall under the three points above though and is fairly substantial (they’re not short missions!), then it should register as a side-mission. The following are the side quests that you can find and where you can initiate the quest: Ancestral Worship - Golldir outside of Hillgrund's Tomb. Coral Dragon Claw - Birna at Birna's Oddments in Winterhold. Delayed Burial - Cicero or Vantus Loreius at Loreius Farm. Forbidden Legend - Read "Lost Legends", find the Gauldur Amulet fragment in Saarthal during "First Lesson", finding a "Writ of Sealing", or Daynas Valen's journal. In My Time of Need - Alik'r warriors in or near Whiterun. J'Zargo's Experiment - J'Zargo in the College of Winterhold. Laid to Rest - Jarl of Morthal. Lights Out! - Jaree-Ra in Solitude. Missing in Action - Avulstein Gray-Mane in Whiterun. No One Escapes Cidhna Mine - Part two of The Forsworn Conspiracy. No Stone Unturned - Find a Stone of Barenziah (Called an unusual gem when you first find one. Kodlak at Jorrvaskr in Whiterun has one in his room.) and bring it to Vex in the The Ragged Flagon in Riften. Onmund's Request - Onmund in the College of Winterhold. Promises to Keep - Louis Letrush at the Bee and Barb in Riften. Rise in the East - Orthas Endario at the East Empire Company. Rising at Dawn - Valga Vincia at the Dead Man's Drink in Falkreath. Shalidor's Insight - Ura gro-Shub at the College of Winterhold. Tending the Flames - Viarmo at the Bard's College in Solitude. The Blessing of Nature - Danica Pure-Spring in Whiterun. The Forsworn Conspiracy - Witness a murder in Markarth. The Golden Claw - Lucan Valerius at the Riverwood Trader in Riverwood. The Legend of Red Eagle - Reading The Legend of Red Eagle book. Easiest location to find is near Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach. The Man Who Cried Wolf - Falk Firebeard at the Blue Palace in Solitude. The Pale Lady - Travel to Frostmere Crypt. uploads/Litterature/ skyrim-trophy-guide 1 .pdf
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